1bigmonster: How many cm of growth can I achieve in 3 months by doing 20 minutes of jelqing every day?


New member
First of all, please don’t recommend any websites or devices. I’m aware of them, but I’m not planning to buy anything right now.

I want to do jelqing for 20 minutes every day. I’d like to know if it’s safe to do it daily. Sometimes, I notice red veins appearing on my penis— is this normal?

And my most important question: How many cm of growth can I achieve in 3 months? How much growth is realistically possible in such a short period? Is the growth permanent?

How long can I extend this duration at most?

These are my questions. Thank you in advance, and thanks to the website as well.
Last edited:
First of all, please don’t recommend any websites or devices. I’m aware of them, but I’m not planning to buy anything right now.

Understood. We'll make sure to keep the purchases off the table.

I want to do jelqing for 20 minutes every day. I’d like to know if it’s safe to do it daily. Sometimes, I notice red veins appearing on my penis— is this normal?

It's safe to jelq daily. It's practically masturbating daily. The question is, "what are you pursuing?"

Red veins is an indicator you've exceeded the pressure your current blood vessels can handle. Ease back a bit on the pressure.

And my most important question: How many cm of growth can I achieve in 3 months?

From jelqing alone? That is a major uncertainty. Jelqing is a focus on girth, and extremely little on length. 0.01 to 0.5cm at best in 3 months.

How much growth is realistically possible in such a short period?

In three months, manual length work along can be anywhere between 0.01cm to as much as 1cm based on the routine you are pursuing. Jelqing alone do not offer such high gains. You must ass length based exercises.

Is the growth permanent?

Yes. The temporary gains requires a bit of lag time to convert to permanent, or cemented, gains. The lag time is between 2 months to as long a 6 months. During this lag month, you need to continue your PE routines at least 2 days a week.

How long can I extend this duration at most?

This is an unclear question. Mind rephrasing it?

These are my questions. Thank you in advance, and thanks to the website as well.

We will be here to offer as much info as we can. Just ask as much as you want
Öncelikle lütfen herhangi bir web sitesi veya cihaz önermeyin. Bunların hepsini biriktiriyorum ama şu anda herhangi bir şey satın almayı planlayamıyorum.

Her gün 20 dakika jelqing yapmak istiyorum. Bunu günlük olarak yapmanın güvenli olup olmadığını bilmek istiyorum. Bazen penisimde kırmızı damarlar belirdiğini fark ediyorum - bu normal mi?

Ve en önemli soru: 3 ayda kaç cm uzayabilir miyim? Bu kadar kısa bir süreç süreç olarak ne kadar uzatmak mümkün? Uzama kalıcı mı?

Sorularım bunlar. Şimdiden teşekkür ederim, ayrıca web sitesine de teşekkür ederim.

Anlaşıldı. Satın almaları masadan uzak tutacağımızdan emin olacağız.

Günlük alışveriş yapmak güvenlidir. Neredeyse günlük depolama yapmaktır. Soru şu: "Ne peşindesin?"

Kırmızı damarlar, mevcut kan damarlarının kaldırabileceği basıncın bir göstergesidir. Basıncı biraz azaltın.

Sadece jelqing'den mi? Bu büyük bir gösteri. Jelqing, kalınlığa odaklan ve uzunluğa çok az odaklan. 3 ayda en iyi ihtimalle 0,01 ila 0,5 cm.

Üç ayda bir, manuel uzunluklar çalışması, takip edilen rutine bağlı olarak 0,01 cm ile 1 cm arasında herhangi bir yerde olabilir. Jelqing tek başına bu kadar yüksek oranda taşınabilirler sunmaz. Uzunluğa dayalı egzersizler yapmalısınız.

Evet. Geçici olarak sürdürülebilirlerin kalıcı veya sabit olarak sürdürülebilirlere dönüşmesi için bir miktar gecikme süresi gerekir. Gecikme süresi 2 ay ile 6 ay arasında değişir. Bu gecikmelerde, PE rutinlerinizi haftada en az 2 gün sürdürmeniz gerekir.

Bu belirsiz bir soru. Tekrar ifade edebilir misin?

Mümkün olduğunca fazla bilgi sunmak için buradayız. İstediğiniz kadar sorun.
First of all, thank you so much for your attention.

Is 20 minutes of jelqing enough? I was wondering if I should extend this duration.

If jelqing focuses on girth, does stretching focus on length? How much stretching should be added to a 20-minute jelqing session? Should stretching be done before jelqing? I'm so confused. I just want a simple plan.

For example, would this work: 20 minutes of stretching, 20 minutes of jelqing? If I do this every day, will I gain both girth and length? Should it be done daily? And will I see size gains?

