Sorry if this is the wrong category
But this is about the reverse kegel.
What's the goal with Rk? I do 2 min x 8 sets.
Is the goal to hold it for long period of time? Example instead of 2 min x 8 sets, i could train myself to hold up to 16 minutes? Would that be just as beneficial for...
Hey guys! I am writing this to ask for your help. I am fighting premature ejaculation and currently doing the Stud- Maker- Drill created by SLICEBEEF (! ). The problem I have is that when...
From a young age i have had increasingly worse erections until the point of impotency. I realized later on that a obsessive adult entertainment addiction and extreme anxiety was causing this, and then it began a mental game. I saw a physio therapist for a bit about 6 months ago, and she showed me that I had...
Hey guys! This is another one of my "kiss the.... goodbye". Since premature ejaculation is something a lot of men are experiencing it has become a huge problem for not only men (whose confidence might be screaming for help), but women as well (they do not get what they want). This is a huge...
Hey guys I have a few problems and I'm hoping you have some answers.
I masturbate dry(no lotion, lube etc) and whenever I try to masturbate wet my penis goes limp. Whenever I have sex without a condom it's the same way. It's like I can be rock hard when I have a condom on but if I take it off...
I've been lurking on this forum for some time, and it is what I have learned and read that made me decide to dive into the world of Penis Enlargement.
My girlfriends have always told me I have a large penis, but whenever I have looked in the mirror I just didn't feel that I have a big penis. I...
Hey guys. I should have my PGE1 tomorrow so I thought I'd go ahead and start this log. I'm currently following dashdemings hardcore hanging routine - 1 set of heavy hanging a day with one or two days off a week. I usually follow up with some wet jelqing.
I'll be doing things a bit differently...
I have been experimenting over the past 18 months in SRT heavily and when I spend so much time with something my mind finds even more unique ways to apply science to penis enlargement to make the fastest gains we can. Much of my contributions to penis enlargement has been the creation of penis...
I've had Bathmate 3 weeks now and I haven't been seeing the temporary gains or pump that everyone talks about. I get a very slight pump but it's gone in a few minutes and heard others saying it lasts hours. I go in hard and pump to the max. I've tried going 20 straight minutes and I've tried...
I think a lot of men tend to ignore the Kegel and Reverse Kegel as they see it as an internal mechanism that matters little to physical gains but this is a very misunderstood concept and I think it needs exemplification to help men see where these simple, muscular movements are so vital to...
I'm 7x5 1/8 now and have been using the Bathmate for a little over 3 weeks but have a lot of previous dry pumping experience and lots of Penis Enlargement experience learned at the Penis Enlargement Gym(another forum but MOS dominates them). Nothing is better I think than this Bathmate though I...
Well I finally got everything I needed and got started. Here is the list of materials.
Bottle of PGE1 100mcg/ml x 10ml
Syringes 1" 30G
48 ct box of Sudafed (for bringing down erections if needed)
Doc Johnson adjustable leather cock ring with metal snaps Bathmate (later if all is well).
Took a...
If you could only choose one what would it be?
Option A:
Length- 6 inchs
Girth- 5 inchs
Time you could last while having sex- hour and a half
Option B:
Length- 8 inchs
Girth - 6 inchs
Time you could last while having sex- 10 min
Ps. When I say "time you could last while having sex" I mean...
Hello I Am new to site and i been using Bathmate for 8 weeks, I had some problems with him, red dots on my penis but that disapear after i started doing jelqin after a 15 min Bathmate use (150 jelq) its great i fell the blod in my penis i thinks this is good and its going to help me
I thought I would make a post here as I'm trying to find something that will work for me. I'm a pretty average sized guy 5.5" on a good day, I'm currently in a relationship and me and my gf have been together for almost a year now. Well the first 6-8 months of us our sex was great, I was able to...
I was just wondering what causes premature ejaculation. I used to be able to last however i wanted, but now I bust after like 5 minutes in a pussy. I can last forever getting head, but as soon as i start stroking in a pussy i start to lose it even if i go slow. I edge and do kegels, but still it...
I’m not sure if this is the right forum but here goes…
I’m a long-time lurker but still consider myself a newbie when it comes to Penis Enlargement, etc. I’ve tried to avoid writing a long, wordy post so here is a thumbnail sketch…
49 y/o
6-3, 255 lbs
After lots of thinking,experimenting and with unbiased Penis Enlargement scientifical approach i came to this idea of using Bathmate all day.
I dont know is someone else taught about this or even tryed it?
I am gonna try to do it as long as i can on a lower tension ofc.
Lots of preparation...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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