All night stretching with silistretcher: my 3 week experience, technique and opinion

12oz red bull

Nov 10, 2011
hey guys... we all know that keeping the penis extended will speed up the process of lengthening. we also know that we could be using valuable time stretching passively while we sleep. this is the reason for me looking into different ideas and trying this one.

my experience

i've had issues in the past with using the ss2 as an ANS. I've tried to use the silisleeve5 to silipro and I've had issues that prevented me from using it successfully. the issues ranged from blisters to pinching to digging into the skin, etc... i just could not figure out a proper way to use it while sleeping, so i kind of gave up trying to use it as an ANS. then one night as i was leaving my restroom, i looked at something then had an "ah-ha" moment, which gave birth to an idea for another experiment. so, what was it that gave me the idea? it is none other than...

a silicap2

yes, a 2" piece of the silicap2 is what i've been using the past 3 weeks. my restroom counter is littered with cut pieces of different types of sleeves. if someone saw my restroom, they would probably think, "wtf is this shit?" LOL well, as i was leaving my restroom, i saw a 2" piece of a silicap2 and then i saw a light shine down on it with a choir holding a long, harmonic note in the background. then a voice in my head says, "stretches 4x its size". i have used the silipro, which is also very stretchable, and had better results than with the silisleeve5. however, even with the softness and stretchiness of the silipro, it was still causing discomfort after having it on for a long time. this is where the silicap2 comes in...

the silicap2 is "grippy", but the thing that stands out is the thickness, or lack thereof... i believe the silicap2 is more comfortable for ANS because it's not as thick as the silipro and stretches easier when having night time erections. also, the silicap2 is not as thick, so it doesn't put as much pressure on the skin. i still have pinching, only my circ scar when it gets pulled up, but it's not as bad as the silipro.

now, i have had ups and downs using the silicap2, but i am more consistent with ANS than the other sleeves. also, with the silicap2, i will experience discomfort, but almost when it's time for me to wake up. the issues that i've had with the silicap2 is it tearing. i've torn two 2" pieces of the silicap2 and two durobands during this time. currently, i am not using a duroband, but i am covering the silicap2 at the lip of the bell with a nylon wrapping. i have not torn a silicap2 for about 4 days, so i guess it's working out for now. i have a 4" silicap2 and an 8" silicap2. why so many? it's because i had ideas on how i would use them, but it did not work out, so they were just sitting around


week 1

- i don't even count this week :). i wasn't used to wearing a device attached to my penis at bedtime, so it was hard for me to fall asleep. i had to take it off to fall asleep.

week 2

- in week 2, i started getting more comfortable with it attached to my penis, so eventually, i was falling asleep then waking up about an hour or a couple of hours later, just to take it off. as the days went on, i was keeping it on longer.

- i tried to use the silicap2 without support, but one night it tore. i thought it is very stretchable but maybe it can't stay stretched over the bell, so i put a duroband on top of the silicap2 on the lip of the bell. this worked until a couple of days later, the duroband tore. the duroband was stretched from prior use, so i used a new duroband. this worked for a couple of days, but one night, both the silicap2 and duroband tore. i tried to think of why the sleeves were tearing and came to the conclusion that it was me rolling over and moving around while i slept causing the tears ( it was rubbing against my bed or blanket ). my conclusion was to use a nylon wrapping. for now, i do not use a duroband and just cover the silicap2 at the lip of the bell for protection and support. in 4 days, i have not had a tear.

- week 2 was also frustrating in respect of the silicap2 slipping. some nights, it slipped off while i was sleeping and some nights, it slipped within 5 minutes. every night i clean the silicap2 inside and out with 91% isopropyl alcohol and, also, clean my shaft with it. to this day, i am unsure what may be the cause of this.

week 3

- this week was much better in terms of sleeping with it on until i woke up. my record so far is 4 days, without it slipping, from lying down to waking up.

- i still have issues of it slipping when i first put it on. i used to give up at the first slip and take it off for the rest of the night, but, being kind of stubborn, i kept trying to put it on. after about 2 or 3 tries, it decides to stay on... go figure...


