hey guys... we all know that keeping the penis extended will speed up the process of lengthening. we also know that we could be using valuable time stretching passively while we sleep. this is the reason for me looking into different ideas and trying this one.
my experience
i've had issues in the past with using the ss2 as an ANS. I've tried to use the silisleeve5 to silipro and I've had issues that prevented me from using it successfully. the issues ranged from blisters to pinching to digging into the skin, etc... i just could not figure out a proper way to use it while sleeping, so i kind of gave up trying to use it as an ANS. then one night as i was leaving my restroom, i looked at something then had an "ah-ha" moment, which gave birth to an idea for another experiment. so, what was it that gave me the idea? it is none other than...
a silicap2
yes, a 2" piece of the silicap2 is what i've been using the past 3 weeks. my restroom counter is littered with cut pieces of different types of sleeves. if someone saw my restroom, they would probably think, "wtf is this shit?" LOL well, as i was leaving my restroom, i saw a 2" piece of a silicap2 and then i saw a light shine down on it with a choir holding a long, harmonic note in the background. then a voice in my head says, "stretches 4x its size". i have used the silipro, which is also very stretchable, and had better results than with the silisleeve5. however, even with the softness and stretchiness of the silipro, it was still causing discomfort after having it on for a long time. this is where the silicap2 comes in...
the silicap2 is "grippy", but the thing that stands out is the thickness, or lack thereof... i believe the silicap2 is more comfortable for ANS because it's not as thick as the silipro and stretches easier when having night time erections. also, the silicap2 is not as thick, so it doesn't put as much pressure on the skin. i still have pinching, only my circ scar when it gets pulled up, but it's not as bad as the silipro.
now, i have had ups and downs using the silicap2, but i am more consistent with ANS than the other sleeves. also, with the silicap2, i will experience discomfort, but almost when it's time for me to wake up. the issues that i've had with the silicap2 is it tearing. i've torn two 2" pieces of the silicap2 and two durobands during this time. currently, i am not using a duroband, but i am covering the silicap2 at the lip of the bell with a nylon wrapping. i have not torn a silicap2 for about 4 days, so i guess it's working out for now. i have a 4" silicap2 and an 8" silicap2. why so many? it's because i had ideas on how i would use them, but it did not work out, so they were just sitting around
week 1
- i don't even count this week
. i wasn't used to wearing a device attached to my penis at bedtime, so it was hard for me to fall asleep. i had to take it off to fall asleep.
week 2
- in week 2, i started getting more comfortable with it attached to my penis, so eventually, i was falling asleep then waking up about an hour or a couple of hours later, just to take it off. as the days went on, i was keeping it on longer.
- i tried to use the silicap2 without support, but one night it tore. i thought it is very stretchable but maybe it can't stay stretched over the bell, so i put a duroband on top of the silicap2 on the lip of the bell. this worked until a couple of days later, the duroband tore. the duroband was stretched from prior use, so i used a new duroband. this worked for a couple of days, but one night, both the silicap2 and duroband tore. i tried to think of why the sleeves were tearing and came to the conclusion that it was me rolling over and moving around while i slept causing the tears ( it was rubbing against my bed or blanket ). my conclusion was to use a nylon wrapping. for now, i do not use a duroband and just cover the silicap2 at the lip of the bell for protection and support. in 4 days, i have not had a tear.
- week 2 was also frustrating in respect of the silicap2 slipping. some nights, it slipped off while i was sleeping and some nights, it slipped within 5 minutes. every night i clean the silicap2 inside and out with 91% isopropyl alcohol and, also, clean my shaft with it. to this day, i am unsure what may be the cause of this.
week 3
- this week was much better in terms of sleeping with it on until i woke up. my record so far is 4 days, without it slipping, from lying down to waking up.
- i still have issues of it slipping when i first put it on. i used to give up at the first slip and take it off for the rest of the night, but, being kind of stubborn, i kept trying to put it on. after about 2 or 3 tries, it decides to stay on... go figure...
- staying passively extended during sleep
- feels good to experience tugback. it lets you know that the penis is being stretched good
- it will still slip. you just have to dig deep and keep going. remember, i spent 3 weeks until i started to get the hang of it. even now, on most nights, i have to start over a few times because it'll slip
- be prepared to have tears in the silicap2. it's nice and flexible, but it's not meant to be used like this. the original intent of the silicap2 is to prevent fluid retention on the glans
- speaking of fluid retention... i get fluid retention and have a gray looking color on my glans when i wake up. it goes away after my shower, though
- make sure that you're conditioned to prevent blisters. although, there is no turning the vacuum knob, there will be a little bit of vacuum when you strap into the ss2
- not really a con, but there will be lots of moisture inside the bell after waking up. i actually remove the silipad to dry it top and bottom. there were times when i saw water droplets inside the bell. this is just from heat being trapped. i guess i listed this a "con" because i had the thought of "what if mold start growing on my glans" hahaha (xd)
my technique
it's rather simple. i use a 2" piece of the silicap2 and put a nylon wrapping over the silicap2 on the lip of the bell. i align the top of the silicap2 to the top of the bottom letters on the sticker.
