Penis Health Question about skin abrasion (using LengthMaster) and correct sillisleeve usage / form.


Nov 25, 2014
Hi guys,

My LengthMaster 3 - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging with sillisleeves arrived recently and I have stated using them.
I have noticed a couple of problems / irritations I hope someone can help me with please:

1: Skin irritation / small tear.
As can be seen in the picture attached. I think this is from hanging weights using the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging.
I can easily handle the weight, but the pain from the stretch on the torn / stretched skin is too great,
so I think I need to let it heal before trying to hang weights again.

In terms of wrapping using the lengthmaster,
I am just using 1 thick wrap using Uncle Jim's penis wrap. The wrap is so thick that it barely fits in the
LengthMaster, so I think the wrap is sufficiently thick, should I be using something else as well to prevent
tears from happening?
Has anyone else had this problem?
I am pretty sure, almost certain that the skin tear is from the LengthMaster, I know the sillisleeve is tight, and I have worn it
quite a lot so far, but I don't think it created the tear. The tear is more aligned with it being pulled.

2: Maintaiing correct postion inside sillisleeve.
First of all the sillisleeves I bought are far better quality than anything I have seen. So kudos mos.
I know this is a tough one as it seems the penis is designed to "worm" it's way out of any postion including
being in that of a sillisleeve.

The problem I have is my penis "sinking" back in down the sleeve (eventually til the sleeve falls off , hopefully tight
underwear are on if I am not at home, so the sleeve does not fall down and out the pants !!)
But I really have trouble making my penis "stay" in the right position in the sleeve for long periods of time;
Just sitting in a regular chair sitting up straight; when I bend forward for example ( the pelvis moves in) the
penis "sinks" back down the sleeve. This will almost certainly happen when using it during any physical activity
like moving weights etc..

Also the opposite can happen but less so; the glands "balloons" out through the top. this usually recedes though.

Has anyone experience with this, and been able to find something that works? Have you been able to go out to work
for the day and maintain the sleeve in the correct position all day?

Many thanks for your asisstance guys.


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Hi guys,

My LengthMaster 3 with sillisleeves arrived recently and I have stated using them.
I have noticed a couple of problems / irritations I hope someone can help me with please:

1: Skin irritation / small tear.
As can be seen in the picture attached. I think this is from hanging weights using the LengthMaster.
I can easily handle the weight, but the pain from the stretch on the torn / stretched skin is too great,
so I think I need to let it heal before trying to hang weights again.

In terms of wrapping using the lengthmaster,
I am just using 1 thick wrap using Uncle Jim's penis wrap. The wrap is so thick that it barely fits in the
LengthMaster, so I think the wrap is sufficiently thick, should I be using something else as well to prevent
tears from happening?
Has anyone else had this problem?
I am pretty sure, almost certain that the skin tear is from the LengthMaster, I know the sillisleeve is tight, and I have worn it
quite a lot so far, but I don't think it created the tear. The tear is more aligned with it being pulled.

2: Maintaiing correct postion inside sillisleeve.
First of all the sillisleeves I bought are far better quality than anything I have seen. So kudos mos.
I know this is a tough one as it seems the penis is designed to "worm" it's way out of any postion including
being in that of a sillisleeve.

The problem I have is my penis "sinking" back in down the sleeve (eventually til the sleeve falls off , hopefully tight
underwear are on if I am not at home, so the sleeve does not fall down and out the pants !!)
But I really have trouble making my penis "stay" in the right position in the sleeve for long periods of time;
Just sitting in a regular chair sitting up straight; when I bend forward for example ( the pelvis moves in) the
penis "sinks" back down the sleeve. This will almost certainly happen when using it during any physical activity
like moving weights etc..

Also the opposite can happen but less so; the glands "balloons" out through the top. this usually recedes though.

Has anyone experience with this, and been able to find something that works? Have you been able to go out to work
for the day and maintain the sleeve in the correct position all day?

