penis extender

  1. A

    ADF's Step-Up Method Routine For SG/VLC/TLC Combo.

    The image below is all the equipment I use for the ADF Step-Up Method Routine For SG/VLC/TLC Combo. This method allows you to have continuous micro-adjustments on the threaded screws without having to change a single bar. This routine is better suited for 1-1 1/2 hour intense stretching with...
  2. P

    any UNSATISFIED Phallosan users who prefer SG rod extenders more?

    i use the x4 but hate having to take it off every hour. i am uncut so i thinking about the Vlc to use but if the phallosan is just as good than i will get one instead (because i can wear it at night and to the gym)
  3. A

    Benefits of Doing Kegels While Wearing SG/VLC Combo?

    While wearing the SG/VLC combo, I do all my kegels from the phases. So I am wondering what benefits I am getting from doing it this way instead of doing them without wearing it? Seems like it causes about as much pressure in my penis as a cough does. I would think it would be good to kegel blood...
  4. T

    Is a larger diameter base available?

    Anyone know if it's possible to get a larger diameter base for the SG? I can no longer get into my SG after a pump session. If I'm flaccid in the morning I can get in it but the base of my penis completely touching all of the SG base even then and is a bit squished in there. I'm doing a couple...
  5. K

    After using Penis Extender Urinary flow issue and buring on the tip of Penis

    Dear all brothers please help me if any one use Penis Extender. I have used Penis extender for 15 days only after using this device i have pain and little burning on all penis and i am feeling Urinary flow issue, again and again i feel like i have to urinate often, but not much urine comes out...
  6. W

    Penis extender people from europe

    Are there any guys here in europe that have and use a penis extender? I don't have a credit-card and I don't wanna pay loads of money for shipping costs to buy a size genetics or something. The only thing I can find here in europe is the andro penis extender and I've only read bad reviews about...
  7. D

    Warm Up Before I Use The Size Genetics Or Not?

    Hi Guys, I've been on and off for years with penis enlargement as I have a fairy decent sized cock. But I'm looking to finally knuckle down and stay focused on a dedicated routine. My question about wearing an extender is I need to warm up with a heat pad/hot wash cloth prior to...
  8. wakingdream

    My Review of SG with PICS

    I was a bit nervous to purchase the SG but I actually had a pleasant experience, so hopefully my review can help other guys if they're on the fence about buying. HOW IT CHARGED MY CARD I did alot of searching around and the MoS link seems to be the cheapest way to buy the SG. The links and ads...
  9. M

    fixing a curve

    Ive got a pretty descent curve going on. I started using the size genetics about a month ago for 3 hrs per day and my curve seems to be getting worse. any thoughts?
  10. 1

    I can't fit my Extender on my penis...

    I'm 3 inch flaccid and 5 inch erect. Just got my extender, two days ago, and it's impossible to put the thing on because my penis is too small... So there goes $400. Any suggestions? Or am i not using it correctly?
  11. A

    Andromedical penis extender for sale

    Hello I have an andropenis medical extender for sale. inbox me for details
  12. S

    Wider base, does SizeGenetics sell them somewhere?

    I just bought a SizeGenetics extender about a week ago, and it seems like I may not be able to use it. I have a very thick penis, and the default base that came with the extender is so thin that it works almost like a cock ring for me and causes quite a bit of pain after a while due to blood...
  13. L

    SizeGenetics Now Offers the Highest Tension in the World!

    Incredible news brothers, the SizeGenetics has just raised the bar again in P.E.! They now offer a new increased tension of 2,300g! Now you can get the maximum tension stretch to help get you quicker gains! Remember, when you get the SizeGenetics Penis Extender through our links, you get...
  14. R

    Will my size fit in the SizeGenetics?

    Hello, I am an 18 years old male that is blessed to have a penis but unfortunately it's a "really" small one. Thus, I have decided that it is time I start penis enlargement to help "lighten" this problem. I am interested in the SizeGenetics device because I hear it is very comfortable, but I am...
  15. P


    Length first then girth or both
  16. A

    Size Genetics Weekly Q and A Thread

    I sent the SizeGenetics rep a PM asking if they would have any interest in doing some kind of sticky thread for worthwhile questions on the SG. Anybody else also interested in getting this going? Seems like a win-win for all parties involved. DLD would you be willing to make this happen?
  17. B

    An honest, genuine review of the Size Genetics extender

    Hi, After having used the size genetics extender for the last 11 months, I would strongly advise staying away from this product. It simply does not work. I am living proof of this. I've done all the jelqing routines (RELIGIOUSLY), the pre-workouts, worn the extender for 7-10 hours a day etc...
  18. M

    Continuing to slip...

    So, I'm 7" bpel and 5.5" circumference, but my glans is slightly smaller than my shaft when flaccid. I have tried nearly every permutation of this 16way comfort system over the last few weeks and for the life of me, I cannot get the size genetics to stay on for more than a few minutes. The...
  19. N

    SizeGenetics deal not available with PayPal... DLD?

    Hi guys, So the package deal isn't available when paying with PayPal. DLD, do you think there's a way to fix this or is there a reason for this? The SizeGenetics guy on the site was going to try to figure it out, but I didn't hear anything from him in a few days (he's probably busy). Anyone...
  20. D

    Plastic Wrap!

    I wrap the area around the glans a few times with plastic wrap then I use the Ace bandage. Feels much more comfortable that way and IF I do start to slip, the Ace bandage is sliding against the plastic - not your penis. I used to get that immense carpet-like burning sensation if it started...
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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