THE NEW FORUM!!!! Please read and post feedback.


Jun 3, 2003
Well we have made the final decision on the forum. This new design is fast, easy to use and most importantly, intuitive, It feels good in every way. If you have problems with anything please post it here so we can fix it.

Currently you will need to redo your signatures since all links have changed.

Please let me know anything you want fixed or changed. I love it myself and every minute I am loving' it more.
Looks good on my phone as well! Very clean and modern. No more old taboo style pe forum.
Uhh, are there any other styles available? I can't find the setting, now when I hit the forum front page it's laid down with pictures and not a forum grid style. Not very straight-forward to my eyes, now I have to go to latest posts to gain somekind of view what's happening.
Ah, great, now I can see the style modification link again and at the moment the landing page is normal for me.
Dont like the thumbnails so much for each forum the size mainly , could be more discrete but everythings else is perfect
how can i get a rock and roll bulge?

I'm sure you're equipped for it! ;) Just get tight jeans. No underwear or then some skimpy underwear.

There's some research that guys keeping at the left side would be more artistic etc., and on the right side keepers would be more mathematically prevailed / scientific.
I'm totally the left side guy or straight in the middle, depending on temperature and such.
Lightning needs to do a thread on this issure so we call Have the bulge of rock. ? It has to be a tutorial teaching how to get a bulge to the left, the bulge to the right, and the bulge to the center.??????
One thing, very easy solution for a bigger bulge is a loose fitting All Day Cockring. There are rings out there suitable for just the bulging effect and also underwear that work like a push-up bra would. :-D
One thing, very easy solution for a bigger bulge is a loose fitting All Day Cockring. There are rings out there suitable for just the bulging effect and also underwear that work like a push-up bra would. :-D

There’s a lot of talk about bulges in the last few days LOL I think in a start a bulge thread ?
loving the format, was a little intimidating at first, but navigating is so much clearer and easier!

Same here but it became so intuitive after a few hours. It’s so smooth and easy to use, it’s incredibly fast and everything looks very clean and organized. Most of all it is the latest and most modern software putting us ahead of the curve in every way.
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