Psychology Slight Mental health decline from PE


Sep 25, 2015
Guys, if you seen some of my posts, you’ll know I’ve recently got back into PE pretty hard. Bought the entire SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory kit pretty much and have been consistent for the last 6-7 weeks. Though only breaks on the wknds as my partner is with me all wknd. (maybe this is the reason my progress is slowing)

I know I’ve gotta push through this mental barrier, but I’m starting to really get over how life consuming PE is. Anyone who has had a go at it properly realises pretty quick how much effort it requires.

I think when life gets in the way; events, or big days at work, working double shifts or overtime ect start preventing you from PEing you can get frustrated really easy. I’m literally at my All time high with consistency, effort and gains I’d say, but as mentioned I’m getting too busy to keep up routine.

legit, sometimes I’ll get home at 6:30pm shower, eat, hang 2x 20min sets extend for maybe 2-3hrs whatever I can do while getting to bed. Up again at 4am.

When I do have free afternoons straight after work, instead of getting outside for some sun, or gym, I’ll shower, eat, hang and extend, and while I try to build a side business on the side I’m constantly losing focus adjusting the extender every hr.

I’m really aiming for the 1inch in 12 weeks, but also trying to find something as close to that SRT routine that is sustainable.

Maybe I’m just burnt out at the moment. Has anyone got any tips?

My last resort if this really becomes too much to do, I will just use the mitivac morning and evening before bed for 20mins and chuck a sleeve on all day and while I sleep. This seems extremely easy to do and very time efficient.

love the input guys
Guys, if you seen some of my posts, you’ll know I’ve recently got back into PE pretty hard. Bought the entire SRT kit pretty much and have been consistent for the last 6-7 weeks. Though only breaks on the wknds as my partner is with me all wknd. (maybe this is the reason my progress is slowing)

I know I’ve gotta push through this mental barrier, but I’m starting to really get over how life consuming PE is. Anyone who has had a go at it properly realises pretty quick how much effort it requires.

I think when life gets in the way; events, or big days at work, working double shifts or overtime ect start preventing you from PEing you can get frustrated really easy. I’m literally at my All time high with consistency, effort and gains I’d say, but as mentioned I’m getting too busy to keep up routine.

legit, sometimes I’ll get home at 6:30pm shower, eat, hang 2x 20min sets extend for maybe 2-3hrs whatever I can do while getting to bed. Up again at 4am.

When I do have free afternoons straight after work, instead of getting outside for some sun, or gym, I’ll shower, eat, hang and extend, and while I try to build a side business on the side I’m constantly losing focus adjusting the extender every hr.

I’m really aiming for the 1inch in 12 weeks, but also trying to find something as close to that SRT routine that is sustainable.

Maybe I’m just burnt out at the moment. Has anyone got any tips?

My last resort if this really becomes too much to do, I will just use the mitivac morning and evening before bed for 20mins and chuck a sleeve on all day and while I sleep. This seems extremely easy to do and very time efficient.

love the input guys

What I realized was that I needed to re-structure and think to incoperate my life with PE, AND not think that I should incoperate my life around my PE. A small difference in words but a big difference in practice.

Also I also was forced to relly prioritize my time. Do I gain anything by doing mindless things with friebds with no ambitious in life,
or are my time better spent working on myself?

Do you need you spend your entire weekend with your partner, or can you set up some kind of personal boundaries, and say: - We can be with each other one day, but the rest of the days during the weekends I need time for myself to work on my "business" (do not tell about PE).

I know what you are talking about, I lost 2,7 kg muscle mass when I re-directed my life elsewhere and starting to focus on PE insted.
PE have now become like a meditation practice for me. I feel more calm and focused in my life. Not as stressed out as I used to be.

It have been good for me. I have a completely diffrent reality right now. Before it was just gym, sleep, eat, work and repeat. This was a real hard mental thing to get over at first. But my reasoning became: - I don't need that much muscle mass, it was to much work to maintain it. Not to much work really, just like 3 sessions every week in the gym, but I was heavy and I experienced knee pain. I didn't realize it wss due to my weight. But now I can actually run...again. 😊

But with PE I was foced to restrucure how I did things, and this have resulted in loss of muscle mass but also like 5,6 kg fatloss. So I keep this as my mental key. - It's not healthy to have to much fat in the body. But it was hard in the beginning to realize I was going to lose muscle mass.

But now I have starting to enjoy my life more, and open my mind up for other kind of possibilities. Like I have taken the red pill in the move: The Matrix.

Do you have clear goals with your PE?
What are your messurment right now (BPEL, EG)?
For example for me, since I was near my girth goal, I'm focusing on only length, this save me time.