How much can I gain in 3 months?

I know I'm bombarding you with questions, but these are all I need to know. I just want a simple plan.
Note: I want to gain length, but I'm doing jelqing to increase girth as well.

Thanks a lot in advance!
First of all, thank you so much for your attention.

Is 20 minutes of jelqing enough? I was wondering if I should extend this duration.

What is your focus on your gains? Girth? Length? Both? 20 minutes jelqing is a good start. You definitely need much more time for girth exercises. If you want length, more time is needed to add in length exercises as well. Let us know.

If jelqing focuses on girth, does stretching focus on length?

Yes, jelqing only focus on girth. 90% to 95% is for girth. Very little gains for length. But if you look at the SRT exercises, there are many exercises to use for length. Look for manual stretches on length section. If the information is too much, we can help you with the selection.

How much stretching should be added to a 20-minute jelqing session?

20-minute jelq is a good starting point for girth and 20-minute length routine is a good starting point for length. The more time, the better. Manual exercises without mechanical assistant will need more time. Most of our manual routines in the past go as long as 90 minutes for both girth and length.

Should stretching be done before jelqing? I'm so confused. I just want a simple plan.

Stretching has three routines. First stretches are for the warm up. This is to loosen up the tissues. Second stretches are for forcing the tissues to undergo stresses. This is for expressive manipulation of your tissues for growth. Third is the cool down. The cool down is the stretches to keep your penile tissues back into place for resting and repairing.

For example, would this work: 20 minutes of stretching, 20 minutes of jelqing?

The routines should be:
  • 10 minutes warm up stretches
  • 25 minutes of light and moderate tension stretches as a new PE journeyman
  • 30 minutes of jelqing to take advantage of your warmed up and stretched tissues for girth
  • 5 minutes of cool down stretches and jelqing for put the tissues back in place
I know you don't want to buy anything, but you need to get some flexible bandage or soft penis sleeve to keep your penis elongates during healing and repairing state.

If I do this every day, will I gain both girth and length?

For manual stretches, you can do it every day without stopping. Sleeping period is more than enough resting.

Should it be done daily?

Yes, daily.

And will I see size gains?

Yes, you will see gains. The gains are based on how you use your specific routines. Always sacrifice the first 3 months for trials and errors to observe your body potential for gains.

How much can I gain in 3 months?

If you can observe the initial gains based on the first 3 months, you can do prediction on your following possible gains. Why 3 months? You body needs that time to adjust itself for "adoption" to new level of stresses. Some people have faster adoption time, and some have much slower adoption time.

I know I'm bombarding you with questions, but these are all I need to know. I just want a simple plan.

Your questions are welcome. Ask as many questions as you want. We will answer them all.

Note: I want to gain length, but I'm doing jelqing to increase girth as well.

Got it. We'll focus on the routines for both length as the main gain and girth as secondary. That means you will be focusing on a PE plan of 80% length and 20% girth.
Öncelikle ilginize çok teşekkür ederim.

20 öğenin bir araya getirilmesi yeterli mi? Bu süreyi uzatmadığımı merak ediyorum.

Jelqing kalınlığa odaklanıyorsa, esneme uzunluğa mı odaklanıyor? 20 adet bir jelqing seansına ne kadar esneme eklenmelidir? Jelqing'den önce esneme yapılmalı mı? Kafam çok karışık. Sadece basit bir plan istiyorum.

Mesela bu işe yarar mı: 20 dakika esneme, 20 dakika jelqing? Bunu her gün yapmazsam, hem uzun hem de uzunluklarda kazanırım? Onun günü yapılmadı mı? Ve uyumlu boyutlar olabilir mi?

3 ayda ne kadar kilo alabilirim?

Biliyorum, sizi sorularla bombardıman ederek, ama bilmem gereken tek şey bunlar. Sadece basit bir plan istiyorum.

Şimdiden çok teşekkür ederim!

Kazanımlarınızda neye odaklanıyorsunuz? Kalınlık? Uzunluk? Her ikisi de? 20 dakikalık jelqing iyi bir başlangıçtır. Kalınlık egzersizleri için kesinlikle çok daha fazla zamana ihtiyacınız var. Uzunluk istiyorsanız, uzunluk egzersizlerini de eklemek için daha fazla zamana ihtiyacınız var. Bize bildirin.

Evet, jelqing sadece çevreye odaklanır. Çevre için %90 ila %95'i. Uzunluk için çok az kazanım. Ancak SRT egzersizlerine bakarsanız, uzunluk için kullanabileceğiniz birçok egzersiz vardır. Uzunluk bölümünde manuel esnemelere bakın. Bilgi çok fazlaysa, seçim konusunda size yardımcı olabiliriz.

