+2" length and +2" grith,,,3 months


Double Long Daddy, The Guru
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As some may know I have been gone for a year but that has not stopped my growth and the way I go about it. First and foremost gaining size is all about internal access to the penis. we have been going after external penis for years now and in my opinion this is the slowest possible way to gain. Although external stretching does have its benefits but it should not be dependent upon that alone. If you trace your penis from the base into the body you’ll notice inches of untapped penis. I started this routine about 10 months ago and I have gained 2 inches in length and a full inch in girth. I took a short break before I started this routine and I settled into about 9 1/2“ x 6 1/2“ today I am 11“ x 7 1/2“. 90% of this came from internal penis. The question is how to access this penis and develop it to become external penis. There are many ways but I will only go over what I have found to be the best.
Before I take pictures of 9/11 --> soon and video so it’s very clear to what I’m doing so there is no mistakes. Basically most of this exercise routine is manual there is some equipment I used to make it happen including the SiliStretcher, the LengthMaster, sleeves and a homemade device the allows external expression throughout the day. This routine also concentrates on losing as much fat from the fat pad as possible and I have an exercise allah routine that’s very quick and effective in doing this. I would love to know who is interested so I can make you suck under my belt and guide you through this new sucking routine. SRT is still the best possible way to make growth but now with this new SRT routine coming out people should see even better growth. I suggest you continue on the SRT routine as it is written for now until I make this routine available. I’m very excited about this because I never thought I could make any more growth but once I discovered this new technique or should I say techniques I saw an explosion in growth in a very short time. So please let me know if you’re interested and I am currently working on getting all of the illustrations and art ready so you can see exactly how things are done . Thanks for reading and I look forward to working with you DLD
First it should be noted that with all of the internal penis we have we have so much potential that goes untapped when we stick with traditional exercise. Traditional exercise only affects the outside of the penis. In order to gain access to the internal penis we need to think about going deeper into the tissue to reach the very base which is just outside of your sphincter. Accessing this means using the right techniques and tools to do so so is a first addition to this exercise and for those who use the LengthMaster we want to get his deep into the tissue as possible by using the ring of the LengthMaster. So taking your LengthMaster and putting your penis through the rain ring while using good pressure to expose as much penis as possible is very important. Once the penis is exposed you can keep one hand on the ring of your LengthMaster while using your free hand to stretch that internal penis as far into the root as possible. This may feel awkward at first and you will need to get used to that. The feeling is an aching at the very base of your penis you will also feel some pressure against your testicles so be sure to keep your testicles as far away from the root of your penis. Once you’ve established this you can go on to stretch all exposed penis. In no time you will see immediate flaccid growth with erect growth to come next. Within one month you should be able to gain up to an inch of new penis via the internal penis.

please try this exercise and let me know what you think. If you need any more explanation or help please simply ask me as I am now back on the board every day. I have no doubt that you will exponentially speed the growth of your penis by using these new methods. I have spent time in the past on internal Heynis but this new routine will be exclusively concentrating on internal penis. Any external exercise will rely on the SiliStretcher or any other extender you have access to. As I stated in the past I will be making a cock sucking video showing each of these exercises so there will be no mistakes on what you’re doing but even then if you need help please do not hesitate to ask. The reason we are using an extender is to keep ourselves elongated in the proper position so all internal structures brought outside can heal as fast as possible. You can also use a sleeve to do the same thing with much less intensity but it’s better than nothing as healing will be just as important as gaining.
so these are just manual stretches correct?

no this routine will feature both manual and equipment usage. The most important part of both of these is it doing them correctly and targeting the tissue necessary to cause exponential growth. This is only one of the exercises from the routine and I wanted to put this out so people could get started on targeting this tissue the remainder of the routine will come over the next two weeks I’m waiting on the video to be corrected on the forum so I can post. In the meantime try messing with this initial exercise and you should see some pretty good growth from that alone
You’re saying pull from the base when the ring is sunk on the penis and stretch outwards i imagine
Exactly my brother! The deeper you get in the closer to the root of your penis will determine just how quickly you make growth.
Hey brother is there still a discord? The link doesn't work for me.

