
  1. A

    Putting on a SilliSleev

    My SilliSleev 5 just came in the mail, but I have no clue how to put it on. It seems like I would need three hands in order to do it:lol2: Does anyone have advice or a tutorial video? Thanks!
  2. A

    How Long Do You Wrap & What Do You Wrap With?

    Hey everyone! So typically I wrap for three hours at a time with a self-adhering bandage. I unwrap to pee, shower, and sleep. I was wondering if anyone stays wrapped for longer periods of time AND if anyone stays wrapped while they sleep. I'm unsure how long is too long. If I could help my...
  3. M


    So I wanna ask, is there any video or instruction on how to wrap my dick with uncle Jim's wrap?. ? Because when I do it myself my dick really cold :(. any HELP
  4. jekyllnhyde360

    Using a lot of wrap is a must!

    I've had some many issues with hanging, slippage, pinching, not closing properly, but the biggest issue i've come to realize is not using enough wrap, everything is better with more wrap, so i'm just putting this out there for anyone having issues with slippage or pain, that uses less wrap...
  5. D

    Frustrating PE

    I have just purchased a length master and so far it’s been frustrating. I can’t have it on for any amount of time without my head filling with blood. If I loosen it up, it just slips out. I’m using a silisleeve and sports prewrap currently because I can’t seem to get a good wrap otherwise...
  6. H

    Can "over training" cause shrinkage?

    I've noticed on days that I get a full 25 minutes or more of stretching in, that even after using a silisleeve or UJ wrap, I end up smaller. Typically the next day everything returns to normal. Am I missing something obvious? Am I over training?
  7. Brawn Johnson

    The Best Way to Start PE

    Hello, I'm putting together a game plan for a serious attempt at PE, and I thought I'd run it by the people here! If I'm missing something or getting something wrong, I'd really appreciate anyone letting me know. I plan to use the MoS $25 discount to buy: The Lengthmaster (+video membership...
  8. W

    New member quick questions

    Hello 1) is clamping equal to jelq in terms of effectiveness 2) can u gain lenght by hanging very light for hours straight "time under tension" method with enough weight just to feel a gradual stretch increasing fatigue over time 3) Is it better to decide the path "girth or lenght" first and...
  9. N

    Discomfort at base with O ring

    Just curious if I’m the only one who experiences this uncomfort but the best way to describe it is stickiness at my base where the O ring is at, it feels like a slight burn. Does anyone have any remedies? I was thinking of just using a little baby powder maybe that would help, unless anyone has...
  10. V

    XL Bell

    I've had the XL Bell for about ten days now. My glans is not XL but the standard one was too small, esp as I always wear the protector cap. Feels much more comfortable. I use it with the medium sleeve. Another thing: a couple of times when the suction was really good I saw my head swell up...
  11. M

    Length routine help needed!

    Hi guys :) I need people with experience in gaining length to chime in and advise me as to what is the best routine to follow/do including how many days per week,time for routine,how many sets and so on
  12. K

    Uncle Jim’s Wrap Video

    Anyone know whe I can find a tutorial video of how to wrap using the Uncle Jim’s Wrap technique?
  13. C

    Words don't express my happiness with PE

    I've been making some changes in my life lately that should make me better but PE is the one I'm most excited about. Being back at it is a good feeling, knowing that every stretching and girth without is one more step towards the large cock I desire. Most of you large or soon to be large...
  14. H

    New Bi-Monthly Contest! Win a tool of your choice!

    As per the subject, this thread is for the monthly contest I have been talking about. All you need to do in order to be a part of the contest is to drop your routine here and make sure you stick to the routine and stay consistent for one month. If you fail to stay consistent with your routine...
  15. F

    Length master for sale!

    Regretfully, I am selling my Length Master. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, I cannot use it as a hanger because I'm uncut and skin keeps getting pinched. I've tried every kind of wrap and technique available, so please don't offer any such suggestions. I've used the Bib hanger...
  16. F

    Another frenulum tear!!!!!

    I wasn't sure where to post this. I figured because the PF is my main enlargement tool, I'd go here. As the title suggests, I've torn my frenulum. This is the 3rd time over the years. I'm almost positive it's not because of the PF, because wearing the PF is virtually painless. So, I'm...
  17. X

    Losing Suction with the default condoms? No longer!

    Hey yall its been a while since I've been on here but I only have a few minutes of internet and I thought I would share with you guys what I have learned using the PF for two months now. I had an issue at the beginning not being able to get enough tension to grow. I couldnt get it past the end...
  18. DLD

    Bad Ass LengthMaster Bundle Routine by SuperDick!

    Yo Members, Here is the #2 video In the Superdick Video
  19. U

    Active ADS vs Passive ADS?

    Correct me if I'm wrong but ACTIVE ADS refers to something that pulls/stretches the penis with constant tension? Aka something like a PF, VLC, SG, etc. Whereas PASSIVE ADS is something that doesn't provide much tension but MAINTAINS a certain elongated and/or expanded state? Aka something like...
  20. D

    Question about hanging and extending

    Hi MOS, I was wondering why people are recommending 20 minute sets in hanging while extending for 1 hour is totally fine :p ? I used to do 1 hour sets in my size genetics extender few years ago, but I don’ like extending so I quit. I had a shoe lace with some wrap and it was comfortable but...
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  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
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    Which forum? How do I get there?
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
      Akteon1 @ Akteon1: I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?