- staying passively extended during sleep

- feels good to experience tugback. it lets you know that the penis is being stretched good


- it will still slip. you just have to dig deep and keep going. remember, i spent 3 weeks until i started to get the hang of it. even now, on most nights, i have to start over a few times because it'll slip

- be prepared to have tears in the silicap2. it's nice and flexible, but it's not meant to be used like this. the original intent of the silicap2 is to prevent fluid retention on the glans

- speaking of fluid retention... i get fluid retention and have a gray looking color on my glans when i wake up. it goes away after my shower, though

- make sure that you're conditioned to prevent blisters. although, there is no turning the vacuum knob, there will be a little bit of vacuum when you strap into the ss2

- not really a con, but there will be lots of moisture inside the bell after waking up. i actually remove the silipad to dry it top and bottom. there were times when i saw water droplets inside the bell. this is just from heat being trapped. i guess i listed this a "con" because i had the thought of "what if mold start growing on my glans" hahaha (xd)

my technique

it's rather simple. i use a 2" piece of the silicap2 and put a nylon wrapping over the silicap2 on the lip of the bell. i align the top of the silicap2 to the top of the bottom letters on the sticker.

- quick head's up: the glans will seem like it's falling out of the bell, which it actually is. i like this due to the fact that when i get erections now, the glans doesn't touch the lip of the bell, so there is no discomfort on the glans. when i tried to use the silisleeve, i would wake up from discomfort of the glans that was in contact with the lip of the bell

- when you lie down, squeeze the top and bottom of the silicap2 on the shaft at the same time. i think this helps it "bond" or helps it stick better to the shaft

- it's important the shaft is free of oil and debris, also, the inside of the silicap2. i use 91% isopropyl alcohol to clean both my shaft and the silicap2

- on the bottle of the 91% isopropyl alcohol, it says "do not use more than 1 week". i have been using it every day for about 3 months and i don't seem to have issues. however, use at your own risk

*tip - when attaching the silicap2 to the bell, you will sometimes notice a space in between the top of the silicap2 to the lip of the bell. lift the bottom of the silicap2, pull towards the vacuum knob, then lower the silicap2 like you're "layering" it. more often than not, it will remove the space and the silicap2 will be in better contact with the bell. although, it's a small space, doing it this way will help give a tighter grip because there is more contact with the silicap2 and the bell. i hope that i explained myself well.

my opinion

i really like the way things are shaping up using the silicap2 for ANS and i will continue to use the silicap2 nightly. the first couple of weeks were frustrating but i hung in there and it seems like it's finally coming around. i was confident with this idea and wanted to see it to the end, hence, my determination. there are the little quirks that make it annoying, but i am willing to make the adjustments for faster gains.

feel free to ask any questions

update: 03/12
- added pics, added fluid retention to "cons" section, added tip to technique section, format and grammar
- addendum
* pic 1 is a 2" piece of the silicap2. as you can see, there is a groove at the top, which i like because it helps with placing it consistently in the same place
* pic 2 is the silicap2 on the bell. as you can see, the top of the silicap2 is aligned on top of the letters in the bottom row. it is as even as i can get it going around the bell
* pic 3 is with the nylon wrapping over the silicap2 on the bell. this helps protect and support the silicap2 from tearing. so far, so good...

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My goodness you put a lot of work into this, God bless you! This is going to be a sticky for sure as this will teach so many brothers a technique that has not been used yet. I love brothers who contribute in this way as it adds to our library of knowledge which is vast and becomes greater with every contribution. Thank you for your technique and thank you for being so patient in writing this out so people could understand.
Boy, was I excited when I saw this.
As always, it's great to see new experiments and experiences being tried out. Thank you for posting this on the forum for others to see, it's a great help! I was also looking for a way to try out ANS, the one i plan on using is the phallosan forte which only has one angle, and that's from left to right and right to left, I wasn't sure what sleeve and cap i was going to use, as I heard that the silipro is amazing as an ANS but rips quite easily. Thanks to this thread, I now know what cap and sleeve I'll use. Didn't know i could use nylon wrapping for better results so that's an extra.

I have a question, what angle do you use the Ss2 at when sleeping? I'm guessing you use it passively, however depending on the angle, you may yield better results.

Question 2, why not find a way to stop yourself from turning in bed? I can imagine laying face down will kill your gains. I'm not sure how one would do this, I'm guessing they would tie their hands to the bed, doesn't sound very pleasant though. People who walk in might also misunderstand.

