universal pump sleeve

  1. Y

    universal pump sleeve bathmats x30 HELP!!!

    hi guys i just got the universal pump sleeves for my bathmats x30 because i was getting pain in my balls and the rings, so i tried it out today and I've put the sleeve on, firstly the opening is too small for me to get through for me, after this happened i cut the opening to make a larger hole...
  2. L

    Wearing Wrap While Sleeping

    I keep reading about using a wrap to "heal while in an extended state"... I wear the SG with the VLC mod almost all day except for gym, sex, and sleep, but I'm wondering if it's safe to wear a wrap (ie Ace Bandage wrap) while I sleep, provided I don't wrap too tight.
  3. J

    Bahtmate Issue: How to get rid of scabs when using the bathmate

    Hi DLD and crew, I have been using the bathmate for a while now and been getting really good expansion. I noticed that the rings that are left around my penis when I'm done with the bathmate actually turned into black scabs as I am brown skin. Have you guys ever had this problem? Have you ever...
  4. G

    Bathmate Hercules for sale

    Hello, I have one lightly used but thoroughly cleaned, fully functional Bathmate Hercules to sell. I am including a spare Universal Pump Sleeve which can be used to increase the suction on the groin (it came in a pack of 2). I am open to offers and I can calculate shipping costs if I know...
  5. S

    Damn Bathmate Hercules Gaiter!!!

    How do I get rid of the stinging it does on my penis....I just weather the pain and deal with it when doing my 6x7 sets and don't want to skip a day due to pain
  6. L

    Bathmate not holding suction

    Hey guys was wondering if anyone has experienced this and could help, basically when I use my bathmate and I pump it the little black bit at the end seems to extend outwards and causes the suction to just go as I let the bathmate decompress from pumping it. Can anyone help?
  7. B

    X30 or X40?

    I am having a hell of a time deciding whether to get the X30 or X40... I currently have a Hercules and I get horrible rings about 1/3 of the way up my shaft. I think it is preventing me from getting gains. I am even getting close to the top when pumping at full pressure now. Now I can't decide...
  8. Y

    thinking of getting a bathmate

    I'm desperate for girth and from what I hear on this forum is that BM is the way to go. I've been air pumping with a vacutech flared cylinder for a couple months now, and it seems like the only expansion I get in it is from fluid build up. I've heard guys on here claiming the BM keeps fluid to a...
  9. M

    My short comparison on both the X40 and X30

    This is a quick review of my experience owning both the x40 and x30 and will do a follow up soon. I started on an X40 and bought an x30 afterwards. The main point is to share my experience with the two as I found I was getting different results with each. I also hopes it help people judge a...
  10. M

    Progress thread time to get serious !! P.E journey

    hey guys and I'm not sure if any gals around :P I've been bit of a hit an miss guy when it comes to Pe, starting an stopping , but now it's time to get serious and really try to have a solid year of working on it. my goal atm is 9.5 length (I'd be happy with 9 too) and ideally minimum shaft...
  11. M

    Gaitor bite?

    I tried taking a few days off of pumping with my X-40 bc of what I think is what you guys call "gaitor bite". its a red patch just by the base. how do I get rid of this? or how long should I take off? I am ordering the x40 as soon as my paypal account gets the money I put in is there. so maybe...
  12. B

    Cockrings: unexpected benefits

    Cockrings: unexpected benefits Although I have only been using cockrings for a short time, I thought it prudent to share with my brothering a couple of unexpected benefits of using cockrings in and around Penis Enlargement. My cock rings of choice are the silicon beginner cockring which is very...
  13. Z

    I am a very bad pump-er

    Hey guys! I am writing this thread to get some advices for my problem. I've been having my X40 for around a week now and since this is my first pump- it's still taking me time till I master it. In the beginning I had no idea on how to pump and was worried that there was water coming out when I...
  14. G

    Growingwriter wants to grow!

    Hello people :) So, this will be a miniblog for things I learn around the site and to discuss and note my routine as it changes. I did try Penis Enlargement about 3 years ago (but lost my way because I was silly enough not to remember to do sessions) and that unintentional complacency is gonna...
  15. W

    Any other way avoid the Gaitorbite??

    Are there any other way to avoid gaitorbite??I was trying to order a universal pump sleeve but the fees to come on greece is 30-40$ and my economics is very bad.i dont want spend that money there.if anyone have found any other way to do it please inform me.thats could be very helpfull for me.
  16. J

    Jordey's journey to a massive dick and a perfect body.

    okay, so im starting a new progress thread as the old one sort of stagnated, i wasnt motivated enough and also didnt have enough time due to family issues. i also made little/ no gains and was getting a bit discouraged, but i think this was because i hadnt found exercises i actually like so...
  17. R

    Most comfortable way I've found to wear SG.

    Hey guys, I got the SG ages ago but kinda left it on the shelf after getting frustrated as it was uncomfortable. I've found a solution that helps me wear it with very little discomfort. I can only take partial credit as I got the idea from how Kingsnake was clamping with a cut down pump ring. I...
  18. D

    time for goliath?

    I need to know if its time to move up to the X-40...I started aprox 4 months ago at 180 and currently go to what i would estimate 215 on the "gauge"...its hard for me to tell weather this is from pumping harder than i did when i started or if its actual growth...I measure 6-6.25 mid shaft post...
  19. I

    My ALN Routine = For the Anxious Lazy and New

    Okay folks, you all, or y'all for short, know your shit. Whether you're new here or have been posting and helping out for years, to have Penis Enlargement on your radar in the first place puts you above the general male population. I've been using the Bathmate now for months and truth be told...
  20. G

    What to get first?

    I am thinking of getting the Bathmate/Penomet and a Size Genetics. I was thinking what should I get first the Bathmate/Penomet or the SG? I have an older vacextender that I have been using. It's kind of big and clunky. I ordered the vlc tugger and rigged it to work with the vacextender for...
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    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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