So the #1 tip is very basic and works EVERY time for me...
Get your tools, equipment, or whatever else u need for your routine READY by your side and u will have no choice but to get the routine done
For me I always first have to set up a towel with all the lubes and oil, and then wash my BM &...
I'm currently using the length master for 1 hour daily doing upward and downward bundled stretches. I know I'm suppose to wrap with ace bandage to heal in an elongated state but right now I do not have the ace bandage. I intend to gain 1 inch in length in 6 month. I have used the length master...
Hello brothers, I was just wondering whether it can be possible. Anyone has experience with this Shockwave/Sparkwave? Here is the link:
hey all I am getting back into the hang of things and decided to start a progress thread, I will try to post daily. I am currenly hanging weight, using my home made length master and pumping with my bathmate x30.
So my new routine
(This routine is done with a length master)
10 minute tunica warm up
Bundled stretch left right up down straight out 2 minutes each
Than i do 1 minute and a half of mother of all lig stretches left and right cheek
3x1 minute downward stretches downward (left right straight...
As the suggest implies, I want to know if there is anyone that has used the length master consistently for 6 months. I will also like to know what type of gains you have made from using the device.
I'm currently using my length master daily for 1 hour doing downward bundled stretches only. I do...
LM with SRT stretches + bundles + expressive stretches
followed by
LM hanging feature
Manual clamped kegels and reverse kegels
Phallosan wear until night session
Same as above + my good old hardcore BM routine with the BM hardcore stretches
Phallosan at night
and also...
Now this may be already thought of or an idea already. An idea came to me as I was doing my stretching now I am currently doing footlong which I love but for some reason I decided to grab the base of my penis with one okay grip and right above it not and inch but directly above the other had I...
hey fellow PE brothers how is it going, I have not had a chance to do any kind of PE since around thanksgiving, because of a injury that is just now fully healing, I am also in the process of moving, and more than likely will not be able to get started again till about the end of January...
Lets say i gain .5 of an inch but have to take a few weeks off due to injury and i lose some of it. If i start back with the right intensity will it come back fairly quick? Or will i have to wait months again?
small penis
I've been training consistently for about 40days now doing only girth work. Yesterday i received my length master and I did 30 minutes downward bundled stretches. After using the length master, I started my girth session but I noticed that i can no longer get myself erect without feeling the...
Good day brothers. The day before yesterday, my Length Master arrived in the mail. I was pretty excited about it, because I had read so many great reviews. But I was also a little apprehensive because of one crucial problem. I am uncut! I have been playing around with PE for almost 4...
I have tried it all. Bundled stretches, simple stretches jelqing, dry jelqing you name it. I dont want girth yot i want length. Im beganing to think mabey the length master will help me with my length. It will take me months and months to save for up for this but I think its with a try. Also all...
Anyone use the phallosan for girth? I never even heard of this thing til today, so this is new to me.
I'm wondering about using it for bundled stretches, which are supposedly very good for girth. I've never benefited from bundled stretches at all, but maybe they'd work for me if I did them for...
Everywhere on the forum, there are a lot of conflicting statements, theories, beliefs as to what is the better equipment for length workouts and gains.
So, I'd appreciate if we could clarify this here: A hanger or the Lengthmaster? Give reasons if you can.
In the past, I was able to get 1 inch expansion after my girth session. I normally do 4 reps of 10 minutes session with SSj 3 reps in between each set. But now I no longer get that 1 inch expansion, all I can get now after my session is half inch of expansion. Is this okay? Or do I need to...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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