Am l small?


New member
I just learned how to measure penis and read that average is 5.1 inches bone pressed which i dont believe. My bone pressed is 6.8 inches and girth 5.1 inches, non bone pressed 5.1 inches. I have a hard feeling that l am small. Everybody seem to have nbp 7-8 inches. My goal is to reach non bone pressed 6.3 inches which can be achievable i think, would l be big then? or maybe 6.4 inches nbp? How much can l gain in nbp if i lose enough of pubic fat?
I just learned how to measure penis and read that average is 5.1 inches bone pressed which i dont believe. My bone pressed is 6.8 inches and girth 5.1 inches, non bone pressed 5.1 inches. I have a hard feeling that l am small. Everybody seem to have nbp 7-8 inches. My goal is to reach non bone pressed 6.3 inches which can be achievable i think, would l be big then? or maybe 6.4 inches nbp? How much can l gain in nbp if i lose enough of pubic fat?
Welcome brother. With that measurement, you are far above the average. You are at the upper end of the average and entering the larger side of the spectrum.

Depending on how much fat pad you have, every 0.5in fat loss is 0.4in gain on extension based on how hard the fat really is. If you already pressed hard and the ruler is pushing against your pubic bone even with the fat pad, you probably still have 0.1 or 0.2in worth of hidden penile extension.
Welcome brother. With that measurement, you are far above the average. You are at the upper end of the average and entering the larger side of the spectrum.

Depending on how much fat pad you have, every 0.5in fat loss is 0.4in gain on extension based on how hard the fat really is. If you already pressed hard and the ruler is pushing against your pubic bone even with the fat pad, you probably still have 0.1 or 0.2in worth of hidden penile extension.
i am not big, i am only 5.1 nbp, when can l be big nbp according to you? i mean how much do you think l can gain at for example 12 percent body fat which is my goal to reach, if my bp is 6.8 inches?
i am not big, i am only 5.1 nbp, when can l be big nbp according to you? i mean how much do you think l can gain at for example 12 percent body fat which is my goal to reach, if my bp is 6.8 inches?
Not sure what worldwide scale you are comparing yourself to. I started out at around 5in BPEL and barely at 4.2in EG. That, my brother, is average. Average for not only worldwide standards, but also average for my ethnicity. You can pull up all the medical charts and men's health for the past 4 decades, average penises average out at the low 4.75in length and the upper average of 6in for the modern days. Girth wise, it can be in the lower 3.25in to the upper average of 4.25.

If you compare yourself to the size queens' chart, then yes, we are all tiny.

At 12% body fat, where medically, you should be around 15% for healthy body wise, and since I don't know your current fat %, all I can guestimate for revealing of the extension is (current body fat - 12%) x 0.1 = estimate extension.

The 0.1 coefficient factor is the average value of fat pad hidding the extension. However, that coefficient can be argued to be 0.02 to as much as 0.15.
NBPEL low average is 4.25in for average 15% male with little to no fat pad. Taking into account tissues surround the pubic region, also factoring in possible bloating and full bladder, there may be swollen or swelling of the pubic tissues. NBPEL upper average will be around 5.5in.

If you factor a 1in reduction, your fat pad may consider you with possible the 23% in body fat content, with bloating and swelling added.

Any thing in the NBPEL going past 5.5in is conside as passing average and into long. Big is discussed as girth size, not length.

Overalls, it's the perception of each individual. The adult entertainment industry, a male considered as small or average by the larger counterparts can make a females succumb to intense pleasures, while the so larger to extreme size only cause pains. It's a weigh in of both size and techniques to make the ladies quiver in their panties, without the pains, and inducing pleasures based on their comfort sizes.

My lovely wife likes her 6in girth, and nothing past 6.3in. She was already bottomed out at 6.5in length, but at times, she likes to push the glans past her tolerance during cowgirl session to feel that extra challenges of pleasurable pain. Most of the time, she prefers the fullness over the bottom out.
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Average size is around 5 to 5.5 bone pressed and girth is 4.75