
  1. V

    Foreskin question

    So I've bought the Silistrtecher. The mighty vac, and plan on ordering the length master real soon. My question is recently I've been convinced that I want to restore my foreskin. Is there anything zi can buy to see nice gains?
  2. B

    I need help with wrapping

    Hey guys i am new to this forum but not completely new to PE i bought the lengthmaster in hopes that this device wouldn’t slip like the other ones i ised and i was pleased that it didn’t but now i have a different problem. As i pull with the lengthmaster the foreskin just slips towards my...
  3. Screenshot 2024-08-15 150731.png

    Screenshot 2024-08-15 150731.png

    Sitting at home naked today. I was circumcised as a baby, but as you can see, I've been restoring for a while and have flaccid coverage
  4. A


    How would one go with stretching foreskin at home? I have severe phimosis and recently found out it can cause cancer!? How likely is it? I can't see my penis head at all, so realized I haven't been really cleaning it... Trying to push shower water in doesn't really work as I realize now... I'm...
  5. W

    Will my foreskin tighten up while i take a few months break?

    My ac just died about 2-3 weeks ago making my bathroom feel like a sauna with 90 degree temps and near 100% humidity at night when i do my exercises. The profuse would be tolerable if that were my only problem, however, bleeding out the urethra recently just cropped up twice. The 1st instance at...
  6. L

    Foreskin guys - Need beta testers for new Foreskin Sleeve

    We have a new foreskin sleeve we are testing that helps control foreskin. We are looking for a few participants to try. Send me a PM if you want to be beta tester.
  7. A

    Basic Stretching

    Hey everyone.... I have been doing PE for 5 months and only recently i have came to know about MOS.... I have a simple question which has been bothering me for a month now..... The question is: When doing basic stretching(stretching your penis with your hands), are we supposed to stretch with or...
  8. DLD

    Fryou're skin restoration of the gonads and their supportives

    Messing around and I thought if the SiliSleeve could increase foreskin. Using the longersleeve with a good grip work your foreskin up as you roll your SiliSleeve and when you reach the top stay in this position as long as you desire. You want the Sleeve to be tight so it has the strength going...
  9. N

    Getting Blood Blisters on my Foreskin

    Ok, I have taken quite a bit of time off from pumping to deal with a HUGELY annoying case of Phimosis. I was prescribed hydrocortisone for 2 weeks but knowing hydrocortisone thins the skin I only used it for 10 days rather than the prescribed 2 weeks. That unfortunately was enough to thin the...
  10. A

    Return to PE. cleaning BATHMATE?proper jelq? Avoiding stretch marks?

    Hey all. So I've been doing off and on pe fir like 4 years and I mean I never honestly sat in to it long enough to see permamnt results. It's been about 5 months since anything. I went to get backdate that was left In the shower but theres white powder stuff in the outside around the rubber. I...
  11. F

    Another frenulum tear!!!!!

    I wasn't sure where to post this. I figured because the PF is my main enlargement tool, I'd go here. As the title suggests, I've torn my frenulum. This is the 3rd time over the years. I'm almost positive it's not because of the PF, because wearing the PF is virtually painless. So, I'm...
  12. S

    Growing myself a shower - need fellow experimenters!

    So I've always been one of those guys who grows more than triple when I get an erection. When flaccid I can be anywhere between average on a good day, to hardcore turtling down to like an inch and a half on a bad day. Needless to say, I've never been one for locker rooms. Happily, this seems to...
  13. L

    Weird erections after circumcision

    Hi Guys I have a (couple of) questions about adult circumcision? I got circumcised 15 days ago.. everything looks great. The scars and swellingness are healing very quick. (The bruises are still there but getting better). I've notest that my erections looks very weird, as if there is only one...
  14. P

    im back and with doubts

    hi guys , hi DLD .been a while i came here. was caught up with an injury first and then work. so cutting the bullshit i wanna get straight too it and begin PE again. so my doubts. 1. ACE WRAP- i had this ace wrap that was thick material and would stay in place when wrapped, the new ace wraps...
  15. E

    Should I PE with a small frenelum cut?

    So my frenelum and foreskin were a little tight when I started but they have been stretching naturally because of PE. No discomfort or anything. Recently I got rid of some penile Papules that were on either side of my frenelum just on the underside of my head but in doing so my frenelum was cut...
  16. W

    Bundled stretch in SG

    I decided to experiment at low tension a bundled stretch in the SG. I only was able to complete a half rotation. But I'm sure it's still good. It must mean my tunica is tight. Has anyone tried these? I need to gain girth desperately at 5in
  17. L

    Help Needed Please

    As my title indicates, I am in need of some help from anyone here that can. I have been using the LM for a few weeks now and am having a hard time with my skin rolling up at the end of my wrap closest to the glans. This is causing some extreme discomfort and when I try to use more tension it...
  18. S

    Penis pump to get erect for exercises

    For putting on my LG hanger I need to be mostly erect for my wrapping method. My wife helps most of the time but some of the time I need to get a erection without her and I refuse to use adult entertainment. I was wondering if a pump would work for getting me erect so I could do my wrap. What are your guys...
  19. N

    Penis Health Tight foreskin? Tight Foreskin Relief Non Surgical Device Option

    So roughly 6 months, give or take into PE with primarily a bathmate and the greatest level of discomfort I experience is that the opening of my foreskin seems to be the spot that gets sorest from pumping and seems to be decreasing in circumference. NOW I know how to stretch it out by grabbing...
  20. K

    Vacu Vin Mod vs. Xtreme Hand Pump

    Hey guys, I'm reading a lot about the Vacu Vin mod for the Hydromax, but I'm wondering if this yields the same effect as the Hand Pump that comes with the Xtreme models. Any experience with these? Thanks in advance!
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    How's everyone
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
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    Which forum? How do I get there?
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
      Akteon1 @ Akteon1: I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?