That's all for now, can't wait to try this with the PF
Thank you for sharing this ^^
My goodness you put a lot of work into this, God bless you! This is going to be a sticky for sure as this will teach so many brothers a technique that has not been used yet. I love brothers who contribute in this way as it adds to our library of knowledge which is vast and becomes greater with every contribution. Thank you for your technique and thank you for being so patient in writing this out so people could understand.

no problem, dld. i am more than happy to contribute when i can. the brotherhood is a great place to share ideas! i also updated the op with pics from my setup :)

edit: grammar
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hey, samurai, no problem. i am always happy to help where i can. it makes me happy that i was able to help you out as well. i added pics to the op of my setup:)

... I heard that the silipro is amazing as an ANS but rips quite easily. Thanks to this thread, I now know what cap and sleeve I'll use. Didn't know i could use nylon wrapping for better results so that's an extra.

my experience with ripping or tearing is with the regular silisleeve and durosleeve in the 3/4" diameter. i have not experienced a rip when i used the silipro. i'm sorry if i said something that made it seem like i was talking about the silipro ripping. i feel the nylon wrapping is helping to prevent tears because it's acting as a barrier between the silicap2 and the bed, the blanket, etc... i actually use the nylon wrapping when i'm using the ss2 as an ads. it also keeps the sleeve from sticking to my leg.

I have a question, what angle do you use the Ss2 at when sleeping? I'm guessing you use it passively, however depending on the angle, you may yield better results.

i've been using the upward angle, so i have the silistrap behind my neck. i was nervous at first because i didn't want to accidentally choke myself haha, but i've had no issues. i didn't die even one time :) i tried to hang 5lbs off the edge of my bed, but i developed blisters, so i stopped doing that for now. i believe that i'm pulling about 2lbs of tension behind my neck, so a little more than just keeping it extended.

Question 2, why not find a way to stop yourself from turning in bed? I can imagine laying face down will kill your gains. I'm not sure how one would do this, I'm guessing they would tie their hands to the bed, doesn't sound very pleasant though. People who walk in might also misunderstand.

i used to be a stomach sleeper, but trained myself to sleep on my back so i could use the ss2. since, it's natural for me to sleep on my stomach, i guess i try to turn over throughout the night. this could be the cause of the silicap2 rubbing against the bed or blanket, which is why i started using the nylon wrapping when i sleep. if i was able to tie both hands to the bed by myself, then i would be the girl from the movie "The Excorist"... YIKES!!!
hey, samurai, no problem. i am always happy to help where i can. it makes me happy that i was able to help you out as well. i added pics to the op of my setup:)

Just saw the pics, thank you for posting them, made it much easier to understand for a newbie like me. I get the concept now! And thank you :) have you noticed any gains after this month? I remember you making a thread of a 1/4 gain after using ss2 for 2 weeks? I'm praying that you can get past and over that plateau.

my experience with ripping or tearing is with the regular silisleeve and durosleeve in the 3/4" diameter. i have not experienced a rip when i used the silipro . i'm sorry if i said something that made it seem like i was talking about the silipro ripping. i feel the nylon wrapping is helping to prevent tears because it's acting as a barrier between the silicap2 and the bed, the blanket, etc... i actually use the nylon wrapping when i'm using the ss2 as an ads . it also keeps the sleeve from sticking to my leg.

Oh, I misunderstood then... I'm also sorry, I read mixed reviews from silipro. Some saying it was really good, while others saying it was easy to rip. So i misunderstood what you were trying to say. Nylon wrapping does seem to have that ability. And wait, you're able to use ss2 while walking around in public? I know it's possible with the PF but i was told it was harder with the SiliStretcher - All Day Penis Vacuum Stretcher and Weight Hanger.

i've been using the upward angle, so i have the silistrap behind my neck. i was nervous at first because i didn't want to accidentally choke myself haha, but i've had no issues. i didn't die even one time :) i tried to hang 5lbs off the edge of my bed, but i developed blisters, so i stopped doing that for now. i believe that i'm pulling about 2lbs of tension behind my neck, so a little more than just keeping it extended.

Thankfully you didn't choke yourself, I see, behind the neck does seem efficient. It also hits the 12 o'clock angle and that's good for gains. Careful with blisters, size is good, but looks is just as appealing :)

i used to be a stomach sleeper, but trained myself to sleep on my back so i could use the ss2 . since, it's natural for me to sleep on my stomach, i guess i try to turn over throughout the night. this could be the cause of the silicap2 rubbing against the bed or blanket, which is why i started using the nylon wrapping when i sleep. if i was able to tie both hands to the bed by myself, then i would be the girl from the movie "The Excorist"... YIKES!!!

