
  1. A

    staying motivated

    Sometimes it is hard to stay motivated in PE. If you are doing it right there will be a time when you have made gains and you are happy with your size and your partner is too. But why settle for mediocrity? We want to be the BIGGEST and dominate in the bedroom. We don't "above average" we want...
  2. L

    How pain effects growth

    There are two schools of thought about pain with pe. The first is you should avoid pain. Pain is your signal to stop whatever it is you're doing, and that makes plenty of sense. It can cause turtling and ligament retraction, which can halt gains no matter what your routine looks like. Pain can...
  3. J

    can you cement internal penis gains?

    I read somewhere internal penis gains cannot be cemented, that the only length gains you can cement is with a traction device. Is this true? If not, would it take typically a couple years to cement these internal penis gains?
  4. P

    All day stretch, need expert advice

    So I want to keep my penis elongated all day! Between using my devices. Thing is I need something that I can just put on and leave on, no reapplying constantly. Can't restrict bloodflow even if getting NRBs every now and then, I tried using the flaccid jacket which is like a rubber tube, it's...
  5. jekyllnhyde360

    Blood came out of glans while clamping???

    i had just started clamping and went to do a squeeze and a nickel sized blood drop came out of the glans, then another smaller one. i tried squeezing the glans and another drop came out and that was it. i could still stay hard but the spongiosum completely emptied. Not sure why? hopefully its...
  6. D

    Think globally, act locally : macro and micro PE exercises for local gains

    Hi all, I've seen something interesting that does not seem to be detailed here. If posts exists, just mention them. It is common sense, and you learn it when you study about signals and mathematics, that the efficiency of a chain of elements is always lowered by its weakest elements. In a...
  7. S

    The best way to predict the future is to create it .

    Hello everybody , As DLD recommended , this is my Routine and Progress thread to get the best help from you in journey to accomplish my goal . First of all i should tell something about me so you know who you're talking to . - My name is Andrew , I'm 21 yo . I don't have a job , just playing...
  8. C

    Cadude7's Quest to a bigger package

    i have been doing PE now for about a year....restarted. I have been having great progress since I purchased a bathmate. I'm actually now starting to out grow in girth....more pronounce accordion.....I'll post pictures later, as I have been keeping progress. When I started, I was nbpel 5.0...
  9. V

    My PE Log

    Hey guys, my current starts are 6.2 BPEL and 4.7-4.8 MEG. I'm pretty average based on these numbers and I've always felt insecure about it. I came across PE last year and started half assing some jelqing and noticed an immediate difference, my dick felt fuller and I'd always give it up after a...
  10. T

    What is the perfect size for women?

    I know some say its just average which is perfect cause its comfy but im sure it wont give a "oh my fucken shit" experience. But for those who say 8x6 is the ideal wouldnt that be a little too much for most girls?
  11. J

    Bathmate extreme x40 routine and jelqing

    Hey DLD, hey guys, I have a question. I know you said that you would see fast gains if you use the bahtmate extreme consistenly almost every day along with jelqing. I have a busy schedule, my work schedule is not the normal 9 - 5. If I use the bathmate extreme x40 in the morning and then jelq...
  12. DLD

    DLD Duel Double Stretch.....Should have thought of this years ago!

    Funny when you are stretching and you find a position, one you never have hit before for what ever reason and you create a new stretch. This stretch, for me, left me sore as a newbie after only 15 minutes of doing them. I believe that they not only address expressive gains (bringing internal...
  13. T

    Does Anal Masturbation / Prostate Stimulation affect Penis Enlargement?

    This is my first post! I've been lurking and reading for few months... I would like to use this opportunity to say Thank you all for teaching me such great exercises and introducing me to a whole another world. The journey has been great so far... Okay so I have always had this question. I...
  14. B

    Bacheelor:s progress thread to 6.50 - 6,75 girth with BM extreme.

    Hey brothers, Finally i decided to get my own progress thread, will later edit this post with PE history and so on but for now i just wanna get going.
  15. A

    adult entertainment stars actual size(NSFW)

    Hello everyone, I'm a old reader, I know a lot about PE, but only made the decision the start PEing this year in February(02/21) after being skeptical and shit. So I bought the PF, BM x30, and I'm about to buy the Stealth and maybe the Length master. I also got this link from another PE...
  16. J

    Intro, Hope This Works

    Hi, I just came across this forum tonight when searching for penis enlargement methods and specifically increasing elasticity. In order to introduce myself fully, I'd like to tell you all how I got here. I'm 26, by the way. So I used to be at least 7 inches and almost 6 around at one point...
  17. F

    New here and a look at my routine.

    Hi, so these are the exercises that i have included in my routine,i have been doing these for 3 months now.I started back in october 2014.i started by warming up in the shower then doing basic stretches,rotary stretches and also jai stretches.When i am in the shower i use soap or shower gels to...
  18. L

    To 8x6, AND BEYOND!!!

    Pages 1-10 are previous experience up until a point where I needed a break. Pages 10-now are current experience with a daily log entry for my latest routine Because Buzz Light Year I figured it's due for me to post how I finally got here. Long time ago, maybe 11 years now, I was upper...
  19. B

    Friar Fige's BM Ironman armor

    As some of you know I'm somewhat of a bathmate aficionado, so it makes sense that I'm always trying new stuff with my favorite PE tool, sorry dld... LM came second I my life.. (It is a close second) I have written to some length on the virtues of cockrings as seen in the two threads in my sig...
  20. L

    Length Work is Fun Like Gas

    I know that at one point in my girth work with bends and slammers I felt this way also. But length is special. Intense length work makes me feel like I would pass out with a lesser constitution. I know that these are "good" indicators based on prior recent gain. It is just massively draining...
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    @sam hi, good to see you brother. Post in the forum and we'll chat more.
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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