I will look into this, it was working for me but we just did a major update and it may have caused problems. Have you tried the exercise above?
Unfortunately I'm healing from a blister from vac hanging so I'm just reading up and biding my time haha. It's been a week but I'm gonna give myself 3-4 weeks of full healing before i even attempt anything.
i'm definitely going to do this though, because Length is my main focus and i got about 1.5 inches to go before i hit my length goal. so heres to hoping that this works out for me when i do indeed do it
i'm definitely going to do this though, because Length is my main focus and i got about 1.5 inches to go before i hit my length goal. so heres to hoping that this works out for me when i do indeed do it

sorry to hear about your blister that’s a real bummer but there is stuff you can do in the meantime like kegels to strengthen your erections. I’m glad you’re going to try the new exercise and the remainder of the exercises will be coming soon. You’re going to find incredible growth from the exercise above in both length and thickness. Let me know if you need any help
sorry to hear about your blister that’s a real bummer but there is stuff you can do in the meantime like kegels to strengthen your erections. I’m glad you’re going to try the new exercise and the remainder of the exercises will be coming soon. You’re going to find incredible growth from the exercise above in both length and thickness. Let me know if you need any help

absolutely! personally...i've been dong PE off and on for two years. Like, i'd go full on for like a month and then stop for some reason. I've already gained 1/2 an inch just from consistent hanging for two months which is huge IMO. It really opened my eyes haha. So i'm anxious to get back at it, but i also know that injury MUST be healed before i even THINK about it lol. I learned that i LOVE hanging...but i guess i just dont know how to do it correctly. I'm also thinking by not doing it fully correct, i'm missing out on some gains. So i DO have a question. How do you prevent blisters on the head? This blister had blood, but it was my first ever blister. Do you wrap the entire head tightly with tape to prevent blood from flowing into the head? I tired the SS caps but they didnt work very well for me. I just dont ever want this to happen to me again haha. This happened when i finally got to 7 lbs.
Wrap from your head down being sure to squeeze all blood out of head as you wrap down towards the base. Any blood left in head can cause blisters so be sure to squeeze everything out out. Once you get better try with minimal weight and work up from there.
First it should be noted that with all of the internal penis we have we have so much potential that goes untapped when we stick with traditional exercise. Traditional exercise only affects the outside of the penis. In order to gain access to the internal penis we need to think about going deeper into the tissue to reach the very base which is just outside of your sphincter. Accessing this means using the right techniques and tools to do so so is a first addition to this exercise and for those who use the LengthMaster we want to get his deep into the tissue as possible by using the ring of the LengthMaster. So taking your LengthMaster and putting your penis through the rain ring while using good pressure to expose as much penis as possible is very important. Once the penis is exposed you can keep one hand on the ring of your LengthMaster while using your free hand to stretch that internal penis as far into the root as possible. This may feel awkward at first and you will need to get used to that. The feeling is an aching at the very base of your penis you will also feel some pressure against your testicles so be sure to keep your testicles as far away from the root of your penis. Once you’ve established this you can go on to stretch all exposed penis. In no time you will see immediate flaccid growth with erect growth to come next. Within one month you should be able to gain up to an inch of new penis via the internal penis.

please try this exercise and let me know what you think. If you need any more explanation or help please simply ask me as I am now back on the board every day. I have no doubt that you will exponentially speed the growth of your penis by using these new methods. I have spent time in the past on internal Heynis but this new routine will be exclusively concentrating on internal penis. Any external exercise will rely on the SiliStretcher or any other extender you have access to. As I stated in the past I will be making a video showing each of these exercises so there will be no mistakes on what you’re doing but even then if you need help please do not hesitate to ask. The reason we are using an extender is to keep ourselves elongated in the proper position so all internal structures brought outside can heal as fast as possible. You can also use a sleeve to do the same thing with much less intensity but it’s better than nothing as healing will be just as important as gaining.
I liked what you said about gaining length which I now want 3/4 more to get me to 8" but did not quite understand how to do your exercises to get out the inner penis. Can you explain it in steps one more time and what equipment if any you are using. I really need to get rid of some of my fat pad also. I have lost weight but that seems to hang in there, any help appreciated. Thanks
I liked what you said about gaining length which I now want 3/4 more to get me to 8" but did not quite understand how to do your exercises to get out the inner penis. Can you explain it in steps one more time and what equipment if any you are using. I really need to get rid of some of my fat pad also. I have lost weight but that seems to hang in there, any help appreciated. Thanks

