lengthmaster 3

  1. O

    Took the next step my dudes

    Just a quick thread to say I've been slowly gaining knowledge and experience, mainly from the awesome posts here, while beginning my PE journey. I started stretching (incorrectly and somewhat ineffectively) since February. I learned this week about bundles, and am trying to get more comfortable...
  2. J

    Need sage advice to reach 8", Routine recommendation to prepare for my Pre-ordered Lengthmaster

    Hello everyone. This community looks like a very good support group for those wanting to increase their size. I've been reading some posts and don't understand the convention 5x5x2. Does this mean 5 minutes w/ device, 5 minutes rest, then 2 times per day or 2 sets? I already pre-ordered the...
  3. B

    LM3 sold out!? :(

    Just as I made the decision to buy LM3, it sold out! :( Any idea on restocking times? Days? Weeks? Months? Thxs
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