When to start developing a penis in children?


Dec 2, 2022
When to start developing a penis in children? I have a 1.5 year old son. I live in Turkey. Our religion is Islam. My wife is also considered religious. He wants to have our son circumcised, I oppose. because I heard that it affected my development negatively. Although it provides convenience in exercises, it is true that they disrupt the aesthetics of the penis by cutting it crookedly. Can the penis strap be used for children from the age of 7? I want to buy equipment for my son too. It's early for the vacuum pump, but at what age should the tensioning straps be started
My wife is a sunnet supporter. I am against the children against their own will. In the future, I want my son to have a penis of at least 9 inches to 11 inches. I have been working for about 3 months. Sunnah has absolutely no negative effect on the development of the penis. it even has benefits in terms of hand grip. but the wrong cut spoils the aesthetics. I don't want my son to say "Daddy why did you have me circumcised without my permission" in the future. Is there equipment suitable for the penis of children 5 years, 7 years old and above
@cucu12 çok saçma ergenliğe girmemiş çocuklar için ne aparatı kullanacaksın
Sadece agirlik asma gerdirme. Ergenliğe kadar 1 2 cm. Yani ABD tabiriyle yaklaşık 1 inc eklemek için. Belki faydası olur diye düşündüm. Kendim de pe uyguluyorum. Oğluma 6 7 yaş gibi günden Sadece 1 2 saat kullansam faydası olur mu diye dusundum
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