Penis Health Injury using penis pump

No worries. You are searching for answers and making sure you are getting the proper answers before proceeding. I would suggest you get a second, third, and even fourth opinions to ensure all info is correct.

No it won't. LIST focused energy does indeed damage the nerves, but trained professional will scan the nerve's condition first, adjust the energy level to match the depth of the nerve, and readjust the energy level loading just enough to tear the nerve segment that didn't heal correctly. This allows the nerve to regrow back accordingly. However, it's critical to scan the nerve first before proceeding.

ED is not just about erection quality. ED also covers tissues, nerve and blood vessel damages. ED is way too broad.

Every procedure has its risk. When your body is cut open, you are open for infections. When your bone is surgically corrected, you can get bone fragmentation that can kill you down the road. When you cut a blood vessel, you can get hemorrhaging. When you cut the nerve, you can get lifetime numbness. There are many that can go wrong on top of what can go right.
Scan ??? U mean penile Doppler test
Scan ??? U mean penile Doppler test
That, and you also have ultrasound (same as Doppler, MRI, and CT. I've done comprehensive scans before for other damages throughout my body because of sport injuries.
Hey V, Is there any reason you have not done the SRT - Suppressed Restricted Transposition Theory program before doing anything else? It seems like you need to do this for 2-3 years and then see results first and then tackle any other products or ideas. We seem to keep going in circles with other theories before doing and being patient with what is noted as great by many. This is a marathon and I think you need a complete reset. Start SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory now is your best solution. Forget everything you learned or did with the p-shot, start again fresh.
Should you take a P-shot? Like we discussed earlier, best to discuss with the doctors you can communicate with. When shooting plasma into the corpus cavernosa, only a small of the plasma goes into the glans. The nerve damage is around the fascia layer of the glans. So, discuss with the doctor to see what they suggest. It will either be nerve restoration injectable cocktails or focused LIST machine.
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its a constant battle i cant seem to win. it goes away sometimes, and just when i think this time is different, its there again. i fully hate satan, and curse the day he got in my head to convince me i should try to improve my erection with this hocus pocus crap. somehow im still alive a full year later. all i have left is praying. i literally feel like a 5 yr old unless im actively having sex
I've asked a couple days ago: what happend to you?
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