WIN WIN WIN! Finally gave wifey a penetration Big O orgasm


Active member
Mar 15, 2024

I want to thank everyone here for this!

Wifey and I had our first penetration orgasm. 14 years in, I have done this position over 100 times but with my new gains, we did it!

Wifey was on a triangle pillow, on her stomach, ass up. To start the night, I went down on her 3 times and had sex in 3 positions, she thought she was not going to cum 25 min in, but the dick was hard and I had pump'd earlier so I said, let's go. Put her back on the triangle stomach down and started going from the back .

Wifey started tightening the pussy and like waves in the ocean, when she let loose, I would go balls deep, we had a motion and each were doing our part. When all of the sudden, 8 min in, she said, I'm cumming, like seriously saying it, the real BIG O orgasm. I only lasted like 10 seconds after that.

She. said the only thing different is that when I go down on her for the Big O she feels it building up, with this one, and in the moment it just came out, so she was pretty shocked!

There are 1/5 of men blessed with wifeys that can orgasm through penetration but it is low, this has been years in the making and I know my size had something to do with it. We had mini orgasms with just the dick for many years but never the Big O.

I want to thank everyone here for this!

Wifey and I had our first penetration orgasm. 14 years in, I have done this position over 100 times but with my new gains, we did it!

Wifey was on a triangle pillow, on her stomach, ass up. To start the night, I went down on her 3 times and had sex in 3 positions, she thought she was not going to cum 25 min in, but the dick was hard and I had pump'd earlier so I said, let's go. Put her back on the triangle stomach down and started going from the back .

Wifey started tightening the pussy and like waves in the ocean, when she let loose, I would go balls deep, we had a motion and each were doing our part. When all of the sudden, 8 min in, she said, I'm cumming, like seriously saying it, the real BIG O orgasm. I only lasted like 10 seconds after that.

She. said the only thing different is that when I go down on her for the Big O she feels it building up, with this one, and in the moment it just came out, so she was pretty shocked!

There are 1/5 of men blessed with wifeys that can orgasm through penetration but it is low, this has been years in the making and I know my size had something to do with it. We had mini orgasms with just the dick for many years but never the Big O.
Try this technique as well.

If you use this technique. Also consider to buy the book: ISBN: 9780091939526 (THE 4-HOUR BODY).
Feel bad to post content that somebody have spent a lot of time and resources to create. This book will help you with all aspects in life.
Put your woman on a thick pillow to get an even better angle of attack.
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