Same, always used to sleep with my face on the pillow, don't know how i didn't wake up. Glad the training paid off. Nylon wrappinig again is such a great existence. Fun fact i was thinking of the movie exorcist when i wrote about tying yourself to the bed.
Just saw the pics, thank you for posting them, made it much easier to understand for a newbie like me. I get the concept now! And thank you :) have you noticed any gains after this month? I remember you making a thread of a 1/4 gain after using ss2 for 2 weeks? I'm praying that you can get past and over that plateau.

no problem, samurai. i'm glad the pics helped. i haven't noticed any gains yet from wearing it ANS. although, i'm sure gains will come as long as i stay consistent. it was another member who created that thread in the main forum. i would be ecstatic if i gained that much in such a short period of time!

Oh, I misunderstood then... I'm also sorry, I read mixed reviews from silipro. Some saying it was really good, while others saying it was easy to rip. So i misunderstood what you were trying to say. Nylon wrapping does seem to have that ability. And wait, you're able to use ss2 while walking around in public? I know it's possible with the PF but i was told it was harder with the silistretcher.

no worries, the names are similar so it can get confusing. to be more specific, i wear the ss2 at work from 4-6 hours. i'm able to hide it because i wear baggy pants ( dickies ), so it's not really noticeable. i wouldn't wear it in public with my street clothes.

Same, always used to sleep with my face on the pillow, don't know how i didn't wake up. Glad the training paid off. Nylon wrappinig again is such a great existence. Fun fact i was thinking of the movie exorcist when i wrote about tying yourself to the bed.

great minds think alike!:)
This is blowing up pretty quickly! It looks like you’ve made a permanent method for the brotherhood.
This is blowing up pretty quickly! It looks like you’ve made a permanent method for the brotherhood.

thank you, dld. sometimes ideas just, out of the blue, pop into my head and if it makes sense to test it, i go for it. if it doesn't work out, then at least i tried. i wouldn't make a new thread unless i was confident with using it myself for the long term. my wish is for everyone to be successful with their pe endeavors!
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no problem, samurai. i'm glad the pics helped. i haven't noticed any gains yet from wearing it ANS. although, i'm sure gains will come as long as i stay consistent. it was another member who created that thread in the main forum. i would be ecstatic if i gained that much in such a short period of time!

Of course they will, no such thing as fruitless hardwork. Ah yes, sorry I keep getting members confused ?. How much have you gained with regular ADS in all your years of PE? Or just gained in general? If you don't mind me asking

no worries, the names are similar so it can get confusing. to be more specific, i wear the ss2 at work from 4-6 hours. i'm able to hide it because i wear baggy pants ( dickies ), so it's not really noticeable. i wouldn't wear it in public with my street clothes.

I don't think any of us would. Not only would it look like you have a mechanic boner, you may face social embarrassment.

great minds think alike!:)

Truer words have never been spoken!
thank you, dld. sometimes ideas just, out of the blue, pop into my head and if it makes sense to test it, i go for it. if it doesn't work out, then at least i tried. i wouldn't make a new thread unless i was confident with using it myself for the long term. my wish is for everyone to be successful with their pe endeavors!

If everyone thought like this, maybe our world wouldn't have become what it is now.
Of course they will, no such thing as fruitless hardwork. Ah yes, sorry I keep getting members confused ?. How much have you gained with regular ADS in all your years of PE? Or just gained in general? If you don't mind me asking

there's so many members it does get confusing lol nope, i don't mind you asking at all. from all my years with inconsistent pe, i have gained 1/2" inch length and .25" inch girth. my biggest gain is a dark ass dick from bathmate discoloration hahaha. life would get in the way and i would phase out of pe for a few years at a time. after seeing the ss2 last year, it motivated me to get back into it. i used to be a long time lurker but i've started to be active because 1. i want to help others in the ways i've been helped reading through the forums and 2. being active actually motivates me to be consistent. also, i gotta back up my words, ya know? :)

I don't think any of us would. Not only would it look like you have a mechanic boner, you may face social embarrassment.

i forgot where i read the post, but one guy said he walked around in shorts with the ss2 strap to his knees or something. he gave no fucks hehe

Truer words have never been spoken!

we even logged in at about the same time... are you me? (xd)

