
  1. K

    X30 is on the way!!

    I'm super excited that he got my bathmate on the way! I see some people entering the bathmate with flacid penis some with semi erect penis and some saying fully erect is the way to go, since this will be my first pump ever, how do you guys think I should do the first time, how long?, how will I...
  2. T

    Need help

    Hi guys, I am new to this forum and I am sorry if there is already a thread on this subject but I need some quick answers from experienced people. I have a Bathmate Hydromax X30 and while I am using it in the bath I get some amazing results inside the tube but it seems like I am back to my...
  3. C

    8" BPEL x 6" MSEG and 2.16" wide - X40 or X50 ?

    Hi, I'm currently 8" (BPEL) x 6,1" MSEG and 6,3" BEG, but my width (middle shaft) is at 55 mm (2,16"). I was thinking X40 to be able to completely fill the tube and get some really hardcore pressure, but I'm reading on the official site that the max width on the X40-X is 57mm / 2,25". So it...
  4. R

    8x5; x40 too small?

    So, I've reached a place in my routine where I'm scheduled to order a Bathmate. The x40 is listed at up to 8. And I'm pretty much 8, long, on the button. Is the x40 too small; will the x50 be too big for enough suction? EDIT: what's the deal with circumference on the site? It says to measure...
  5. F

    Bathmate killing my balls :-(

    Hey guys I wanted to know if anyone have any idea how to keep the bathmate from sucking my balls into the tube? I have a turkey neck due to surgery as a baby and my scrotum don't hand super low so once I start pumping it starts pulling my balls in with it even if I pulled them down before...
  6. A

    X40 too big... Now what?

    Brothers, This is my situation: I am in the military and deployed to a remote location. In hopes of having a nice surprise for the Mrs when I get home, I got a X40. After it arrived, I realized that I may have been over zealous with the X40 since I am 5in erect girth and 7in erect length...
  7. 1

    Just got my bathmate....rookie in the game.

    Hello everyone! I have been lurking on the site for a while just trying to get a feel for what seems to work for everyone and if PE gains are really possible. Well I finally decided to give it a go. My starting size is 6" EL and 5.5G. I would like to hit 8-8.5EL X 6-6.5 G. Well I got my bathmate...
  8. S

    Too much water in Bathmate?

    Been using my Bathmate for a little over a week now and things are going great! After using my Hercules though I feel very water logged, I filling my Bathmate completely before using and there's still quite a lot of water after applying the pump and I get huge in the pump which is great but I...
  9. F

    Gained 1" with DLD program and starting over

    Hello all I'm not new to PE but I still consider myself a newbie as I haven't been doing this for a long time. Back and 2013 I bought DLD's penis enlargement program. I was able to gain almost an inch in length from that program in about 3-4 months. I added air pump thing to my routine after...
  10. M

    Bought my 3rd bathmate. Swore I would never get another.

    So I bought my 3rd bathmate after swearing them off.I had many issues with My x40 and x30 and couldn't ever get consistent use. I traded the x40 for a phallosan , and then the x30 getting lost in the return after being sent off for repair , so I was done. A rep seen my complaint , then I was...
  11. N

    Will this penis pump straighten my dick?

    Hi so my dick curves upward since I was a teen & i'd like to straighten it out 100%. I know the only proven way to straighten the dick is by using a penis extender but I'd like to buy this penis pump so it'll hopefully straighten my dick here it is Tool Shed Toys. It's got a narrow cylinder (1.5...
  12. C

    is there anybody that pumped for years?

    Hoh many years? Are gains permanent? how many inches did you earn? what is your routine? THANKS
  13. A

    Help using the snail wine pump for an x30 mod!

    I bought a snail wine pump as I heard this pump fits perfectly over the bathmate valve. I'm having trouble using it as a vacuum mod. Does anybody know how to use this particular wine saver for the bathmate? Thanks
  14. M

    sizing help

    Hi, I've been using the bathmate x30 for sometime with great results. My goal is 6 inches of girth. Can I achieve this girth in the bathmate x30? I found online that the X30's diameter is 6.7 inches. Does this mean that I can acheive 6.7 inches of girth in the X30 or does this mean my dick can...
  15. L

    Bathmate Question

    My size is currently 8 x 5.5 and I have the bathmate X30. I'm not interested in length at all but in the bathmate i max out the length and get a mark on my head(like a semicircle) after every session. Is this in any way going to inhibit girth progress? My routine is 5x5x3 except instead of ssj...
  16. F

    New and ready to make a splash

    What's going on with all my brothers my name is freshprince I'm new here and new to pe I have a few questions. My stats are 6.5x5 I would like to add 2 inches of length and a 1.5 of girth so 8.5x6.5 thats what I would like to be. I was think about getting the length master and a water pump.which...
  17. F

    I made a mistake writing my first post lol

    Hey guys this is my first time doing pe my stats are 6.5x5 i would like to get to 8.5x6. Im going to buy a length master How long do you think it will take me to reach 2 inches in length if I went balls to the wall with length master. And should I do girth also while I'm doing length? I would...
  18. K

    Bathmate needed in UAE

    Hi guys I tried purchasing Bathmate online but they do not ship anymore to the United Arab Emirates . I just wanted to know if anyone is selling Bathmate on the forum. It could be a brand new one or an used one but it should be original Bathmate Penis Pump with the gaiters
  19. E

    Hi , i need help to choose witch bathmate i should buy

    Hello i need help , i would like to buy a bathmate but i dont know witch one buy . Im not sure if i should take the xx30 or xx40 Bone presed im 7 1/2 And my circonference girth in the middle shaft is 5"
  20. M

    Heres what happens when you dont buy MOS products

    Do Not i repeat DO NOT BUY THIS CHEAP-O PUMP I bought this pump proir to joining MOS. It was from some merchant on ebay called discountgadgets or something like that. It costed 50 bucks, and the merchant wont even respond. This crap fell appart as soon as i opened it. Even the free cock ring...