So basically from about mid shaft to my glans my dick gets thinner every little bit.
I don't know why that is, but it's annoying as hell, especially when your 5 3/4'' girth mid shaft and below 5'' at the glans!!! >:(
I've tried everything i can think of, isolated compression exercises, every...
Stretching the inner penis out seems to be a lot more effective than mid shaft stretching because really pulls the inner penis out,but i have this idea that takes a lot more to get lenght gains whit this exercise...Im not really sure how it works,i believe the base of the penis gets girthier,n...
I tried it. I was scared in the beginning. But then was fine. I enjoyed. But later had to remove for my penis becomes very fat.
So now less pressure why using he clamp for sex. Have to be careful so that the clamp does not hurt my partner. With clamping length also increases.
Hi guys, I'm curious about the devices used in tandem with the PE exercises - the all day stretching devices seem like something I'd be interested in, and of course who doesn't want a BathMate, right?
Only thing is, they're reeeeeally pricey, don't you think? I totally get that it's a...
Hey guys im curretly working on getting the most bang for my buck while training. I have a somwhat limited amount of time to train. My main question is would 10min of clamping be more effective then 10 min of jelqing
My routine has been
wake up
shower a few jelqs to warm up
Bathmate 10...
i found this AUTOMATIC JELQING DEVICE....atleast it looks automatic
please have a look and tell me if i should buy
Penis Enlargement Pump with LCD Controls for Men in Penis Enlargers & Pumps from Sexpiration Male Toys by
I don't remember reading about this in the SRT or maybe i skipped it,how long should i wear the cock ring for after my girth work?Right now im using it for 30 minutes,then take it off..for a minute or so..and then i put it back on for another 30 minutes...should i wear it longer?
cock ring
girth gains
I've come to realize that I get very massive expansion from my girth workout if I take a break for 1 day. But when I pump daily, I still get a massive expansion but it cannot be compared to when I take a break for 1 day. If I'm pumping daily, after a session, right under my glans expand to 6...
I just got into PE... maybe a few months ago. Well, actually ive been researching PE for about 3 months. But just started a consistent PE workout routine last month. Anyways, ive dedicated hours into researching this shit... (since ive been home from college I have a lot of time on my hands)...
My routine consisted of stretching in the morning for 30 mins with pretty high intensity (that I worked up to over time) wearing an ADS "ALL" day then in the evening would use the Penomet for 20 mins at full suction (again I had worked up to that) and over time I had gone from the 7" mark on...
I was wondering how long can I wear it after workout the cock ring is 1.75 to max stretch 2.50,and how long can I wear ball rings the size are starting shape .75 to 3.00 max stretch?
Now I'm at 6.25" BPEL & 5.4" EG. My goal is 7-8in length. I have a hanger and a clamp. I've read you should focus on achieving your length goals, "cement them" then work on girth. If it takes 1 year to "cement" length gains I suspect a routine with a girth element are for people that are...
I tried a search didn't get much of an answer.
Im wondering for most hardcore clampers what your routine is like? Specificly people who base their PE around clamping. I'm getting really girth focused again after talking with my wife and wanting a break from pumping . Im hoping to find a less...
Alright guys, so maybe someone has tried this, done this, or posted this here or in another forum but I didn't find it. So I thought I would share something that is working REALLY well for me.
I am trying a new Kegel technique and it has given me seriously noticeable improvement or my...
If you're as confused about my title I don't blame you. Unless I have the measurement system all screwed up, and lets be honest, there's more than one way to measure a cock, it's actually said cock that is screwy... Mine that is.
Now that I'm using the Phallosan consistently, I want to take...
I have quite a visibly thinner base than the rest of my penis. It is also quite weak and I lose my erections quite quickly..I almost feel like I have to forcibly force blood into it to maintain it. I'm really most concerned about the thin base..because I think it may be irreparable. I am 21...
Ok DLD you got me. The LM is the shit. I wish i could walk around the house butt naked with this on all day. Now 2 quick pointers that i must mention.
1) Sleeves are the best substitute for the wrap. I was going to wrap but it seemed tedious so i just put on a pc of a flaccid jackit (but any...
my current routine is just for maintence but im looking for the most effective routine 1 min crank stretch 3 min jelq and then 10-15 min pump and then 3 min jelq after pump and i try to do 2-3 hours of traction in extender since ive already completed 10+ months in one and kegel routine is one...
I have tried to get into PE before but would usually stop after a couple of weeks. This time I am determined to keep it up however and want to make a plan.
I have decided that I only want to work on girth. I am already 7.5 inches in BPEL so I really dont need more length and I hated doing...
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