If everyone thought like this, maybe our world wouldn't have become what it is now.

all the negativity in the world really is a shame. we just need to spread positivity and hope it gets contagious
there's so many members it does get confusing LOL nope, i don't mind you asking at all. from all my years with inconsistent pe, i have gained 1/2" inch length and .25" inch girth. my biggest gain is a dark ass dick from bathmate discoloration hahaha. life would get in the way and i would phase out of pe for a few years at a time. after seeing the ss2 last year, it motivated me to get back into it. i used to be a long time lurker but i've started to be active because 1. i want to help others in the ways i've been helped reading through the forums and 2. being active actually motivates me to be consistent. also, i gotta back up my words, ya know? :)

What's your goal? Cause I sure as hell want you to hit 2" in length at the same time as me! 6 months, I wanna see your best performance in the PE Gym, and i wanna see those gains. 1/2 inch is good but you can get better and deserve better with all these years! You gotta keep me updated on yours gains, I'll keep you updated on mine and my routine when i start! Have you tried hanging? I feel like heavy hanging, compression hanging and vac hanging will make a killer combination for you. Then ADS or ANS right after. Just

i forgot where i read the post, but one guy said he walked around in shorts with the ss2 strap to his knees or something. he gave no fucks hehe

I read that too. Took it as a joke at first, but now that you've reminded me, I can't even imagine what that must be like. I would pay to see it though, would make my day. I could never have the courage to even attempt that.

we even logged in at about the same time... are you me? (xd)

Maybe...? Maybe it's the other way around (cwl)

all the negativity in the world really is a shame. we just need to spread positivity and hope it gets contagious

It may be too late for our world but I do my best. Things like affairs, infidelity, insecurity. Many cases relating to the male genitals, sizes and all. It's reached the point where it can really hurt a mans masculinity and ruin relationships. Oh well, if you can't beat em, join em and get bigger than them. ^
thank you, dld. sometimes ideas just, out of the blue, pop into my head and if it makes sense to test it, i go for it. if it doesn't work out, then at least i tried. i wouldn't make a new thread unless i was confident with using it myself for the long term. my wish is for everyone to be successful with their pe endeavors!

That’s what’s up! My whole time in PE I was constantly creating new exercises, tools and methods of improving growth. My body was the guinea pig and I had no problem putting myself at risk to come up with something incredible. Keep at it my brother, it reminds me of myself
What's your goal? Cause I sure as hell want you to hit 2" in length at the same time as me! 6 months, I wanna see your best performance in the PE Gym, and i wanna see those gains. 1/2 inch is good but you can get better and deserve better with all these years! You gotta keep me updated on yours gains, I'll keep you updated on mine and my routine when i start! Have you tried hanging? I feel like heavy hanging, compression hanging and vac hanging will make a killer combination for you. Then ADS or ANS right after. Just

thanks for the motivation! my goals for length is about 2" and girth 2". i started below average size, length 4.75", girth 4.5". my stats now is length 5.25" and girth 4.75". in a little bit, i guess i can put the stats in my sig. i'm contemplating whether or not i should start a progress thread, but i'm not sure i can fully commit to it. i do keep a log on my phone, though. yes, keep me updated with your gains and routine. it'll help keep up motivation for the both of us. yes, i am hanging and started back in december. i went from 5lbs to now 17.5lbs. i've been pretty consistent hanging just about every day, but i haven't been able to put in the length of time desired. typically, my sessions are only an hour. at 17.5lbs, i've been experiencing challenges with it slipping, but have a good idea of what is causing it. i've been stuck at that weight for 2 weeks, which is fine time-wise ( i was hanging @15lbs for 2 weeks ) but the slipping was driving me crazy. i couldn't hang for more than 5-10 minutes. i will be making a new thread about it soon.

