5x5x3 progression

So whats the progression for girth program? Increase the sets or the time?
Both. Increase of sets in terms of strategic possible and negative pressures. This is where you need to observe on your penile growth and use what's best for its growth. An example: 5x5x3 to start over a certain amount of time, commonly a month. You can inter-switch between pump first, or SSJ first to see which works best. During this period, you increase the negative pressure on the pump slowly, and increase the SSJ positive pressure from light to moderate.

Over time, you see more dramatic increase using SSJ rather than the pump, you modify the sets to be 10 minutes SSJ, 3 minutes pumping or the other way around. Normally, you don't need more than 5 minutes of pumping any given time. Why? It doesn't take that much negative pressure to pull in enough blood to maximize your expansion. What truly maximize your expansion is the positive pressure performed by SSJ. You only need that pumping to bring the expansion one level higher so the SSJ can do its work.

Time is about modifying the time for the combo of pumping and SSJ. Commonly, we fall on more of the SSJ side than pumping. But the overall time will also increase as the sets needed to be expanded. At times, I use 3 minutes pump, 10 minutes SSJ, and expand it up to 10 sets. Other times, I reduce 4 minutes pump, 5 minutes SSJ, and 3 sets. You need to monitor what best fits your growth need based on your entire routine.