Hey brother i just wanted to throw this out there. The best exercise IMO for targeting the fat pad is flutter kicks. What you wanna do is lie on your back, lift both your legs up about a foot off the ground, keep them together, and flutter them up and down kind like you're swimming. So as one foot moves down the other moves up. Keep the movements small. Make it so that your heel ALMOST touches the ground but keep it suspended. The reps are basically time based. Do it for 15 seconds, take a quick break, then another set of 15 seconds etc. Keep moving the time up as you progress. Hope this helps!
I liked what you said about gaining length which I now want 3/4 more to get me to 8" but did not quite understand how to do your exercises to get out the inner penis. Can you explain it in steps one more time and what equipment if any you are using. I really need to get rid of some of my fat pad also. I have lost weight but that seems to hang in there, any help appreciated. Thanks

I use the lengthmaster to do the exercise and it’s pretty basic. You pull your entire package through the ring of the LengthMaster leaving your testicles outside of the ring and pushing it against the body with his much forces possible exposing as much inner penis as possible once you’re in that position take your other hand and stretch from the base the exposed penis.
Hey brother i just wanted to throw this out there. The best exercise IMO for targeting the fat pad is flutter kicks. What you wanna do is lie on your back, lift both your legs up about a foot off the ground, keep them together, and flutter them up and down kind like you're swimming. So as one foot moves down the other moves up. Keep the movements small. Make it so that your heel ALMOST touches the ground but keep it suspended. The reps are basically time based. Do it for 15 seconds, take a quick break, then another set of 15 seconds etc. Keep moving the time up as you progress. Hope this helps!
Good advice my brother
after we perfect this first exercise I want toget into a routine I call erection enlargement.This focuses on making your erections aslarge and as thick as possible using to 3 verysimple techniques. I do not wanna get aheadof myself without you guys understandingthe first exercise above but as soon asI feel secure that you understand whatyou’re doing will get into this new techniquewhich I think you’ll find very pleasurable todo while being extremely effective at growth while erect.
I ordered the length master so I can start soon. My question is how long do you pull and stretch the penis and then how many repetitions do I do? Do you hold as long as possible and then repeat? I cannot get any of the videos to play, it keeps saying there was an error. I also cannot see any media etc. it just shows a small blue box with a ? inside. Or it says cannot find. Don't know if it is a problem with my computer or the site. I really wanted to see how to use the length master etc. Looking forward to the next set of exercises for length. thanks
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I ordered the length master so I can start soon. My question is how long do you pull and stretch the penis and then how many repetitions do I do? Do you hold as long as possible and then repeat? I cannot get any of the videos to play, it keeps saying there was an error. I also cannot see any media etc. it just shows a small blue box with a ? inside. Or it says cannot find. Don't know if it is a problem with my computer or the site. I really wanted to see how to use the length master etc. Looking forward to the next set of exercises for length. thanks
Awesome for you, you ar going to find so mach you can do with your LengthMaster it will blow your mind and I do have many more exercises coming out that will utilize the LengthMaster. Sorry about the videos and graphics we’re working on that right now as we need to do a new system update so look out for those in the next couple days This esercise alone will brin edible growth and you can use this theory in PE really as it is the new way I’m looking at penis enlargement We spend so much time stretching and jelqing outward penis with paying no attention to the inner penis we have inside of us If you trace the base of your penis to where it ends in your body you have up to 8 inches of available length and as that length comes forward the girth that supports that automatically is thicker just like the root of a treeUsing this technique and the others I will be putting out I have managed to add 2 inches in length and 1 inch in girth and this was all within one yearI have taken a break right now so I can continue to finish the routine and shoot the photos and videos I want to use but expect that all to be available within a couple weeksThe LengthMaster is very intuitive and you should experiment with it as much as possible to find new and original ways to stretch and expose inner penis. Let me nou if you habe ani oder cuestions.
I received the length master .Since there are no videos up yet do I need to wrap the penis before I put it in the vise? Then how tight do I screw it on and how long do I hang? Also there were two different wraps the cotton one and the black on which one do I use in the vice and what is the other one for? There also is a yellow plastic what is it for? Do I do the hanging everyday or every other day?
I received the length master .Since there are no videos up yet do I need to wrap the penis before I put it in the vise? Then how tight do I screw it on and how long do I hang? Also there were two different wraps the cotton one and the black on which one do I use in the vice and what is the other one for? There also is a yellow plastic what is it for? Do I do the hanging everyday or every other day?

