Guys, i desperately need your help and I apologize if this has been covered. I'm new here. But I have a huge cock and i don't want a relationship. I'm on a lot of dating sites, where i mention my size, but i find that women don't want to have anything to do with me because they want...
Hey guys,
So I started Penis Enlargement a year or so ago, but after a month I had to stop for various reasons. I've started again now, and I believe this is actually a learning process as much as it is a physical process. I say that because I have developed some beliefs and routines that I did...
Hey everyone hows it going? Byrdy here, this is my first post in over 3 years, I haven't been on the boards consistantly since 2009.. Life however brought me back to me and I have been reading like a fiend on the new posts. I have found that reading other people's logs has been extremely...
Hi, I'm Mike Shlort.
I started Penis Enlargement on September 26th, 2011. My starting stats were around 6.6"NBPx5.4"EG. I did DLDs newbie routine that consisted of BTC, SD, SO, and SU manual stretches, 25-50 A-Stretch's with Kegeling (DLD Blasters), 300-600 Jelqs and a testicle massage and...
(if this isn't the correct section, I kindly ask any of the moderators to relocate it, please)
Here's a guy who seems to be comfortable with what he has.
On the one hand, I feel like he could use this forum. On the other hand, maybe we could learn something from him, since this may have a...
Has anyone heard of PGE-1 for gaining penis size, what do the routines look like? It looks interesting but I wanted to know what other people had to say about it. I posted this on Penis Enlargement gym but no one responded.
Well I finally got everything I needed and got started. Here is the list of materials.
Bottle of PGE1 100mcg/ml x 10ml
Syringes 1" 30G
48 ct box of Sudafed (for bringing down erections if needed)
Doc Johnson adjustable leather cock ring with metal snaps Bathmate (later if all is well).
Took a...
it doesnt seem to work for me. I put it on flaccid (size 2) and its hard to put on and then the penis still shrivels and with the suit on. I pictured it staying stretched out the way it would with uncle jims strapped method.
Hello everyone I am new to forums & I was contemplating making a video and putting it on youtube but I could not bring myself to do it
so I decided to make this thread in this small corner of the internet & share my story.
I really hope someone else reads this and it can help them.
Okay so to...
This is pretty interesting. I'm not sure how many of you all are familiar with the tumblr scene, but this guy, "bignlong" who is over on LPSG has a tumblr blog claims to have a Penis Enlargement technique where he's grown about an inch a month or something over the past year or so. Don't get me...
Hey guys.
I posed a question to an ex ( I have mentioned her in my deep penetration test thread).
The question was: If you could choose between two guys for a boyfriend, one made $65K a year, and the other $165K a year.
The rich guy is 6 x 5 and the average income guy is 8 x 6, and aside from...
8 inch
8 inches
9 inch
big penis
no results
This is in reply to Captain.Thick who was asking what kind of girth it takes to max the X-40. I'm currently at 8.00 - 8.25" at the base and 7.50 - 7.75" at midshaft.
If Bathmate made a larger version, I think it would be easier (shorter time frame) to hit my goal of 8.50" midshaft and get it...
I have been very busy putting together the new infrastructure for Matters of Size and it's affiliates including all participating members in the AB/MOS/SG/Bathmate/ and any new partners who take in this wonderful gift we will bestow on Febuary 1.
I know I have not been around as my immediate...
Read somewhere here that it would be good for size to be able to have a boner 24/7. Now, I read online that you can get a 3-4 hours boner with Viagra. What if I combine this with manual work? Do the workout beford bed and then take a pill to stay hard for at least a few hours of healing?
Seriously, a couple days ago I seen this young guy driving a Ferrari Italia, whom happened to stop at the CVS to get some candy for his kids, lol. I commented on his car and asked him what makes him so much money at such a young age and he told me he markets from his home just offering deals to...
The Matters of Size Special Features a Free 15% upgrade in special parts!
CLICK HERE TO ORDER with MOS Discount PeniMaster and PeniMaster Pro
hey fellas,
i'm now using a device called penimaster pro, a vacuum based device that offers the ultimate comfort,
very easy to use on and off in...
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