Recent content by PumpSon!

  1. P

    GIRTH: Dry Jelq vs Uli?

    I'm just curious as to which is better for girth gains? I currently only do ulis and Bathmate.
  2. P

    Just arrested again

    Hope everything's cool dld Fill us in when you get the chance
  3. P

    Is this enough for growth? (Particularly girth)

    So I do this every other day. Bathmate 20-30 minutes Then simply using the expansion I got from the Bathmate, immediately do 3 x 35 second ulis. I will gradually increase the uli times until I'm up to 3 x 1 minute as my penis becomes conditioned. Is this enough? Thanks!
  4. P

    BathMate User Gains and Feedback...Please Post Your Gains

    Don't mean to de rail thread, but do you have any stories of reactions or whatnot when women have seen your schlong, dld? Would be great for motivation!
  5. P


    Yep daily but whenever I feel I need a break I take one. I am going to incorporate jelqs beforehand as it lowered fluid retention and makes my penis more veiny! I seemed to expand in the tube real quick. I mean I was 4.5 girth and nearly hitting the tube Walls after a month. The way I see it...
  6. P


    Just Bathmate!
  7. P


    I started Bathmate early-mid April iirc
  8. P


    I remember a while back, stating I was only about 6.5bpel and 4.5eg but exceeding 200 and nearly filling the Bathmate in expanding girth. I also remember someone telling me I may be surprised when I next measure myself.. Well I measured this morning when I woke up with wood (bare in mind my...
  9. P

    Hitting 190 for a good 5 mins

    I'm onto 200 now since I started this thread. Think I will have maxed out the X-40 by end of July in length so hopefully by that time I'll have gained some
  10. P

    Bathmate and Newbies, How to Make Huge Gains Fast!

    Oh and one thing - do hardcore stretches NEED to be done erect? Which would you say more effective for overall growth? Hardcore or jelq superset? Tanks !
  11. P

    Bathmate and Newbies, How to Make Huge Gains Fast!

    Oh and one thing - do hardcore stretches NEED to be done erect? Which would you say more effective for overall growth? Hardcore or jelq superset? Tanks !
  12. P

    Bathmate and Newbies, How to Make Huge Gains Fast!

    Hey DLD, I'm currently using Bathmate alone and looking to add something to see faster gains.. One question.. The jelq / Bathmate supersets, would that be simply 100-300 jelqs followed by 15 mins Bathmate each day? Would this yell good gains? Or would 15-20 mins of Bathmate with 3x40 secs...
  13. P

    Bathmate and Newbies, How to Make Huge Gains Fast!

    Hey DLD, I'm currently using Bathmate alone and looking to add something to see faster gains.. One question.. The jelq / Bathmate supersets, would that be simply 100-300 jelqs followed by 15 mins Bathmate each day? Would this yell good gains? Or would 15-20 mins of Bathmate with 3x40 secs...
  14. P

    How to lessen the DONUT EFFECT?

    I've been getting it pretty bad. I use short 6-7 minute sessiosn followed by a massage/few jelqs but still get it! Also, is there any long term effects from the Donut Effects? If not It wont so bother me so much!
  15. P

    Hitting 190 for a good 5 mins

    Far from offended bud. When I'm erect my penis is always 90-100%. Push yourself harder when in the Bathmate.
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