if you go to the YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/user/PenisExtenderFAQs for matters of size you will find videos on how to do all of these things. Yes you need to wrap before getting into the LengthMaster. Do you want to do one wrap using the yellow plastic material and then do you want to wrap using the ace material if this is not comfortable enough you can use a second wrap of the ace material. Do you want to do this every day if possible unless that’s causing you a lot of soreness then you can go every other day.
I plan to use collagen peptide lotion, collagen and hyaluronic acid supplements, BPC-157 peptide, CJC-1295 and Ipamorelin combined with wrapping, jelqing, water based vaccum pumping, and a vacuum traction stretcher. any ideas?
I plan to use collagen peptide lotion, collagen and hyaluronic acid supplements, BPC-157 peptide, CJC-1295 and Ipamorelin combined with wrapping, jelqing, water based vaccum pumping, and a vacuum traction stretcher. any ideas?
That is one expensive lotion for PE if I recognize the name brand. Good to restore damaged skin. But for anything far past 3mm below the skin, it may not even work. Most restores around 2mm, possibly 3mm. I haven't heard anything going beyond 3mm subdermal unless you're using injections at 5mm.
That is one expensive lotion for PE if I recognize the name brand. Good to restore damaged skin. But for anything far past 3mm below the skin, it may not even work. Most restores around 2mm, possibly 3mm. I haven't heard anything going beyond 3mm subdermal unless you're using injections at 5mm.
im really only concerned with girth gains but the traction+bpc157/ipamorelin could also help length as to the depth of absorption. as to the lotion it's not that bad there's a few on the market at $stco
im really only concerned with girth gains but the traction+bpc157/ipamorelin could also help length as to the depth of absorption. as to the lotion it's not that bad there's a few on the market at $stco
Ah, the infamous store that carries bulk. Lotion is just that, lotion via topical absorption. BPC157 and ipamorelin has great values in restoration and inflammatory suppression. But again, I'm a bit puzzled about penetration depth via topic absorption rate. Normally, BPC157 is injected subcutaneous below 3mm to get the best benefits to go as deep at 10mm, or directly injected into a zone. We dealt expensively with pharmacokinetic level with ipamorelin, and once again, it has to be inject into specific zone subcutaneous for maximum effects. The topical effects only reach roughly down to 3mm at best, unless the formulation increased the concentration past 30%, with carrier similar to DMSO that can push the limit of delivery down to 10mm.

Sorry brothers, I'm going a bit geeky on this.
i see what you mean now, I guess I wasn't clear originally. the bpc-157/ipamorelin/1295 was always going to be injected, as they are both systemic, but as you mentioned the effect is best nearest a desired site so my plan was lower belly. the lotion with collagen and hyaluronic acid would be post stretching etc to use as a topical repair.
i see what you mean now, I guess I wasn't clear originally. the bpc-157/ipamorelin/1295 was always going to be injected, as they are both systemic, but as you mentioned the effect is best nearest a desired site so my plan was lower belly.
I know exactly what you mean. My wife and her friends are using the combo as well. Let's just say they can get their hands on some unique loads of cocktails to keep their beauty up.

the lotion with collagen and hyaluronic acid would be post stretching etc to use as a topical repair.
Great to have if there's a fitting budget. Me, standard jojoba oil + argon oil + aloe. Just as effective.
Ah, the infamous store that carries bulk. Lotion is just that, lotion via topical absorption. BPC157 and ipamorelin has great values in restoration and inflammatory suppression. But again, I'm a bit puzzled about penetration depth via topic absorption rate. Normally, BPC157 is injected subcutaneous below 3mm to get the best benefits to go as deep at 10mm, or directly injected into a zone. We dealt expensively with pharmacokinetic level with ipamorelin, and once again, it has to be inject into specific zone subcutaneous for maximum effects. The topical effects only reach roughly down to 3mm at best, unless the formulation increased the concentration past 30%, with carrier similar to DMSO that can push the limit of delivery down to 10mm.

