My SilliSleev 5 just came in the mail, but I have no clue how to put it on. It seems like I would need three hands in order to do it:lol2: Does anyone have advice or a tutorial video? Thanks!
Hey everyone!
So typically I wrap for three hours at a time with a self-adhering bandage. I unwrap to pee, shower, and sleep. I was wondering if anyone stays wrapped for longer periods of time AND if anyone stays wrapped while they sleep. I'm unsure how long is too long. If I could help my...
Hi, guys. What to order better - SiliSleev2 OR SiliSleev5? Want to use after LM3 session for healing in extended state / anti-turtling.
Maybe some advice for the size? Planing to go for 6"L x 1"W. Some time ago read here on MOS they break quickly..
Tried these out a few night ago using the Silistretcher as conventional ADS, and hanging weights.
My verdict is FANTASTIC!!! these are way ahead of the standard stock silisleev in more ways then one.
As always, MOS ships the items discreetly, and well packaged. Sent via DHL, came very quickly...
The New SiliSleev Duros start shipping this Friday, May 31st!
All SiliStretchers now come standard with these New SiliSleev Duros!
These are the new improved SiliSleevs to be used with the SiliStretcher.
They are semi-transparent to better monitor your penis and are very durable.
Hi everyone I have came up with a technique to keep the silisleev from rolling at the base & slipping over the head . Actually ther 2 ways one is to wrap the uncle's Jim's wrap around the silisleev while you're wearing it 2nd way is to wear 2 to 3 silisleevs around your penise. I have had no...
I don't know if it's a problem or I just did soemthing wrong but I want to ask anyway. I already have a PF and a week ago I used it during the night. It was always pretty uncomfortable, so I tried wearing the SiliSleev under it for testing. It was still not good but I could sleep through the...
NOTE: This post does not apply to the new SiliStretcher2 with the DuroSleevs. This is only for the SiliStretcher 1 with the original SiliSleevs
We ship the SiliStretcher 1 with the regular size 20mm x 85mm SiliSleev attached and 2.5lbs of weight. This set-up is for starting up and is not...
I've noticed on days that I get a full 25 minutes or more of stretching in, that even after using a silisleeve or UJ wrap, I end up smaller. Typically the next day everything returns to normal. Am I missing something obvious? Am I over training?
After fifteen years of research testing hundreds of sleeves with the top practitioners and pioneers of penis enlargement, MOS is proud to announce the SiliSleev and SiliCap.
The importance of staying in an extended state after exercise is something people often miss.
Many people work out...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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