I still feel insecure sometimes cause my wife said she been with a guy that had 12inches I don't believe her I just think she just won't me to feel some type a way.
Women do use shit tests to test us men, probably it was one of those.
Because I can promise you a real 12 Inch long penis is not common. It's highly unlikely that will happen naturally. Just look at a ruler, and see how long that is. It's over 30 cm, 30.48 cm exactly.
Women often do these "shit tests" not aware of them doing them.
Men also do them (shit tests) but in a more covert way, often to see if she's promiscuous or not. Because we do not want to take care of anyone else child. We want to spread our DNA to the next generation. So why waste time with the wrong offspring? It's the basics of human evolution. Most species works this way. And out psychology/social dynamics are formed/based from this fact.
Interesting fact about chimpanzees.
For example chimpanzees have a different mating system then humans. Male chimpanzees have bigger balls and more sperm, and their females are more promiscuous then human females. So the males strategy then, is to flush away the previous man's sperm and fuck the females when they can, in order to make sure, it's their offspring that gets born.
A common shit test women use, is to see if we as a man get jealous. If we are not showing we are jealous, we will pass the test. Women do these tests to evaluate if we are the best choice for a partner. They want a strong and secure man (for protection and security).
Also a common thing they do as a "shit test", is to see how we are handling our EGO being attacked. If we are strong in ourselves we will not care so much about that. We are good as we are, our confidence as a man are not dependent on external factors. It comes from within.
If we go back in time, it was essentially a life or death situation to choose the right man. If the woman ended up with the wrong man. The wrong man would abandon her at her most vulnerable state (being pragnent), and this would mean death for her and her unborn child.
These "primative" behaviors is still there. Women will test us men, to see if we are the best man for the job.
This is just scratching the surface on this topic.