- quick head's up: the glans will seem like it's falling out of the bell, which it actually is. i like this due to the fact that when i get erections now, the glans doesn't touch the lip of the bell, so there is no discomfort on the glans. when i tried to use the silisleeve, i would wake up from discomfort of the glans that was in contact with the lip of the bell
- when you lie down, squeeze the top and bottom of the silicap2 on the shaft at the same time. i think this helps it "bond" or helps it stick better to the shaft
- it's important the shaft is free of oil and debris, also, the inside of the silicap2. i use 91% isopropyl alcohol to clean both my shaft and the silicap2
- on the bottle of the 91% isopropyl alcohol, it says "do not use more than 1 week". i have been using it every day for about 3 months and i don't seem to have issues. however, use at your own risk
*tip - when attaching the silicap2 to the bell, you will sometimes notice a space in between the top of the silicap2 to the lip of the bell. lift the bottom of the silicap2, pull towards the vacuum knob, then lower the silicap2 like you're "layering" it. more often than not, it will remove the space and the silicap2 will be in better contact with the bell. although, it's a small space, doing it this way will help give a tighter grip because there is more contact with the silicap2 and the bell. i hope that i explained myself well.
my opinion
i really like the way things are shaping up using the silicap2 for ANS and i will continue to use the silicap2 nightly. the first couple of weeks were frustrating but i hung in there and it seems like it's finally coming around. i was confident with this idea and wanted to see it to the end, hence, my determination. there are the little quirks that make it annoying, but i am willing to make the adjustments for faster gains.
feel free to ask any questions
update: 03/12
- added pics, added fluid retention to "cons" section, added tip to technique section, format and grammar
- addendum
* pic 1 is a 2" piece of the silicap2. as you can see, there is a groove at the top, which i like because it helps with placing it consistently in the same place
* pic 2 is the silicap2 on the bell. as you can see, the top of the silicap2 is aligned on top of the letters in the bottom row. it is as even as i can get it going around the bell
* pic 3 is with the nylon wrapping over the silicap2 on the bell. this helps protect and support the silicap2 from tearing. so far, so good...
View attachment 1828657View attachment 1828658View attachment 1828659
my experience
i've had issues in the past with using the ss2 as an ANS. I've tried to use the silisleeve5 to silipro and I've had issues that prevented me from using it successfully. the issues ranged from blisters to pinching to digging into the skin, etc... i just could not figure out a proper way to use it while sleeping, so i kind of gave up trying to use it as an ANS. then one night as i was leaving my restroom, i looked at something then had an "ah-ha" moment, which gave birth to an idea for another experiment. so, what was it that gave me the idea? it is none other than...
a silicap2
yes, a 2" piece of the silicap2 is what i've been using the past 3 weeks. my restroom counter is littered with cut pieces of different types of sleeves. if someone saw my restroom, they would probably think, "wtf is this shit?" LOL well, as i was leaving my restroom, i saw a 2" piece of a silicap2 and then i saw a light shine down on it with a choir holding a long, harmonic note in the background. then a voice in my head says, "stretches 4x its size". i have used the silipro, which is also very stretchable, and had better results than with the silisleeve5. however, even with the softness and stretchiness of the silipro, it was still causing discomfort after having it on for a long time. this is where the silicap2 comes in...
the silicap2 is "grippy", but the thing that stands out is the thickness, or lack thereof... i believe the silicap2 is more comfortable for ANS because it's not as thick as the silipro and stretches easier when having night time erections. also, the silicap2 is not as thick, so it doesn't put as much pressure on the skin. i still have pinching, only my circ scar when it gets pulled up, but it's not as bad as the silipro.
now, i have had ups and downs using the silicap2, but i am more consistent with ANS than the other sleeves. also, with the silicap2, i will experience discomfort, but almost when it's time for me to wake up. the issues that i've had with the silicap2 is it tearing. i've torn two 2" pieces of the silicap2 and two durobands during this time. currently, i am not using a duroband, but i am covering the silicap2 at the lip of the bell with a nylon wrapping. i have not torn a silicap2 for about 4 days, so i guess it's working out for now. i have a 4" silicap2 and an 8" silicap2. why so many? it's because i had ideas on how i would use them, but it did not work out, so they were just sitting around
week 1
- i don't even count this week

week 2
- in week 2, i started getting more comfortable with it attached to my penis, so eventually, i was falling asleep then waking up about an hour or a couple of hours later, just to take it off. as the days went on, i was keeping it on longer.
