Does Size Matter?
The young girl stands in front of the mirror. Never fat to begin with, she’s
been on a no-fat diet for a couple of weeks and has reached her goal
weight, 115 lb., at 54—exactly what she should weigh, according to her
doctor’s chart. But...
I see alot about stem cells today on tv and all and i was thinking last night and it crossed my mind that this could make your penis bigger if they ever do something with it.I might be wroung but i think it could.
Hi guys
I am wondering if anyone knows if it is safe to do Penis Enlargement exercises with the condition called varicocele. Anybody else has a problem with these? Will DLD testicle health do anything good for this condition?
thanks :s
Ok, the other thread wich is dealing with the question "Does the World Deserve to Know about Penis Enlargement?" inspired me to write this post , however since I hit on a different issue lateron , I decided to make a new thread rather than hijacking the present one :
Reactivating the genes...
New drug coming out around 2005/2006, which gives you a flawless tan all over without UV exposure. Currently they are using a implant which will give you a tan for 3 month then you need to get another implant. It was also found to increase sex drive (something Viagra can't do), potent...
Just like there is breast enhancement surgery, penis enhancement surgery and breast reduction surgery (my sister-in-law got that)....there is penis reduction surgery.
!! :O
Everyone on any Penis Enlargement boards is probably flinching at that.
But it's true. I remember seeing it in a...
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