Sorry brothers, I'm going a bit geeky on this.
you are a geek! But a powerful one with the the number 000!
came across the original exercise in this thread by accident, i saw no growth so i decided to bend over, stretch my penis downward and grab the exposed internal penis and stretch as hard as i can.
Now im also thinking to wrap that part so the exposed internal penis stays exposed for an hour or so before switching to the silistretcher
came across the original exercise in this thread by accident, i saw no growth so i decided to bend over, stretch my penis downward and grab the exposed internal penis and stretch as hard as i can.
Now im also thinking to wrap that part so the exposed internal penis stays exposed for an hour or so before switching to the silistretcher
Hahahaha! Man, you discovered a hidden method that some experienced PE-ers discovered and tested to do semi-active all day ligament stretches. Awesome!!

There are many ways to stretch this portions, but the skin slippage will be the greatest challenge. We use extenders for this portion to ease up the frustrating attempts of finding the proper wrapping methods. Make sure not to wrap that portion too tight. If you can still pee, you're good to go.
Hahahaha! Man, you discovered a hidden method that some experienced PE-ers discovered and tested to do semi-active all day ligament stretches. Awesome!!

There are many ways to stretch this portions, but the skin slippage will be the greatest challenge. We use extenders for this portion to ease up the frustrating attempts of finding the proper wrapping methods. Make sure not to wrap that portion too tight. If you can still pee, you're good to go.
Found it out of frustration 🤣.
I still think of a short cylindrical object that can open and close to put behind the testies for and hour or so to keep that hidden part stretched.
i also makes sure after stretching it to keep my hand in place with for few mins so the hidden part won't rush back to its hiding place.
Found it out of frustration 🤣.
I still think of a short cylindrical object that can open and close to put behind the testies for and hour or so to keep that hidden part stretched.
i also makes sure after stretching it to keep my hand in place with for few mins so the hidden part won't rush back to its hiding place.
Just make sure the end edge is not too sharp that it cuts into sensitive skin. I used a cut out DuroSleev or SiliSleev #5 in equivalent. I bulk up the penis base with flexible bandage for comfort, and wrap my foreskin into tight bundles against the base of the glans to max the push tension between the base inner penis and the glans, essentially lengthening everything from the inner to the outer. *hint hint*
Just make sure the end edge is not too sharp that it cuts into sensitive skin. I used a cut out DuroSleev or SiliSleev #5 in equivalent. I bulk up the penis base with flexible bandage for comfort, and wrap my foreskin into tight bundles against the base of the glans to max the push tension between the base inner penis and the glans, essentially lengthening everything from the inner to the outer. *hint hint*
correct me if im wrong, but doesn't the standard ADS does the same job? the one with screws
correct me if im wrong, but doesn't the standard ADS does the same job? the one with screws
No. That is much more powerful. Sleeves and wraps re meant to hold the penis in an elongated state to heal. They can also be used to do a variety of other things like keeping foreskin pulled back, protection when using a device and others but there is no comparison between an ADS and a sleeve.
No. That is much more powerful. Sleeves and wraps re meant to hold the penis in an elongated state to heal. They can also be used to do a variety of other things like keeping foreskin pulled back, protection when using a device and others but there is no comparison between an ADS and a sleeve.
agree..however i believe @oldandlively described a way of wrapping that keeps the inner penis stretched out as well?
First it should be noted that with all of the internal penis we have we have so much potential that goes untapped when we stick with traditional exercise. Traditional exercise only affects the outside of the penis. In order to gain access to the internal penis we need to think about going deeper into the tissue to reach the very base which is just outside of your sphincter. Accessing this means using the right techniques and tools to do so so is a first addition to this exercise and for those who use the LengthMaster we want to get his deep into the tissue as possible by using the ring of the LengthMaster. So taking your LengthMaster and putting your penis through the rain ring while using good pressure to expose as much penis as possible is very important. Once the penis is exposed you can keep one hand on the ring of your LengthMaster while using your free hand to stretch that internal penis as far into the root as possible. This may feel awkward at first and you will need to get used to that. The feeling is an aching at the very base of your penis you will also feel some pressure against your testicles so be sure to keep your testicles as far away from the root of your penis. Once you’ve established this you can go on to stretch all exposed penis. In no time you will see immediate flaccid growth with erect growth to come next. Within one month you should be able to gain up to an inch of new penis via the internal penis.

