hey ive been jelqing and stretching for the last 3 months on and off. I have developed a pretty serious injury. I was doing all the exercises safe and felt no pain at all, but one day I woke up and my penis was "dead". It felt completely different, like there wasnt any blood getting to it. It...
I am wondering how each of us arrived at Penis Enlargement??? Did it stem from puberty? Was it a feeling that you had somehow fell short of the average male sexuality size? Was it a comment we heard projected at our penis or was it a simple desire to have a bigger penis? Whatever it may be...
Does anyone know the size of Trojan Magnums? Since Penis Enlargement i've gained about half an inch in girth and cant get regular sizes on anymore, but i'm afraid magnums might be too big. I didn't know where to direct this question
Ugh never mind i'm an idiot and just searched the forum so i'm...
About 2 months ago I as jelqing (hard) and injured myself apparently. I want to know what it is! Its still there in my penis. near/below the head on my right side is like a knot or little ball or out of place tissue in my penis that gets aggrivated from jelqing or clamping still to this day, it...
I'm sure most of you clicking on this thread think I have the answer to that question. Well I dont>:( ! but this is the purpose of this thread and I hope as many people as possible will respond and share their opinions (noobs and vets alike).
So here's the question:
is there any set routine...
I was clamping last week for 15 min...than increased to 20...than increased to 40 min. I however let it up one notch when the my penis was throbbing.
After doing this for 6 days straight... for about 3 hours total per day with time off in between... I am very sore. By the way I would first...
Hey guys,
I'm 23 years old, anyways I decided to start supplementing with liquid cialis for Penis Enlargement. So I bought 2 vials of 25mg/30ml of liquid ciallis. When it arrives should I take .5 ml instead of a 1.0ml since others are saying that's all you need.
Also, how much of a better...
DLD's Cross Legged Jelq 1 & 2: Adding Presure to the Slow Squash Jelg
Variation One:
With a full erection grip at your extreme base and trap the blood in your dick. Take the other hand, as if you were going to do a slow squash jelq and place it at the top of your dick. While pressing up with...
So I did it.
I have been Penis Enlargement'ing on and off for about three years now all with waiting to find a decent Doc to perform both enlargement procedures.
Here are my stats just before the operation.
5'10 165 Althletic build
Age 22
Do not smoke, eat healthy
BPenis EnlargementL...
Omega-3 for Depression and Bipolar Disorder
Have we been fishing in all the wrong places for the magic bullet for depression and bipolar disorder? Have scientists been turning a blind eye to a well-known elixir that works well for other diseases and conditions? Ever since psychiatry threw Freud...
For those of you with gf's....when and how do you Penis Enlargement? It's kinda hard because women demand so much attention that it's difficult to put in time to Penis Enlargement. Do your Gf's know you Penis Enlargement? What if you just got done Penis Enlargement'ing and she comes over for...
Hey everyone! I've been a member of MOS now for 4 months and have Penis Enlargement'd consistently since then. I just took my monthly measurements today and figured that I should start my own journal to help me track my gains and get feedback from the group. The first three months I gained...
It has always been a dream of mine to be deepthroated... wait. Do I "want to deepthroat" or do I "want to be deepthroated"? Lol, I have no idea on how to phrase the question, so I'll put both options out there so I don't look too idiotic. Anyways. As I have mentioned, I always wanted to engage...
Here's a question that I'm puttin up here because I've got no real idea where else to put this, but before the question; the set-up. Been with my curent gal goin' on 5 years now and she's just one hot shit. Gorgeous, smart, funny and sexy like you wouldn't fukkin' believe. She's adventerous and...
So everyone at this point knows what supra slammers are. But I got a new one for you that is going to blow your minds. I was confused and I actually thought these were supra slammers by getting explaned to them by someone else. So I masturbate till i'm about to cum and as the semen is coming up...
I WO in the morning hours usually on an empty stomach. Been doing it for 3-4 years now, and never had a problem. I dont drink much water during my WO, and i know i should. I drink maybe 32oz of water during my WO.A couple months ago i did a full body workout, taking the previous entire week...
I started doing stretching excercies about 9 months ago (from info not related to this site) and made gains probably too quickly. To keep this short I stopped doing the excercies about 6 mos ago when I hooked up with this chick and noticed my dick didnt get hard like before. After I would...
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