20 dakikalık jelq, çevre için iyi bir başlangıç noktasıdır ve 20 dakikalık uzunluk rutini uzunluk için iyi bir başlangıç noktasıdır. Ne kadar çok zaman, o kadar iyi. Mekanik asistan olmadan yapılan manuel egzersizler daha fazla zamana ihtiyaç duyacaktır. Geçmişteki manuel rutinlerimizin çoğu hem çevre hem de uzunluk için 90 dakikaya kadar uzuyordu.

Esnemenin üç rutini vardır. İlk esnemeler ısınmak içindir. Bu, dokuları gevşetmek içindir. İkinci esnemeler, dokuları strese zorlamak içindir. Bu, dokularınızın büyüme için ifade edici manipülasyonu içindir. Üçüncüsü, soğumadır. Soğuma, penis dokularınızı dinlenmek ve onarmak için yerinde tutmak için yapılan esnemelerdir.

Rutinler şu şekilde olmalıdır:
  • 10 dakikalık ısınma esnemeleri
  • Yeni bir beden eğitimi öğrencisi olarak 25 dakikalık hafif ve orta düzeyde gerginlik esnemeleri
  • Isınmış ve gerilmiş dokularınızdan faydalanmak için 30 dakikalık jelqing
  • Dokuları tekrar yerine yerleştirmek için 5 dakikalık soğuma esnemeleri ve jelqing
Hiçbir şey satın almak istemediğinizi biliyorum, ancak iyileşme ve onarım aşamasında penisinizin uzamasını sağlamak için esnek bir bandaj veya yumuşak bir penis kılıfı almanız gerekiyor.

Manuel esnemeler için her gün ara vermeden yapabilirsiniz. Uyku süresi dinlenmek için fazlasıyla yeterlidir.

Evet, her gün.

Evet, kazanımlar göreceksiniz. Kazanımlar, belirli rutinlerinizi nasıl kullandığınıza bağlıdır. Vücudunuzun kazanım potansiyelini gözlemlemek için her zaman ilk 3 ayı deneme yanılma yoluyla feda edin.

İlk 3 aya dayalı ilk kazanımları gözlemleyebiliyorsanız, sonraki olası kazanımlarınız hakkında tahminde bulunabilirsiniz. Neden 3 ay? Vücudunuzun yeni stres seviyelerine "uyum" sağlamak için kendini ayarlaması için bu zamana ihtiyacı vardır. Bazı insanların benimseme süresi daha hızlıdır ve bazılarının benimseme süresi çok daha yavaştır.

Sorularınızı bekliyoruz. İstediğiniz kadar soru sorun. Hepsini cevaplayacağız.

Anladım. Ana kazanım olarak uzunluk ve ikincil olarak çevre için rutinlere odaklanacağız. Bu, %80 uzunluk ve %20 çevreden oluşan bir PE planına odaklanacağınız anlamına gelir.
Yes, I’ll leave the choice of length exercises to you.

Would you be able to write the routine in a structured format, as you have done before? I’ll accept whichever length exercise you choose.

I’d really appreciate it if you could list the routine step by step.

Thank you so much for taking the time to help me!
Yes, I’ll leave the choice of length exercises to you.

Would you be able to write the routine in a structured format, as you have done before? I’ll accept whichever length exercise you choose.

I’d really appreciate it if you could list the routine step by step.

Thank you so much for taking the time to help me!
Please standby by for an hour or so. I'm current on the road. Doing detail write-up may cause me to have new kind of skeletal damages on top of my recent ones :ROFLMAO:
Okay brother @1bigmonster , I moved your thread to the Routine and Progress to prevent the break the thread info. Let's start with a starter package on all manual. @DLD can also help you on this as he is the author of the SRT package of pure manual stretches.

Let's pull the information together for you as a weekly routine package, all based on manual stretches without mechanical helps. However, you have to understand that you will need somekind of basic mechanical assistance to create a fulcrum stretch. The device can be as simple as a standard segment of 25cm broomstick.

