I haven't done Penis Enlargement in quite some time, but the fact that my new girl is the only one who's been able to take all of me has inspired me to get back in it. Last time I left the scene dld had just come out with the srt training. Had anything new been found since then? Or any gems that...
Hey Brothers,
So today I took the plunge and ordered both the sizegenics and the penomet!
Will try and wait patiently until they arrive...tough to do, it's exciting and I can't wait to realize some gains...but will be patient on the results as I have read here.
I had a question regarding...
Hey people,
I've been hovering around the site for a good few years and gained and lost interest but now I've decided I will start the JP90 90 day routine to start off.
My current stats are:
NBPenis EnlargementL - 6.5 inches (+/- 0.1)
BPenis EnlargementL - 7 inches (+/- 0.1)
FL - anywhere...
I've had the stealth for a few weeks. Since dld asked for the link in another thread I think I'm safe posting a review now. I'm not paid in any way by this company.
Its kinda like the stretchy material on the back of knee pads or football pads or joint...
Size Genetics/Jes Extender - This is in excellent condition. It has been used lightly - maybe a month or two. $110 or best offer.
VLC Tugger - This is brand new and never been used. Size is 32mm flaccid and 38mm erect. I paid $63 for it shipped. I am asking for $40 or best offer.
hey guys ive been using dmso and paba for about 2 months now and wanted to share some of my experiences.
I mixed only very small amounts at a time to avoid it going bad like i read it can
I had problems at first with this stuff getting on my balls, as it would burn and leave blisters. So as a...
What's up all? Gotta quick question here. I've decided to stop masturbating but edging is a part of my Penis Enlargement routine. I've read in numerous places that edging can cause Erectile Dysfunction. When combined with jelquing, kegels, slow squash jelquing, and the use of a Bathmate, can...
okay um... we i started pe'ing my penis was 6.5" in length, i dnt bone press wen i measure, girth 4" i knw skinny... now im 7" length an 4.5" girth... my length hits my baby right.... but i think i may be lackin some girth... guys give me the best way to gain the most girth i can.... with only...
Ok so I have been shadowing this site for about 3 months now and this is my first post. I have started a Penis Enlargement regimen that incorporates at least 10 mins of manual stretching a day, about 20 minutes of 100% erect jelqiing mixing a little bit of edging in The reason i say a little...
hi guys this is my first post ive been doing pe on and off for some time now i went to college today forgot my mum took the week off work so she was at home and i left my pe stuff in a pillow on my bed and when i got in she had put my bedding in the wash and left all my pe stuff on my bed i got...
Biggest Hinder to Gains
Is masturbation amount IMO. It's a hard tradeoff I love jerking off, but I love Penis Enlargement ARRRRGH.
"use self control bro
It's like I will get an erection, do Penis Enlargement and now it's like I wanna get the erection down so I wack off.
But I know that
I just ordered the stamina training unit model. I need stronger pc muscles and I figure this should help with that. Apparently,most all of the adult entertainment stars use them.
Hey all, I have been Penis Enlargementing since 2001, and mostly do reading until I have really helpful information. Today I am going to teach you guys a new length exercise that I have been doing the past few weeks that has helped me gain a fourth of an inch.
While flaccid and standing, Make...
What's up guys.. I will be keeping track of my routine here in order to help me stay organized, committed, and hopefully in a few months give another success story to MOS.
Here's a little background info.. I started doing pe a few months ago, just a few days a week. I followed the Bathmate...
Just received my monkey spanker today felt really good, very much like the real thing.
Which brings me to my question: which is the best male sex toy?
I intend to use it for premature ejaculation training.
Thanks V.
Guys if you see a member contributing a lot a great way to show appreciation for them and what they do is to click the star at the bottom left of there post and add a +1 to reputation. It means a lot to people to be appreciated now and then.
I have a solid two months off in a few weeks and I plan to make Penis Enlargement my number one priority in an effort to make some serious gains. My daily plan is as follows: PGE1 injection in the morning, when the erection subsides and I'm fatigued, go into the extender for several hours...
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