Cock ring after routine clarification on where and wear


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2024
So, I'm a bit confused and many here can help.

I assume you don't have the issue us growers have but place your experience below.

After a good workout and or pump it is good to put on a Cockring, some people say (correct me if I am wrong) wear the cock ring for 20-30 minutes, take off and get hard and place on again and do this many times. BUT are you talking about on the shaft? because I am a grower, it is pretty impossible to get a C-ring when flaccid on just the shaft to do anything that would resemble keeping it plump.

What I have done is place a C-ring over cock and balls, the dick is still pretty plump but no signs of any restriction that would make me need to take off and get hard and repeat. I feel comfortable wearing for 2-3 hours no problem.

I guess I am wondering why some say to do a cock ring over the shaft when you are a grower and not a shower. Also when people say to place a cockring after a routine, where..? are you recommending to place the C-ring?
So, I'm a bit confused and many here can help.

I assume you don't have the issue us growers have but place your experience below.

After a good workout and or pump it is good to put on a Cockring, some people say (correct me if I am wrong) wear the cock ring for 20-30 minutes, take off and get hard and place on again and do this many times. BUT are you talking about on the shaft? because I am a grower, it is pretty impossible to get a C-ring when flaccid on just the shaft to do anything that would resemble keeping it plump.

What I have done is place a C-ring over cock and balls, the dick is still pretty plump but no signs of any restriction that would make me need to take off and get hard and repeat. I feel comfortable wearing for 2-3 hours no problem.

I guess I am wondering why some say to do a cock ring over the shaft when you are a grower and not a shower. Also when people say to place a cockring after a routine, where..? are you recommending to place the C-ring?
After a routine I put on my cockring and I sometimes keep it on for 15 minutes on the base of my penis. While I am pumping I wear two cock
rings and I stay in the pump for 5 minutes.When you take your penis from out of the tube you keep that pump from pumping.
I'm a grower as well.

Good luck with your pe.
After a good workout and or pump it is good to put on a Cockring, some people say (correct me if I am wrong) wear the cock ring for 20-30 minutes, take off and get hard and place on again and do this many times. BUT are you talking about on the shaft? because I am a grower, it is pretty impossible to get a C-ring when flaccid on just the shaft to do anything that would resemble keeping it plump.
I'm a grower. Careless about being a show-er. It's a side benefit. It does not matter where you wear your ring. As long as you can wear with restrictive flow of the blood after either post pumping or elongation routines. It can be around the base of the shaft, mid of the shaft, or behind the balls and shaft. As long as there is restrictive flow to ensure the blood can do it's job providing the needs nutrients and building blocks, on top of oxygen, it's all good.

What I have done is place a C-ring over cock and balls, the dick is still pretty plump but no signs of any restriction that would make me need to take off and get hard and repeat. I feel comfortable wearing for 2-3 hours no problem.
If you can wear without any issues without removing, even better. When you wear along the shaft, too tight can cause numbness. When you wear behind the balls, you are bypassing the pressurization on the dorsal nerve, which is a great thing. For me, I tried it many times cannot create a restrictive flow greater than 2 minutes before all blood flows out. I love to be able to wear for hours on end with the ring behind the balls with 70% restrictive flow.

I guess I am wondering why some say to do a cock ring over the shaft when you are a grower and not a shower. Also when people say to place a cockring after a routine, where..? are you recommending to place the C-ring?
C-ring can be anywhere as long as restrictive flow can be achieved. The most common and effective point is at the base of the shaft. In your case, the most effective point is behind the cock and balls. Your dorsal veins may be more shallow along the pelvic region than most of us. We have more of deeper dorsal veins that run toward the center of the base rather near the surface. If you have a significant other that can help to detect the dorsal veins, they can use their fingers to feel the return pulses along the side and the upper area of the penis. You can't since your own pulses in your fingers will interfere with the detection. Their pulses don't interfere as their pulses lay outside of your pulse rhythm.
Wearing a cock ring is definitely a good thing. But you have to find what's right for you.
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