This actually has been widely documented worldwide. It's not proteins that you're worrying about. It's actually essential bioavailable components. We can break things down from novels of publications and reports. But critical areas to cover during PE for gains from bioavailable materials in your system compose of:
- Amino acids: without them, cellular development cannot take advantage of growth.
- Available proteins in useable forms: this is not about eating tons of foods in forms of proteins. Your body needs to digest the ingested proteins to forms of available proteins for usages inside the blood stream. You can eat an entire chicken, but your body may only has the capacity to convert 10% of the chicken into the form of proteins it needs to be available.
- Essential nutrients in forms of usable vitamins, antioxidants, micro-nutrients, macro-nutrients, and and catalysts. If your body is lacking essential nutrients, your body will gouge everything in your system to obtain them. This means shutting down essential functions and robbing the materials from other body parts, such as your bones.
So, eating too much meats is not good for you. Eating like a rabbit or cow is not good for you. It's about a balanced dietary approach. What your body is craving can be supplemented with supplements. A great example is our brother
@Haursen post on his Routine and Progress ( I also posted mine nutritional testings for discussion in the past as well. Many brothers chimed in about their own testing methods as well. Remember, proteins is merely a portion of the entire picture.
Have anyone tried 20:4 diet? You are fasting 20 hours, and then have an eating window of 4 hours. You can put the eating window at the evening, in that way you don't waste time during the productive hours of the day by eating. Only PE, Work and other activities during the day, and in the...
I searched the existing forum going back as far as it allowed, and plenty of topics involving collagen kept popping up. I'll share my opinions I've discovered in recent days. My wife and her medical field friends love keeping their beauty using every product available to them. This means...
Do a search, and you'll see a massive on "supplements", "proteins", "collagen", and "diets".