Supplements for flacid hang.


Apr 20, 2009
I'm just wondering if there are any supplements that someone would recommend for a good flaccid hang throughout the day.

Ive been taking a multi vitamin and l-arginine tablets for god knows how long and doesn't seem to make any difference.

Any advice is greatly appreciated,as I can visit a health store or order online if I know what is best. Also are there certain brands that are better than others and are capsules better than tablets..
Hey, brother.
I am somewhat new here, but check out one of my first threads that I posted in the Newbie forum. I have a breakdown of what I use. I have changed from using some L Arginine to L Citruline as it converts better to L Arginine and thus better levels of Nitric Oxide.
However, I am not sure about supplements actually improving an overall better volume of flaccid hang. What I do know, and recommend is the @DLD SSJ’s Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) routine to, over time, help with that larger or fuller flaccid hang. That routine is a game changer.
Hey, brother.
I am somewhat new here, but check out one of my first threads that I posted in the Newbie forum. I have a breakdown of what I use. I have changed from using some L Arginine to L Citruline as it converts better to L Arginine and thus better levels of Nitric Oxide.
However, I am not sure about supplements actually improving an overall better volume of flaccid hang. What I do know, and recommend is the @DLD SSJ’s 5x5x3 routine to, over time, help with that larger or fuller flaccid hang. That routine is a game changer.
The 5x5x3 is the perfect girth routine.
@DLD. There is NO DOUBT with that routine. Absolute balloon of the shaft and expansion of that tunica
Thanks lads.
I'll pick up some l citruline and also start doing ssj's.. I have a LengthMaster as well so it's just getting time to use and incorporate everything together with family and kids around the house..
Good. You will see much faster growth
Thanks guys..
Thanks guys..
@tuctuc Do not forget a very good and bioavailable form of Zinc and Boron. Ensure that you eat something as these two can sometimes make the stomach upset. I usually do an avocado or banana to help offset any stomach upset. 25mg of Zinc and about 4mg of Boron. These two can help increase Testosterone levels naturally. Boron takes the Testosterone and converts to Free Testosterone to enhance the sexual functions (ie erections, EQ etc) and Zinc does in the same manner. If you are a coffee drinker such as myself, two to three cups of coffee will give you some naturally occurring Boron. Supplement this if you don’t drink coffee. Another option….massage your balls! Yep. About 10 to 15 minutes of gentle and directed massage during PE of your nuts also activates Testosterone as our big balls (mine included) are the factories for Test!
@tuctuc Do not forget a very good and bioavailable form of Zinc and Boron. Ensure that you eat something as these two can sometimes make the stomach upset. I usually do an avocado or banana to help offset any stomach upset. 25mg of Zinc and about 4mg of Boron. These two can help increase Testosterone levels naturally. Boron takes the Testosterone and converts to Free Testosterone to enhance the sexual functions (ie erections, EQ etc) and Zinc does in the same manner. If you are a coffee drinker such as myself, two to three cups of coffee will give you some naturally occurring Boron. Supplement this if you don’t drink coffee. Another option….massage your balls! Yep. About 10 to 15 minutes of gentle and directed massage during PE of your nuts also activates Testosterone as our big balls (mine included) are the factories for Test!
Thanks man,appreciate the help..
I'll get to the health store or get it online if it saves me a few quid buying a few of bottles of each..👍
I'll try do some testicular health's massage when I remember so I'll include this when I get into a routine..
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