
  1. D

    Hard erection big load formula

    Take 400 ml of nut milk, 1-2 teaspoons of red maca or maca extreme, and a scoop of high quality protein powder. Shake it up and drink it. Can be drunk twice a day, this is the quick start version still works, just not as good as the full better version, tell me if you want the better full version.
  2. T

    adult entertainment addiction and penis injury - any help appreciated (long read)

    Hello everybody, I’m a german man of 28 years. I’ll try to keep my intro here as short as possible but I’m afraid there is a lot to talk about in my case. My background and condition Background: I’m a severe adult entertainment addict for roughly eight years and I had a time were I was basically obsessed...
  3. D

    Kegels as good as viagra

    What do you guys think about this product? Kegel Exercises for Men | Sexual Enhancement | The Private Gym Scam or not. Dr. Grace Dorey says its as good as viagra without the cost and side effects. Is it a good product?
  4. D

    Pc muscle shrinkage?

    Can you over exercise your pc to the point where they actually start to shrink and weaken like when you over workout regular muscles? Because i workout my pc a lot and i noticed my erections are getting weaker.
  5. Z

    two a days with p.e.???

    okay so i pump in the morning and then jelq or five mins but ive cut the stretches and pre pump jelq out becasue i still have my inguinal hernia and ill be getting it finally fixed soon but i find that if i dont strech or jelq before pumping ive had almost 100% success rate for the hernia not...
  6. J

    Low EQ. Can't maintain erection for long.

    Hey DLD and other MOS Members, I really need your help and advice on this. Lately I have been having low EQ and when I do get an erection while having sex with a girl or during foreplay, my penis only stays hard for a while and then it goes away. Recently I was about to have sex with this...
  7. T

    update from timber on chem pe *must read if doing chem pe*

    Hi guys. It's been awhile. Hope everyone is doing well and achieving their gains. I felt I had a duty to you guys to let you know the bad news I have encountered, that was most likely due to my chem pe protocol or severely over training. My size has tapered down even farther, and I am now at...
  8. G

    Penis growth spurts - what is going to happen to me?

    Hi I'm 22 and ever since highshool and continuing after high school have been having dick growth spurts. I know a lot of you might think this is bullshit so I posted pictures of my last few growth spurts to prove it. But anyway my experience has not been as fun as you might think. Don't get me...
  9. B

    Bacheelor:s progress thread to 6.50 - 6,75 girth with BM extreme.

    Hey brothers, Finally i decided to get my own progress thread, will later edit this post with PE history and so on but for now i just wanna get going.
  10. B

    adult entertainment Star Girth Measurements

    Just thought I'd share from what I've seen. I could be slightly off by an eighth for the measurements I list, I can only see in fourths right now. If you're a adult entertainment and P.E. addict you just start to be able to see it in time. This might be a nice reference for you if you are unsure of what girth...
  11. A

    Do i Have adult entertainment Addiction Problems?

    ok so my job is really slow.over the last couple months ive been downloading amatuer adult entertainment pics on my phone at work,playing with myself while doing so.sometimes i cum pretty quick several times a day.but its gotten today like 4 hours of my day was spent not downloading but SORTING...
  12. G

    Am i doing pe correctly?

    hello brothers, i am just curius and making sure if i am doing pe in the right way. i hope you guys answer my questions :) first of all i have a circumcised penis which makes pe harder .... my routine is like this: 10 mins warm up. 10 min normal stretching. then 1 hour extender with vlc tugger...
  13. V

    viagra newbie

    How long does it take 50mg to kick in?
  14. H

    What are you guys taking for good erection quality to aid girth workout?

    I have been smoking Marijuana because it gives me a solid erection for my girth workout. But the down side is that I end up eating too much food. Apart from kegel and pills like Titan, Male Extra and Prosolution pills, what are you guys taking or doing in order to get solid erection for girth work?
  15. M


    Can someone explain why generic Cialis is banned from online purchase but generic Viagra can be purchased? Thanks
  16. T

    Viagra Laced erection pills

    Just to let you all know, my friend who knows the owner of Ultimate-X pills on Ultimate Range told me their product is laced with Kamagra which is the active ingredient in Viagra. No wonder why I had a very decent erection but a huge migraine after.
  17. I

    Little EQ problem

    Since I have really stepped up the intensity in my length routine to the point my dick is out lasting my hands and arms, I am having some trouble getting good solid erections particularly during sex. I get hard enough to get the job done and even get really hard for a few seconds but then back...
  18. A

    Generic VIagra in Canada?

    Hey everyone, I know there's a thread a bit further down about this but it hasn't seen any activity in a while; I'm really curious as to whether or not there are any distributors of generic viagra in Canada. Any information would be deeply appreciated!
  19. L

    To 8x6, AND BEYOND!!!

    Pages 1-10 are previous experience up until a point where I needed a break. Pages 10-now are current experience with a daily log entry for my latest routine Because Buzz Light Year I figured it's due for me to post how I finally got here. Long time ago, maybe 11 years now, I was upper...
  20. B

    Virgin adivce. Need help!!!

    You read the title and i am not happy to say it, but I am a 21 year old virgin. It sucks. Im at this stage because of my own insecurities, mostly penis size, but i have been working at them for a while. I have worked my measurements to 6-6.25 inches in length and 5.5-5.75 inches in girth...