
  1. D

    Am I measuring bpel correctly?

    Hi y'all. I have been doing the newbie routine for 2 months. Now, my routine is 4 hours of extender stretches, 3 x 10 minutes of clamping, and jelqing when I get a chance. I am trying to figure our my exact bpel to track my gains. I heard that I am not supposed to measure right at the bottom, so...
  2. M

    Length routine help needed!

    Hi guys :) I need people with experience in gaining length to chime in and advise me as to what is the best routine to follow/do including how many days per week,time for routine,how many sets and so on
  3. T

    9 year progress recap

    Hi all, Just wanted to share my experience with PE, my first stat input was in 2011, which makes me a legit 9yr PE-er. As you can see my chart there are no any serious gains (which makes me pissed off :D ). First couple of measures are basically not valid as I was standardizing my way of...
  4. G

    Do extenders cement gains?

    So, I've heard it said before that extenders cement gains.. So if I'm using the principles from SRT along with my extender, and hypothetically speaking, I go from let's say 6.0" NBPEL to 7.0" NBPEL in a matter of 6 months. After acquiring that length, would I still need to do some kind of...
  5. O

    do you oil your extender?

    hey guys, i've noticed my extender was squeeking. I used an oil similar to WD-40 and the squeeking stopped and also the force of the stretch became more powerful. so I think you should try this but use it only on the parts that compresse. enjoy :)
  6. S

    Overnight use

    I’ve been trying to make it through the night with phallosan and I’ve still been getting results with just a few hours, but should i continue with the current and see if i can build up to the current tension or should i decrease the tension and go from there?
  7. H

    Does Bundled Stretch Work On The Ligament?

    We all know that doing bundled stretches gives length gains and also deforms the tunica making it easier for girth gains to come. But does doing bundled stretches also work on the ligament as well or do I need another exercise entirely to target the ligament?
  8. M

    Best length routine for lengthmaster?

    First I want to start off by saying, Wow. The lengthmaster is the real deal guys it is the king of manual stretches. When I first started PE i was at 5.5 inches and got a length master right away because i thought if im going to do this then ive got to go all in, that was 3 months ago now im at...
  9. H

    Has anyone used the penis master pro extender?

    So there is this extender called penis master pro. What caught my interest is that this extender uses a vacuum comfort system unlike SG. My question is, can the penis master pro be worn without loss in blood circulation for up to 1 hour or 2 hours at very high tension (max tension) I will also...
  10. L

    Return, Sell, or stick with it???

    Hey everybody, I recently got my new Phallosan Forte, literally yesterday, and I'm having some issues with it. Everything works fine, I'm able to put it on and wear it, but the issue comes from its bulkiness. When I strap it on, the pump jets out just past the curvature of my hip making this...
  11. X

    Steel cord / septum

    Hey guys, I've been focusing on length a lot lately and yesterday I finally noticed the phenomenon referred to as the steel cord. When pulling straight out flaccid stretch, I feel a distinct cord running through the entire penis which is DEFINITELY the limiting factor. Every part of the penis...
  12. D

    Question about hanging and extending

    Hi MOS, I was wondering why people are recommending 20 minute sets in hanging while extending for 1 hour is totally fine :p ? I used to do 1 hour sets in my size genetics extender few years ago, but I don’ like extending so I quit. I had a shoe lace with some wrap and it was comfortable but...
  13. D

    Spring Tension

    Hey Brothers, I'm currently very happy with my Phallosan. I was planning on using it with progressive force, such as: - < 250 hours, in the green zone during the day and at night - 250 - 750 hours, yellow zone in the day, green at night - 750 - 1000 hours, red zone in the day, yellow zone at...
  14. O

    extender and turkey neck(?)

    i need help from the experts. is there any conection between using an extender and turkey neck? i've searched the web and got mixed opinions
  15. J

    Intended SG modification

    I am trying to build this out of my SG. I plan on making a super mod, as I have also acquired 4200 grams tension springs. I intend wearing this for 12 hours a day 6 days a week. The question now is, do you guys think its wise and possible to wear it that long with that much tension, or is that...
  16. X

    xpdcs Erect Stretches Log

    Starting Stats BPFSL 6 1/2" BPEL 6 1/4" Equipment Size Genetics Traction Extender Bathmate Extreme X30 Supplements Cialis 10 mg Daily Test E 200mg/wk Protocol 10+ hours daily in the SG extender, Rotate from upward to downward hourly. Each hour will have at least 10 minutes of erect...
  17. X

    Long time lurker joining the Brotherhood with question

    Hey yall I found out about PE when I was in middleschool (6 years ago) and haven't taken it seriously until early this year. I have owned a bathmate extreme x30 for about 3 years just as a tool to use for fun. Ive used it inconsistantly throughout the three years but in October i stumbled upon...
  18. D

    New extender for stretching from the base

    Hello Brothers, I never knew this kind of extender exists. Anyone tried this? Here is the link: https://m.ebay.ie/itm/SLEEVE-PENIS-PUMP-ENLARGER-EXTENDER-STRETCHER-NO-ENLARGEMENT-PILLS-RING-/262474042083?_mwBanner=1
  19. H

    Hamrockers: *GAME CHANGER* Penis Enlargement: Ligament Stretching *GAME CHANGER*

    Before we start a little bit about myself. I've been doing PE off and on for quite some time now i'd say about 1 year all-together. I started off with a newbie routine and then went on to a device. The extender. Made some quality gains on length that I'm happy with and now I'm moving on to...
  20. L

    May & June 2018 Prize Giveaway….Get Involved and Win Big! Over $5,000 in Prizes!

    From now on, the best posters of the month will be judged and awarded for 2 consecutive months of posting Congratulations Big Schwanz Acht for being the January & February top poster! Please pm me your full name, mailing address, email address and prize of choice! Here are all the winners of...