Basic Warm-up:
  • You need your tissues to be warm and malleable. By warming the tissues up, you can effectively force your tissues to be stretched with less resistance. It's something like exercising with cold muscles vs warm muscles. Warm muscles go much further. And yes, penile tissues is not the same as regular muscles. It's soft tissues, but you can relate. To warm up the tissues, you can use rice sock, a warm water pouch, warm or hot towel coming out of the microwave. You can use faucet water if it's hot enough, but not to the point of scolding your skin. Warm your tissues for a good 5 minutes.
  • Perform newbie stretches. Newbie stretches is part of the SRT (https://mattersofsize.com/threads/srt-the-fastest-way-to-a-massive-penis-and-a-perfect-body.61063/). SRT comes with many newbie stretches to get your tissues ready. There are many exercises you select from. Select 3 to 5 among the list:
    • Warm up stretching Routine: 5 Minutes Bundled Stretch Grouping:

      Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds x 3
      Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds x 3
      Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds x 3
      Straight Down Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

      Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds x 3
      Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds x 3
      Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds x 3
      Straight Out Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

      Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds x 3
      Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds x 3
      Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds x 3
      Straight Up Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks
Standard routine approach to observer for the first month to predict your possible growth:
  • List of various exercises you can select from: List of important threads
  • Term to be aware of: bundled or bundling. This is where you rotate your penis completely in one direction to the point where the penis cannot rotate any more and then you pull. It takes less pulling force to pull and it performs better work on stretching the your internal tissues. When you rotate in one direction, make sure to note how many degrees you rotate going one direction. You will need to rotate the same amount of degrees going in the other direction. This must balance out. Otherwise, you'll have a poor tissue stress load in one direction that cause the penile shaft to grow strangely in an over stressed direction.
Daily routine:
    • Pull straight down: When you sit, you need to pull straight down to the ground. This tugs on the ligaments that suspend your penile shaft and muscles to release a hidden segment of your so called "inner penis." Pull until you feel a dull achy feeling that does not
      have any pain. If you have pain, you go too far. Pull and hold for 2 minutes.
    • Pull side way to the left: while sitting, pull completely side way to either your left or your right. Same amount of pulling force you have for your downward pulling. Hold for 1 minute.
    • Pull sideway, to the opposite side. Hold for 1 minute.
    • Pull upwards toward your belly, same amount of pulling force: hold for 1 minute
    • Pull straight out away from your body: hold for 1 minute
    • Relax, and warm up your tissues again using any warming method, such as the rice sock, the warm/hot towel, or if you have a heating source like a space heater or a hot air blower, use that. Warm your tissue for 2 minutes.
  • SECOND SET: This is where it's going to get intense
    • Rotate your penis completely in one direction. Note the amount of degree you rotated. For example, 180 degrees, 360 degrees, 540 degrees, etc.
    • Pull your penis downwards until you get the achy dully feeling without the pain. Hold for 60 seconds.
    • Rotate in the opposite direction, pull and hold for 60 seconds.
    • Relax without any rotation, and pull then hold for 60 seconds.
    • Rotate in one direction, pull between your legs to the back between your butt cheeks. Pull and hold for 2 minutes.
    • Rotate in the opposite direction, pull between your legs to the back between your butt cheeks. Pull and hold for 2 minutes.
    • Now just pull between your legs to the back between your butt cheeks without rotation. Pull and hold for 2 minutes.
    • Relax, and warm up your tissues again using any warming method, such as the rice sock, the warm/hot towel, or if you have a heating source like a space heater or a hot air blower, use that. Warm your tissue for 2 minutes.
    • Do the same as the FIRST SET. However, the intensity is just a bit higher. Pull past that achy feeling, but slightly below any kind of pain. This is fatigue zone stress loading.
  • FIFTH SET:This is cool down set to get the tissues realigned.
    • Perform straight down pulling like the first set. Hold for 2 minutes
    • Perform C-Jelq to get the blood flow for the next 1 minutes
    • Warm tissues back up with a warm source for 1 minute.
    • Resume sideway pulling for 1 minute, and switch to the opposite side for another 1 minute.
    • Perform C-Jelq for 1 minute.
From here on out, wrap your penis or use a penis sleeve. Wrap loosely but make sure the penis is wrapped well enough to keep the penis elongated close the same length you able to stretch the penis to.
If you don't want equipment involved there is always the newbie routine which is all manual. This workout covers all areas of the penis. But eventually you will need to move to a more advanced routine. I always tell brothers that the routine used next would and should be SRT. Oldandlively gave you some great ideas to creating a workout without equipment. I pray you have a smooth way forward.
Okay brother @1bigmonster , I moved your thread to the Routine and Progress to prevent the break the thread info. Let's start with a starter package on all manual. @DLD can also help you on this as he is the author of the SRT package of pure manual stretches.

Let's pull the information together for you as a weekly routine package, all based on manual stretches without mechanical helps. However, you have to understand that you will need somekind of basic mechanical assistance to create a fulcrum stretch. The device can be as simple as a standard segment of 25cm broomstick.