please try this exercise and let me know what you think. If you need any more explanation or help please simply ask me as I am now back on the board every day. I have no doubt that you will exponentially speed the growth of your penis by using these new methods. I have spent time in the past on internal Heynis but this new routine will be exclusively concentrating on internal penis. Any external exercise will rely on the SiliStretcher or any other extender you have access to. As I stated in the past I will be making a cock sucking video showing each of these exercises so there will be no mistakes on what you’re doing but even then if you need help please do not hesitate to ask. The reason we are using an extender is to keep ourselves elongated in the proper position so all internal structures brought outside can heal as fast as possible. You can also use a sleeve to do the same thing with much less intensity but it’s better than nothing as healing will be just as important as gaining.
I didn't understand this excercise at all.
Can someone break it down in more clear way for me?
If video available it would be best

Everyone should utilize both the LengthMaster and PowerAssist. There is something for everyone. I'm not sure which exercises you do not understand. There are videos on much of this, search them in video section. Let me know.
Everyone should utilize both the LengthMaster and PowerAssist. There is something for everyone. I'm not sure which exercises you do not understand. There are videos on much of this, search them in video section. Let me know.
If I understand this exercise correctly, you are grabbing with your hand, inner tissue that is behind your ball sack and right next to the stomach/groin area and pulling manually?
Can this not be done by clamping with the lengthmaster on that area?
If I understand this exercise correctly, you are grabbing with your hand, inner tissue that is behind your ball sack and right next to the stomach/groin area and pulling manually?
Can this not be done by clamping with the lengthmaster on that area?

That is one of the exercises but there are a boat load more in the video section. I would not use a clamp when using the LengthMaster as it interferes with the function of the LM. Besides, what reason would you do this? Are you finding something better than traditional use? Let me know.
That is one of the exercises but there are a boat load more in the video section. I would not use a clamp when using the LengthMaster as it interferes with the function of the LM. Besides, what reason would you do this? Are you finding something better than traditional use? Let me know.
i think he is referring to the clamp that is built in the lentghmaster? as in using the LM to grab the exposed inner penis and pull....ouch that would hurt the testies a bit.
i think he is referring to the clamp that is built in the lentghmaster? as in using the LM to grab the exposed inner penis and pull....ouch that would hurt the testies a bit.
I understand now. When clamping in the LengthMaster requires a wrap of Theraband and a wrap of Ace bandage. If too much pain simply double your wrap. There are many wrapping videos to see the proper way to wrap. I hope that clears things up.
1-Stretch your penis forward
2- a small part behind your testies will be
3- Grab it and stretch it

now in step 1,instead of stretching with your hand, stretch with ring part of the lengthmaster
Found a progressive step to this exercise.
1: stand and attach the LM firmly to something ( door/ pipe etc)
2: Have the Lm in BTC position and bend over
3: move forward to stretch the penis while LM is attatched to create a btc stretch hands free
4: bend over and grab the exposed inner penis and stretch.

Let me know your opinions brothers

may God bless you all
Found a progressive step to this exercise.
1: stand and attach the LM firmly to something ( door/ pipe etc)
2: Have the Lm in BTC position and bend over
3: move forward to stretch the penis while LM is attatched to create a btc stretch hands free
4: bend over and grab the exposed inner penis and stretch.

Let me know your opinions brothers

may God bless you all
I endorse this. It sounds like a great way to do BTC! THANKS for your giving us a new way to do them. God bless you!
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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