Many thanks for your asisstance guys.
if you’ve not do so yet I recommend reading through SIMS progress log and watching his videos most of your questions will be answered here.
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A big thanks Twist and pull. I just found that resource and am going through it.
A big thanks Twist and pull. I just found that resource and am going through it.
FANTASIC, your journey starts today đź’Ş
@looiville I will look through post #1 and help you out later. Pressed on time right now. Take care.
In terms of wrapping using the lengthmaster,
I am just using 1 thick wrap using Uncle Jim's penis wrap. The wrap is so thick that it barely fits in the
LengthMaster, so I think the wrap is sufficiently thick, should I be using something else as well to prevent
tears from happening?
Has anyone else had this problem?
I am pretty sure, almost certain that the skin tear is from the LengthMaster, I know the sillisleeve is tight, and I have worn it
quite a lot so far, but I don't think it created the tear. The tear is more aligned with it being pulled.
You need a thin wrap when attaching yourself into the LengthMaster 3. A thick wrap will prevent you from stretching your inner tissue.
FANTASIC, your journey starts today đź’Ş
A very true statement.
Thank you for your help Squirt.
You need a thin wrap when attaching yourself into the LengthMaster 3. A thick wrap will prevent you from stretching your inner tissue.
I think here you mean here to have less wrap between my penis and the LengthMaster 3 - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging chamber?
..And not that the actual wrapping material itself should be thinner.. (Although that does seem to be the case too).
More wrap = more grip on the wrapping and not on the actual penis, which I can see resulting in a greater probability of slipping ( wrap will move penis won't).
And to quote from your" Clamping down to the chamber in the LENGTHMASTER 3, top view" video: " You want as little of material in your wrap as possible, to make it effective and powerful. "
So it makes sense to have less wrap. But does there need to be enough wrap to "cushion" or "protect" the penis from injury or tears?
I must have wrapped incorrectly to cause the skin tear. I guess wrapping just with Uncle Jim's penis wrap and not the THERABAND is what caused the tears which have put me out of action.
I will hopefully find out in a few days, as once I am healed I will try again, this time just with theraband and the penis wrapping tape as you have shown in your videos.
I will post here how it goes.

Your contributions are a very valuable resource Squirt. I cannot thank you enough, or the others for their assistance.
FANTASIC, your journey starts today
Yes indeed so. As long as I am able to keep from tearing the skin next time. Cheers guys !
Thank you for your help Squirt.

I think here you mean here to have less wrap between my penis and the LM3 chamber?
..And not that the actual wrapping material itself should be thinner.. (Although that does seem to be the case too).
More wrap = more grip on the wrapping and not on the actual penis, which I can see resulting in a greater probability of slipping ( wrap will move penis won't).
And to quote from your" Clamping down to the chamber in the LENGTHMASTER 3, top view" video: " You want as little of material in your wrap as possible, to make it effective and powerful. "
So it makes sense to have less wrap. But does there need to be enough wrap to "cushion" or "protect" the penis from injury or tears?
I must have wrapped incorrectly to cause the skin tear. I guess wrapping just with Uncle Jim's penis wrap and not the theraband is what caused the tears which have put me out of action.
I will hopefully find out in a few days, as once I am healed I will try again, this time just with theraband and the penis wrapping tape as you have shown in your videos.
I will post here how it goes.

Your contributions are a very valuable resource Squirt. I cannot thank you enough, or the others for their assistance.

Yes indeed so. As long as I am able to keep from tearing the skin next time. Cheers guys !
You will get this to work in time.
I always use 2 pieces of TheraBand®, bandage and then penis wrapping tape over that (reusing it for months). I have dimensions of the material in my video instructions.

TheraBand® are essential for me to make it work.
I would like you to give me a picure of the pads of the upper and bottom chamber, I just want to check something.
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You will get this to work in time.
I think your right, getting to know the right "feel" of how it is pulling in the chamber; That of a correct pull / grip, not that of pulling the skin. As though the whole penis needs to be gripped and pulled, not just a small portion or the outer skin. I will try to be mindful of this going forward.
I always use 2 pieces of TheraBand®, bandage and then penis wrapping tape over that (reusing it for months). I have dimensions of the material in my video instructions.
This is how I plan to wrap it. I just need a few days to fully heal first.
I would like you to give me a picure of the pads of the upper and bottom chamber, I just want to check something.
I have attached some pictures, are these ok Squirt? My LM3 is only a couple of weeks old with very little use.


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I believe you need more padding. I have circled with red. These edges will dig in. The padding are to little. The pad should cover these edges.