Basic Warm-up:
  • You need your tissues to be warm and malleable. By warming the tissues up, you can effectively force your tissues to be stretched with less resistance. It's something like exercising with cold muscles vs warm muscles. Warm muscles go much further. And yes, penile tissues is not the same as regular muscles. It's soft tissues, but you can relate. To warm up the tissues, you can use rice sock, a warm water pouch, warm or hot towel coming out of the microwave. You can use faucet water if it's hot enough, but not to the point of scolding your skin. Warm your tissues for a good 5 minutes.
  • Perform newbie stretches. Newbie stretches is part of the SRT (https://mattersofsize.com/threads/srt-the-fastest-way-to-a-massive-penis-and-a-perfect-body.61063/). SRT comes with many newbie stretches to get your tissues ready. There are many exercises you select from. Select 3 to 5 among the list:
    • Warm up stretching Routine: 5 Minutes Bundled Stretch Grouping:

      Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds x 3
      Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds x 3
      Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds x 3
      Straight Down Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

      Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds x 3
      Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds x 3
      Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds x 3
      Straight Out Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

      Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds x 3
      Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds x 3
      Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds x 3
      Straight Up Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks
Standard routine approach to observer for the first month to predict your possible growth:
  • List of various exercises you can select from: List of important threads
  • Term to be aware of: bundled or bundling. This is where you rotate your penis completely in one direction to the point where the penis cannot rotate any more and then you pull. It takes less pulling force to pull and it performs better work on stretching the your internal tissues. When you rotate in one direction, make sure to note how many degrees you rotate going one direction. You will need to rotate the same amount of degrees going in the other direction. This must balance out. Otherwise, you'll have a poor tissue stress load in one direction that cause the penile shaft to grow strangely in an over stressed direction.
Daily routine:
    • Pull straight down: When you sit, you need to pull straight down to the ground. This tugs on the ligaments that suspend your penile shaft and muscles to release a hidden segment of your so called "inner penis." Pull until you feel a dull achy feeling that does not
      have any pain. If you have pain, you go too far. Pull and hold for 2 minutes.
    • Pull side way to the left: while sitting, pull completely side way to either your left or your right. Same amount of pulling force you have for your downward pulling. Hold for 1 minute.
    • Pull sideway, to the opposite side. Hold for 1 minute.
    • Pull upwards toward your belly, same amount of pulling force: hold for 1 minute
    • Pull straight out away from your body: hold for 1 minute
    • Relax, and warm up your tissues again using any warming method, such as the rice sock, the warm/hot towel, or if you have a heating source like a space heater or a hot air blower, use that. Warm your tissue for 2 minutes.
  • SECOND SET: This is where it's going to get intense
    • Rotate your penis completely in one direction. Note the amount of degree you rotated. For example, 180 degrees, 360 degrees, 540 degrees, etc.
    • Pull your penis downwards until you get the achy dully feeling without the pain. Hold for 60 seconds.
    • Rotate in the opposite direction, pull and hold for 60 seconds.
    • Relax without any rotation, and pull then hold for 60 seconds.
    • Rotate in one direction, pull between your legs to the back between your butt cheeks. Pull and hold for 2 minutes.
    • Rotate in the opposite direction, pull between your legs to the back between your butt cheeks. Pull and hold for 2 minutes.
    • Now just pull between your legs to the back between your butt cheeks without rotation. Pull and hold for 2 minutes.
    • Relax, and warm up your tissues again using any warming method, such as the rice sock, the warm/hot towel, or if you have a heating source like a space heater or a hot air blower, use that. Warm your tissue for 2 minutes.
    • Do the same as the FIRST SET. However, the intensity is just a bit higher. Pull past that achy feeling, but slightly below any kind of pain. This is fatigue zone stress loading.
  • FIFTH SET:This is cool down set to get the tissues realigned.
    • Perform straight down pulling like the first set. Hold for 2 minutes
    • Perform C-Jelq to get the blood flow for the next 1 minutes
    • Warm tissues back up with a warm source for 1 minute.
    • Resume sideway pulling for 1 minute, and switch to the opposite side for another 1 minute.
    • Perform C-Jelq for 1 minute.
From here on out, wrap your penis or use a penis sleeve. Wrap loosely but make sure the penis is wrapped well enough to keep the penis elongated close the same length you able to stretch the penis to.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
If you don't want equipment involved there is always the newbie routine which is all manual. This workout covers all areas of the penis. But eventually you will need to move to a more advanced routine. I always tell brothers that the routine used next would and should be SRT. Oldandlively gave you some great ideas to creating a workout without equipment. I pray you have a smooth way forward.
Thank you 🙏
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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