How's it going everyone. Ok I'm new to the forum and trying to learn as much as possible. I'm needing to gain some length and girth. Here's some backstory.. my recent now ex had been talking to someone for awhile. I guess they had been having sex. Well not only does she have to cheat on me, she...
Hey guys, so I just got my extreme in today and went through with my first session tonight. I took it real easy and did 3 2.5 min sessions taking 5 mins break between to jelq. I only was pumping 2-3 pumps and went into the pump flaccid. So I did have some issues with maintaining suction weather...
I am new to PE, just started 1½ week ago so this is my first post.
I have been doing manual stretchings, used bathmate x30 every day (have ordered Phallosan, should be getting it soon). I have started to feel a tenderness at the base of my penis 2 days ago that is on the brink of becoming...
Greetings Brothers!
Another thread, about cockrings. "Small" intro; I've liked cockrings for a longer time, mostly I've used them by myself, several times with a special other.
Overall, I enjoy the pressure many rings provide, making your penis harder and in certain cases more veiny.
Hi people, I saw dozens od links to videos on youtube, someone tried it? I was reading types of comments like "Works for me" , "Thanks for upload I grew. . ." WTF!?
If is it possible, entire mankind would walk around packing huge dicks. xD
I have this female friend 30 age in age but she has the voice of a little female girl. What do you call such situation or should I say disease or birth defects? I will appreciate if you guys can throw more light on this.
I've started to focus more on girth, so I do SSJ for 20-25 minutes. The weird thing is the expansion (temporary gains) I get from it: I feel it in the skin (the skin becomes puffy) and in the coronal ridge but not in the shaft itself.
Am I doing something wrong? What should I do?
Salutations fellow PE brothers,
I have returned from a self imposed exile: for the last 3 years I was heavily addicted to opioids... alas as of today I am 90 days clean!
And I am never going back. I apologize for the grim message, but it is the truth; there is a epidemic affecting the USA!
Happy New Years Brothers. Wanted to start this thread to see what everyones goals are for this upcoming year. MOS has really helped me grow this past year and I want to thank all the brothers on the forums for helping. I have finally gotten my cock to a solid 6-6.25 girth and around 6.75 length...
I am young and have an upcoming busy schedule ahead of me. Believe it or not I started PE at the age of 15, lackadaisically I gained 1 inch. I hit puberty at the young age of 12 which led me to be six inches before any PE. Now I am at a good 7 inches in length and 6 inches around the base in...
I have a girlfriend since 2 years and we have a nice solid sex with a lot of position changing and even I make her cum t twice or at the same time together.
Before her always almost always the first time I meet a girl and we go to have sex for the first time I cum within seconds even without...
I'm currently 8" (BPEL) x 6,1" MSEG and 6,3" BEG, but my width (middle shaft) is at 55 mm (2,16").
I was thinking X40 to be able to completely fill the tube and get some really hardcore pressure, but I'm reading on the official site that the max width on the X40-X is 57mm / 2,25". So it...
Hi all,
I need some help, I think I might have hard flaccid because my penis and balls get hard as they don't relax when I am laying down, walking around or do normal things. Of course I do have varicocele that cause the turling penis and balls, but I want to make a double check whether if I do...
Congratulations to eugine8plz for winning the November top quality poster of the month!
eugine8plz please pm me your full name, mailing address, email address and prize of choice!
Here are the previous winners of 2016 so far…
January - BigBeardBig
February - Munto
March - lightlyfried
April -...
I what to ask this question best to my knowledge. I was watching a male enhancement video on pegym and one of the PE gurus stated that EQ plays a big part in making gains. I know some guys like a good EQ right after there routine and as for me my penis is usually fatigue and beat. I guess my...
I jelqued every day for a month went from 5.5 by 4 up to 7.25BPEL by 5.75 and I stopped and years later I am still 6BPEL by 5 & my foreskin is partially restored. All I did was take my softy in my hand and stretched it until it hurt for 15 minutes slowly letting my hand slide from base to tip...
This is a thread that I am creating for those who are struggling with either pornography or masturbation issues (or both) and want to stop these behaviors. I have spent much time reading ways to stop masturbation and pornography and I have to say, most of these things will never help. I have...
addicted to masturbating
addicted to porn
help with masturbating
help with porn addiction
masturbation addiction
I'm just thinking if anyone has ever done a bath mate session without watching adult entertainment at all. I believe this should be possible with the help of Viagra and no masturbation. I also think it might not be easy to hold back masturbating after a girth session even if you didn't watch adult entertainment.
Full Routine
Wake up Warm up
SRT all directions stretches 3 SETS of 40 secs each - cranks 15 one direction 15 the other.
DLD blasters x10.Kegel 15s, RK 40s.
Erect stretches 6 mins
Bundled stretches x6. Kegel 15s, RK 40s.
UJW 6+ HOURS. take off every hour. BTC 2 SETS OF 30s; Every 2 hours...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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