I came across this link, after looking at a Phallson Forte. Now I like the idea of the Phallson Forte as you can wear it all day. But the concept is far to simple to sell at that price and its a down right rip off. So I did some brain storming.
Untitled Document
Basically following this...
Hello! This technique was shown to me from a guy at PE named Holownia. And i have studied this a little bit
on myself and i have came up with a conclusion that will answer a lot of questions like:
Usable penis size, visual penis size, and how to realize how much tunica + ligament gains you have...
I got my Hydromax X30 last week and I am having trouble getting it to seal up around my base and getting suction. Has anyone else had this problem ? What if anything can I do to fix this ??
Has anyone ever tried cupping before? It's a form of natural medical treatment which involves putting a flame under a small cup and then placing the cup against your skin in strategic locations. The cup sucks your skin into it like a pump... just google it because it's difficult to explain...
So I was thinking on how to maximize length gains as usual.
And then I remember reading an article sometime in the past.
I can't say when exactly, but I have vivid memories of the said article.
In this article it was claimed that using slim elliptical cylinders to pump would definitely result...
hi guys i just got the universal pump sleeves for my bathmats x30 because i was getting pain in my balls and the rings, so i tried it out today and I've put the sleeve on, firstly the opening is too small for me to get through for me, after this happened i cut the opening to make a larger hole...
My device is just over a month old, it seems the plastic part that measures the tension and connects the belt to the bellis broken can't go to medium tensio without the spring popping out?? Then we have to pop it back in but it keeps doing it. Can I buy a replacement part? Anyone else have a...
Lately I've been doing a very very casual PE routine. So casual in fact, I'm not sure if you could call it much of a routine.
Typically I just do some basic stretches and massaging in the shower. Whatever feels natural from day to day. I'm not really measuring or anything right now, just...
I have finally found the ultimate ADS.
I have found a way to combine multiple PE tools into one cohesive unit.
To make this setup you need the following.
A phallosan Forte, and a Stealth Hidden Wear and a Stealth Corkscrew.
This unit combined will give you a perfect head attachment, and a...
When you're removing your suction device, and finally get it off does your penis instantly turtle mine does, and also if I massage it to a erection it only gets to about 4 1/2 inches aboat and inch less than a normal erection. Is this just natural fatigue? Or am I doing something that could...
I have been using an extender, BM, LM, and hanging for a while with relative ease. However, at the moment I am devoid of privacy as I have some guests staying over for a while. I was looking for something to give me back those additional hours lost to miscellaneous activities and lack of...
is that its TOO DAAAM LOOONG !!!
its impossible to wear it when u move out of house.
this white vacuum part of the PF makes it very long...i wish that could be chopped off ...lol
plus i think thats why something like the size doctor extender is invented.......i would love to have
I wore the phallogenetics at max tension for 2 hours. I'm using the medium bell and medium codom. I tried putting on the phallogenetics again but I can no longer get suction inside the bell. I have tried the larger bell, the same problem. I used powder, but still, I cannot get suction.
I have seen a trend of ABSilicone not getting orders to guys or when they do it takes weeks. We want to resolve this issue but we really need your feedback.
What is it about the ABSilicone Sleeve you like best?
Is there a difference between the standard Phallosan sleeve and the ABSilicone...
Hello brothers! I have been working so hard this days to develop a new highly intense routine to accomplish the target of gaining 1 cm in 10 days) last night I discovered a new way of inner penis stretching. May be someone else in the brotherhood did this before) I pumped my entire package in...
I have a bathmate that I didn't use much but can't get any suction I'm looking for some mods that will fix that because even after cleaning the head and hanging the ring I still have no suction I saw the penis sleeve that looks like it will work but I will need a fix for the head of the bathmate...
1. guys i am going to place order for ab silicone antiturtle cell elongation sleeve.....now the people who have.... would u advice me to buy 2 or 1 according to its quality ???
Anti-Turtle Cell Elongation Sleeve
2. also should i buy a pumping sleeve that i can wear when pumping so if i buy...
i found this AUTOMATIC JELQING DEVICE....atleast it looks automatic
please have a look and tell me if i should buy
Penis Enlargement Pump with LCD Controls for Men in Penis Enlargers & Pumps from Sexpiration Male Toys by www.sexpiration.com
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