- i tried to use the silicap2 without support, but one night it tore. i thought it is very stretchable but maybe it can't stay stretched over the bell, so i put a duroband on top of the silicap2 on the lip of the bell. this worked until a couple of days later, the duroband tore. the duroband was stretched from prior use, so i used a new duroband. this worked for a couple of days, but one night, both the silicap2 and duroband tore. i tried to think of why the sleeves were tearing and came to the conclusion that it was me rolling over and moving around while i slept causing the tears ( it was rubbing against my bed or blanket ). my conclusion was to use a nylon wrapping. for now, i do not use a duroband and just cover the silicap2 at the lip of the bell for protection and support. in 4 days, i have not had a tear.
- week 2 was also frustrating in respect of the silicap2 slipping. some nights, it slipped off while i was sleeping and some nights, it slipped within 5 minutes. every night i clean the silicap2 inside and out with 91% isopropyl alcohol and, also, clean my shaft with it. to this day, i am unsure what may be the cause of this.
week 3
- this week was much better in terms of sleeping with it on until i woke up. my record so far is 4 days, without it slipping, from lying down to waking up.
- i still have issues of it slipping when i first put it on. i used to give up at the first slip and take it off for the rest of the night, but, being kind of stubborn, i kept trying to put it on. after about 2 or 3 tries, it decides to stay on... go figure...
- staying passively extended during sleep
- feels good to experience tugback. it lets you know that the penis is being stretched good
- it will still slip. you just have to dig deep and keep going. remember, i spent 3 weeks until i started to get the hang of it. even now, on most nights, i have to start over a few times because it'll slip
- be prepared to have tears in the silicap2. it's nice and flexible, but it's not meant to be used like this. the original intent of the silicap2 is to prevent fluid retention on the glans
- speaking of fluid retention... i get fluid retention and have a gray looking color on my glans when i wake up. it goes away after my shower, though
- make sure that you're conditioned to prevent blisters. although, there is no turning the vacuum knob, there will be a little bit of vacuum when you strap into the ss2
- not really a con, but there will be lots of moisture inside the bell after waking up. i actually remove the silipad to dry it top and bottom. there were times when i saw water droplets inside the bell. this is just from heat being trapped. i guess i listed this a "con" because i had the thought of "what if mold start growing on my glans" hahaha (xd)
my technique
it's rather simple. i use a 2" piece of the silicap2 and put a nylon wrapping over the silicap2 on the lip of the bell. i align the top of the silicap2 to the top of the bottom letters on the sticker.
- quick head's up: the glans will seem like it's falling out of the bell, which it actually is. i like this due to the fact that when i get erections now, the glans doesn't touch the lip of the bell, so there is no discomfort on the glans. when i tried to use the silisleeve, i would wake up from discomfort of the glans that was in contact with the lip of the bell
- when you lie down, squeeze the top and bottom of the silicap2 on the shaft at the same time. i think this helps it "bond" or helps it stick better to the shaft
- it's important the shaft is free of oil and debris, also, the inside of the silicap2. i use 91% isopropyl alcohol to clean both my shaft and the silicap2
- on the bottle of the 91% isopropyl alcohol, it says "do not use more than 1 week". i have been using it every day for about 3 months and i don't seem to have issues. however, use at your own risk
*tip - when attaching the silicap2 to the bell, you will sometimes notice a space in between the top of the silicap2 to the lip of the bell. lift the bottom of the silicap2, pull towards the vacuum knob, then lower the silicap2 like you're "layering" it. more often than not, it will remove the space and the silicap2 will be in better contact with the bell. although, it's a small space, doing it this way will help give a tighter grip because there is more contact with the silicap2 and the bell. i hope that i explained myself well.
my opinion
i really like the way things are shaping up using the silicap2 for ANS and i will continue to use the silicap2 nightly. the first couple of weeks were frustrating but i hung in there and it seems like it's finally coming around. i was confident with this idea and wanted to see it to the end, hence, my determination. there are the little quirks that make it annoying, but i am willing to make the adjustments for faster gains.
feel free to ask any questions
update: 03/12
- added pics, added fluid retention to "cons" section, added tip to technique section, format and grammar
- addendum
* pic 1 is a 2" piece of the silicap2. as you can see, there is a groove at the top, which i like because it helps with placing it consistently in the same place
* pic 2 is the silicap2 on the bell. as you can see, the top of the silicap2 is aligned on top of the letters in the bottom row. it is as even as i can get it going around the bell
* pic 3 is with the nylon wrapping over the silicap2 on the bell. this helps protect and support the silicap2 from tearing. so far, so good...
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