Bathmate cushion rings


Apr 18, 2024
Hey all. Pretty new to PE and the site. I bought the Bathmate Hydroextreme 9 to start my journey. I purchased the cushion rings as they were recommended. I bought the correct size as well. It’s not the sleeve that comes with it but a separate cushion. I feel like it’s junk. No seal can be attained with it. I’m doing fine without them but was just curious if anyone else uses them, if they are worth a shit, and if I’m doing it wrong.
Bathmate says put it on your cock and pump as normal.
I tossed the two in the package after the first use.
So you thought they were junk too?
Piece o crap right out the door. I rather get the rubber cushion made for the Bathmate sold in MoS Shop. But I don't need it any more. I found ways around to make the pump's rim from bitting into my skin.
I recommend to pump without comfort insert, in that way you can force expansion and max out the entire pump throughout your shaft in girth and length.
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