Why not just focus on one thing at a time, if you are near your girth goals you can only focus on lengthwork. Why not use the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging only with the SiliStretcher - All Day Penis Vacuum Stretcher and Weight Hanger?
Do like 3 sessions of bundled downward stretches at 20 minutes each during your day?
Maybe 2 sessions can be OK as well.

Try to be as effective as possible with your PE.
Goals -> Plan -> Effective execution.
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When time is a problem, you switch devices. This is why we have the LengthMaster. Two 20 minutes LengthMaster sessions will bring gains. Lastly, flee from short term goals. 1 inch in 12 weeks if not attained will cause depression and make you give up on PE.
What I realized was that I needed to re-structure and think to incoperate my life with PE, AND not think that I should incoperate my life around my PE. A small difference in words but a big difference in practice.

Also I also was forced to relly prioritize my time. Do I gain anything by doing mindless things with friebds with no ambitious in life,
or are my time better spent working on myself?

Do you need you spend your entire weekend with your partner, or can you set up some kind of personal boundaries, and say: - We can be with each other one day, but the rest of the days during the weekends I need time for myself to work on my "business" (do not tell about PE).

I know what you are talking about, I lost 2,7 kg muscle mass when I re-directed my life elsewhere and starting to focus on PE insted.
PE have now become like a meditation practice for me. I feel more calm and focused in my life. Not as stressed out as I used to be.

It have been good for me. I have a completely diffrent reality right now. Before it was just gym, sleep, eat, work and repeat. This was a real hard mental thing to get over at first. But my reasoning became: - I don't need that much muscle mass, it was to much work to maintain it. Not to much work really, just like 3 sessions every week in the gym, but I was heavy and I experienced knee pain. I didn't realize it wss due to my weight. But now I can actually run...again. 😊

But with PE I was foced to restrucure how I did things, and this have resulted in loss of muscle mass but also like 5,6 kg fatloss. So I keep this as my mental key. - It's not healthy to have to much fat in the body. But it was hard in the beginning to realize I was going to lose muscle mass.

But now I have starting to enjoy my life more, and open my mind up for other kind of possibilities. Like I have taken the red pill in the move: The Matrix.

Do you have clear goals with your PE?
What are your messurment right now (BPEL, EG)?
For example for me, since I was near my girth goal, I'm focusing on only length, this save me time.

Why not just focus on one thing at a time, if you are near your girth goals you can only focus on lengthwork. Why not use the lengthmaster only with the SiliStretcher?
Do like 3 sessions of bundled downward stretches at 20 minutes each during your day?
Maybe 2 sessions can be OK as well.

Try to be as effective as possible with your PE.
Goals -> Plan -> Effective execution.
This makes a lot of sense. Base my Pe around my life as best as possible. Trying to be as effective as possible and most time effcient. Two 20mins hangs with the LengthMaster BTC followed by 3-4 in the sililstetcher is what I do Monday to Friday.
As for wknds I just try to stick to keeping on my ads sleeves but maybe I’ll try sneak in some manual stretches before she wakes up in wknds as I normally don’t do manual work.

my BPEL is about 7inch now.
EL is prob dead on 6inch
EG 4.5

I started about EL 5.6ish

I’ve actually put on 3kgs doing less gym and more pe so maybe could contribute to more fat pad gain on my pelvis.

my goal is to have EL 7inch and EG 5.5inch
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When time is a problem, you switch devices. This is why we have the LengthMaster. Two 20 minutes LengthMaster sessions will bring gains. Lastly, flee from short term goals. 1 inch in 12 weeks if not attained will cause depression and make you give up on PE.
Yeh I need to find away to turn this into a lifestyle. Not a quick 1inch then bail.

If I could get up earlier before work I could do my hanging before work then silistretcher as soon as I’m home from work. I purposely don’t hang until the afternoon so the length I’m in the sili is much longer.
Yeh I need to find away to turn this into a lifestyle. Not a quick 1inch then bail.

If I could get up earlier before work I could do my hanging before work then silistretcher as soon as I’m home from work. I purposely don’t hang until the afternoon so the length I’m in the sili is much longer.
But keep your penis elongated with a wrap, as much as possible during the day when you are not using the SiliStretcher.
But keep your penis elongated with a wrap, as much as possible during the day when you are not using the SiliStretcher.
When not doing any PE it’s in a silicone sleeve 24/7. That’s just the same right?
When not doing any PE it’s in a silicone sleeve 24/7. That’s just the same right?
Yes! As long as you keep it elongated.
But keep your penis elongated with a wrap, as much as possible during the day when you are not using the SiliStretcher.

So important
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