
  1. E

    5x5x3 progression

    So whats the progression for girth program? Increase the sets or the time?
  2. IMG_6881.png


    Post 5x5x3 mseg 5.9” pre 5x5x3 5.1” mseg. Bpel 7.8”
  3. IMG_6880.png


    Post 5x5x3 5.9” mseg, pre 5x5x3 5.1” mseg
  4. K

    Pre-SEX Routine for Amazing Penis

    Hello Guys, Doing 5x5x3 we all get increase in our girth and length but for many people (like me ofc) doing 5x5x3 puts extra fatigue to penis and even with viagra the erection is not hard... (if I can get erected lol ) So, I wanted to ask all veterans who have great experience in this, whats the...
  5. Day.


    Hey all so I’ve been wearing a cock ring post 5x5x3 routine for girth. I refresh the blood every 15 minutes as been advised here. It’s really difficult to refresh the blood (by taking off the ring getting hard then putting it back on) when I’m at my girlfriend’s house. So I was wondering if I...
  6. M

    questions about girth-work

    Good morning to you all, I'm new to this forum but not in entirely new to PE. I know about the basics, like SRT. I have two questions about the girth-workout in general. I ordered the MityVac just yesterday, I want to upgrade from doing the SSJ only to pumping and SSJ, if my EQ allows that...
  7. 92tmorgan

    5x5x3 before sex and the ACHIEVEMENT

    So I had a girl coming over from a dating app. I knew we were going to have sex so I decided to take some citrulline and do the 5x5x3 before she got here. Ended up doing 10 min for each pump round. After all said and done my unit looked so much bigger. (Obviously it’s not permanent). My girth is...