I read that too. Took it as a joke at first, but now that you've reminded me, I can't even imagine what that must be like. I would pay to see it though, would make my day. I could never have the courage to even attempt that.

i thought he was joking at first, also, but it makes it funnier to think he was serious. was he, though?... hehe

Maybe...? Maybe it's the other way around (cwl)

touche :)

It may be too late for our world but I do my best. Things like affairs, infidelity, insecurity. Many cases relating to the male genitals, sizes and all. It's reached the point where it can really hurt a mans masculinity and ruin relationships. Oh well, if you can't beat em, join em and get bigger than them. ^

true dat. time to turn on the rocky movie theme song
That’s what’s up! My whole time in PE I was constantly creating new exercises, tools and methods of improving growth. My body was the guinea pig and I had no problem putting myself at risk to come up with something incredible. Keep at it my brother, it reminds me of myself

you are the pioneer of PE. thank you for your sacrifice and dedication to helping me and men all over the world. although, i've been inconsistent with my PE endeavors over the years, i gained in length and girth with knowledge from this website. i'll do my best and make you proud!
thanks for the motivation! my goals for length is about 2" and girth 2". i started below average size, length 4.75", girth 4.5". my stats now is length 5.25" and girth 4.75". in a little bit, i guess i can put the stats in my sig. i'm contemplating whether or not i should start a progress thread, but i'm not sure i can fully commit to it. i do keep a log on my phone, though. yes, keep me updated with your gains and routine. it'll help keep up motivation for the both of us. yes, i am hanging and started back in december. i went from 5lbs to now 17.5lbs. i've been pretty consistent hanging just about every day, but i haven't been able to put in the length of time desired. typically, my sessions are only an hour. at 17.5lbs, i've been experiencing challenges with it slipping, but have a good idea of what is causing it. i've been stuck at that weight for 2 weeks, which is fine time-wise ( i was hanging @15lbs for 2 weeks ) but the slipping was driving me crazy. i couldn't hang for more than 5-10 minutes. i will be making a new thread about it soon.

Right back at you! Just hearing your experience is motivating me! 2" Length and 2" girth, that's the way to go! Aiming high is always the best. No need to make a progression thread and keep fully commited. I for one will do updates every month if i do. We all have a job after all. DLD is another case, he's everywhere. I'm glad to see the gains, when was the last time you measured? In my opinion, measure every four weeks, nothing more and nothing less. If you really want to see those 2" gains quick, I heard manual stretches before ADS helps. Also ADS or ANS after hanging is also good. So if you use ADS all morning and hang at night, you'll heal in the elongated state making gains much better. I'm guessing you're pretty well conditioned if you can hang up to 17.5 so you should start getting your gain growth spurt soon. Just stay consistent!

Thankfully, border meeting on when the border will open is this monday, so i'll most definitely be back in the UK within the next 2 weeks. Going to start my routine and make a progress thread on it when i do.

i thought he was joking at first, also, but it makes it funnier to think he was serious. was he, though?... hehe

I'm not sure, but somehow I want to find out... I used to do jogs in the park every morning, If i saw a guy jogging with something strapped to his legs going up his shorts into god knows where... Well, it'd certainly be an unforgettable experience.

true dat. time to turn on the rocky movie theme song

Roger :)
Right back at you! Just hearing your experience is motivating me! 2" Length and 2" girth, that's the way to go! Aiming high is always the best. No need to make a progression thread and keep fully commited. I for one will do updates every month if i do. We all have a job after all. DLD is another case, he's everywhere. I'm glad to see the gains, when was the last time you measured? In my opinion, measure every four weeks, nothing more and nothing less. If you really want to see those 2" gains quick, I heard manual stretches before ADS helps. Also ADS or ANS after hanging is also good. So if you use ADS all morning and hang at night, you'll heal in the elongated state making gains much better. I'm guessing you're pretty well conditioned if you can hang up to 17.5 so you should start getting your gain growth spurt soon. Just stay consistent!

i don't know why i was thinking only of daily updates. the monthly update is a great idea and something i can definitely do. i am lazy... like really lazy... in the sense that i've been only hanging and didn't want to do manual work :). however, i have recently incorporated __________ stretches after my hanging session and if i don't have a hanging session, i'll just do the __________ stretches. you're right... adding manual stretches along with hanging will bring faster gains. i just... lazy hahah
you are the pioneer of PE. thank you for your sacrifice and dedication to helping me and men all over the world. although, i've been inconsistent with my PE endeavors over the years, i gained in length and girth with knowledge from this website. i'll do my best and make you proud!

the sense that i've been only hanging and didn't want to do manual work :). however, i have recently incorporated __________ stretches after my hanging session and if i don't have a hanging session, i'll just do the __________ stretches . you're right... adding manual stretches along with hanging will bring faster gains. i just... lazy hahah

Aren't we all...?
Aren't we all...?

so easy to take breaks, but so enduring to be consistent.
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