Finally, MOS carries our own sleeves! A long time in the making but ready non the less. Click link below to order or read more.
Our silicone sleeves are incredibly durable and made to last use after use as a replacement Phallosanfortecondom that secures the Phallosans bell to your penis. These sleeves are also used by many of our members as economy all-day-stretcher (ADS ) by keeping your penis safely and comfortably stretched throughout the day to gain flaccid penis
Our silicone sleeves are incredibly durable and made to last use after use as a replacement Phallosanfortecondom that secures the Phallosans bell to your penis. These sleeves are also used by many of our members as economy all-day-stretcher (ADS ) by keeping your penis safely and comfortably stretched throughout the day to gain flaccid penis