Many people do not know that the Fleshlight is a very effective method of using your BathMate with greater arousal. This may take a slightly bigger BathMate if you are already tight in the one you have but if you have room, inserting a FleshLight will allow for a realistic feel of sex, keeping...
So... I can't get boners to use the bathmate. I can get hard-ons normally if I'm with a girl or if I'm going to masturbate, but I can't get aroused at all to even get a little hard to use the bathmate with a lil chub. This is probably amplified by the fact that I have never enjoyed bating-it in...
Hey guys,
I want to try some size/stamina/erection enhancing pills, but I don't want to invest a lot of money into it. So, I thought I'd ask, whether anyone knows any good deals out there for such products?
Can erect stretching close the gap completely between bone pressed erect length and bone pressed flaccid stretch? For instance, I am a bit under 7.5 inches bone pressed erect length, and my bone pressed flaccid stretch is a little over 8.25 inches. Could erect stretching completely close the gap...
Hey guys i'm hoping to get a little guidance on how my penis should feel after jelqing, I recently added it to my routine but no matter how many I do afterwards i feel like I've done nothing except give myself a dick massage lol, I dont get the fatigue feeling I thought i should get, I tried...
I have a girlfriend since 2 years and we have a nice solid sex with a lot of position changing and even I make her cum t twice or at the same time together.
Before her always almost always the first time I meet a girl and we go to have sex for the first time I cum within seconds even without...
To start with I have been a member for so many years but have not been on the forums for most of them. I have not done any PE for most of this time and now wish I would have. I am 47 years old and my ED seems to be getting worse quick, I am lucky to even get a half erection any more and I...
Hey, guys today I woke up and noticed little red bumps on my for arm and private area that some what itch. I was wondering if this is a allergic reaction to the Titan Pills or something else?
Hey guys, I wasn't even gonna make an account or post here, but I realized that was being selfish. So I'm going to share some info with you guys about my progress... of 3 weeks. I've gained .5 in length and .75 in girth in those 3 weeks. Currently at 7.6 length and 5.75 mid shaft girth. Also I'm...
I am currently doing the newbie routine and ending the workouts with 30min edge sessions. I tried performing SSJ's during my edging and the expansion was great. Continuous bloodflow with the girth exercises seems to help alot. I will be performing SSJ's with all my edging sessions.
Hi guys,
I was wondering if I can do the erect stretches if I get hard in while doing my newbie routine.
I just keep continue to stretch but more careful because of my erection? My grip will be just under the glans and i will stretch in every direction.
This means it will save me a...
Hi guys, I am new to this forum and I am sorry if there is already a thread on this subject but I need some quick answers from experienced people. I have a Bathmate Hydromax X30 and while I am using it in the bath I get some amazing results inside the tube but it seems like I am back to my...
Hi all,
I need some help, I think I might have hard flaccid because my penis and balls get hard as they don't relax when I am laying down, walking around or do normal things. Of course I do have varicocele that cause the turling penis and balls, but I want to make a double check whether if I do...
Hey, guys I was reading about how regular masturbation is healthy, but of course you don't want to over do it. Here is a comment I found on pegym forum by a member named kingpole. Do you guys really think regular masturbation can prevent ED if done right?
I think if your not a...
I am currently following the beginner's routine and was wondering, will adding edging into the end of my workouts be beneficial to gaining. I dont plan on ejaculating afterwards either. Also, how long is a good time to edge? I added a little 10min session after my workouts. I used to do 30min...
Okay, from my understanding the penis needs only 24 hours to recover before it's next training session. The tissue in the penis needs to be stretched and expanded consistently for growth. If I am not wrong fatigue plays a big part for maximum growth. And, intensity and proper form play a big...
Hi, started my routine a couple of days ago. Trying to keep length and girth workouts separate.
I've been doing length work in the morning but seem to get a constant erection when I'm doing my stretches.
Obviously this is hindering how far I can stretch my penis even if at all.
Girth work the...
I jelqued every day for a month went from 5.5 by 4 up to 7.25BPEL by 5.75 and I stopped and years later I am still 6BPEL by 5 & my foreskin is partially restored. All I did was take my softy in my hand and stretched it until it hurt for 15 minutes slowly letting my hand slide from base to tip...
I'm just thinking if anyone has ever done a bath mate session without watching adult entertainment at all. I believe this should be possible with the help of Viagra and no masturbation. I also think it might not be easy to hold back masturbating after a girth session even if you didn't watch adult entertainment.
Im in a tricky situation right now. Ive been doing a stretching a jelqing routine for about a few weeks and gained .25" by working everyday without rest. I upped stretches by doing two sets of them. I noticed i had shrunk some, but after i would ejaculate i would go back to normal size...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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