Look at this/my solution.
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I will definately take a close look at this when I am back in action again soon Squirt. Thanks for pointing that out. Now that you point it out I will make a point of thinking about it. Something like this is easy to miss because of the pressure in the chamber and being really squashed, it can be difficult to tell exactly where the pain / trouble coming from
I will definately take a close look at this when I am back in action again soon Squirt. Thanks for pointing that out. Now that you point it out I will make a point of thinking about it. Something like this is easy to miss because of the pressure in the chamber and being really squashed, it can be difficult to tell exactly where the pain / trouble coming from
It's highly likely your problem. Also when you are new to stretching with LenthMaster 3, the skin will not be used to the "abuse". With time your skin and penis tissue will get used to it. But also I highly recommend that you use some ointment to help the skin to recover between sessions.
This is what I personally are doing after a LengthMaster 3 session.

Recovery procedure (what I do):
  • MOSRED with 15 minutes having my penis really close to it.
  • Then: Hydrocortisone 1% (you can get that at MoS Shop).
  • Always keeping my penis elongated with a Penis Elongation Wrap or a sleeve.
  • When you penis skin is dry and sore, use Locobase© REPAIR. But you need to wait at least 1 hour after you have applied Hydrocortisone 1%.

Don't force yourself to stretch every day if the skin on your penis get really sore and you are starting to experience pain. Instead you can split up your session to for example: 3 days on and 1 day rest. This is what I have been doing for almost a year now, and I have grown really fast with this approach.
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It's highly likely your problem. Also when you are new to stretching with LenthMaster 3, the skin will not be used to the "abuse". With time your skin and penis tissue will get used to it. But also I highly recommend that you use some ointment to help the skin to recover between sessions.
This is what I personally are doing after a LengthMaster 3 session.

Recovery procedure (what I do):
  • MOSRED with 15 minutes having my penis really close to it.
  • Then: Hydrocortisone 1% (you can get that at MoS Shop).
  • Always keeping my penis elongated with a Penis Elongation Wrap or a sleeve.
  • When you penis skin is dry and sore, use Locobase© REPAIR. But you need to wait at least 1 hour after you have applied Hydrocortisone 1%.

Don't force yourself to stretch every day if the skin on your penis get really sore and you are starting to experience pain. Instead you can split up your session to for example: 3 days on and 1 day rest. This is what I have been doing for almost a year now, and I have grown really fast with this approach.

Excellent post
Recovery procedure (what I do):
Great advice, that makes sense. I am going to keep some ready (I already have some!)
I have started slowly again and noticed immediately about the (lack of) padding on the edges.
This can be noticed when clamping down - tightening the screws, fixing that definately helps.

I usually do stretches after taking a shower in the morning, I find that I need the chamber to clamp down as far back as possible on the shaft,
in particular I think, to stay away from the glands. Because if I feel the glans being clamped, or getting anywhere near it, I need to stop (too painful).
I am now wrapping with 2 therabands and some black penis wrapping tape over the top of that, with some tissue wrapped up around the glans
to protect it. This has worked the best so far. I will keep going with it and see how I can make improvements.

In terms of the skin tear, I think the Therabank allows the pressure to become more dispersed perhaps? As when I take the Theraband off, it is slightly "stuck" to the skin, and the skin is perhaps (for lack of a better word) a little wet, once the Theraband peels off. I have not noticed any tears yet, so many thanks Squirt, things do look more sustanainable from here.
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Great advice, that makes sense. I am going to keep some ready (I already have some!)
I have started slowly again and noticed immediately about the (lack of) padding on the edges.
This can be noticed when clamping down - tightening the screws, fixing that definately helps.

I usually do stretches after taking a shower in the morning, I find that I need the chamber to clamp down as far back as possible on the shaft,
in particular I think, to stay away from the glands. Because if I feel the glans being clamped, or getting anywhere near it, I need to stop (too painful).
I am now wrapping with 2 therabands and some black penis wrapping tape over the top of that, with some tissue wrapped up around the glans
to protect it. This has worked the best so far. I will keep going with it and see how I can make improvements.

In terms of the skin tear, I think the Therabank allows the pressure to become more dispersed perhaps? As when I take the Theraband off, it is slightly "stuck" to the skin, and the skin is perhaps (for lack of a better word) a little wet, once the Theraband peels off. I have not noticed any tears yet, so many thanks Squirt, things do look more sustanainable from here.

I use a Theraband as well- a blue one I cut up for this purpose and yes. The rubber sticks to the skin when peeling off. The wet of the skin is likely just the moisture from the Theraband (rubber seal) around skin.
In terms of the skin tear, I think the Therabank allows the pressure to become more dispersed perhaps? As when I take the Theraband off, it is slightly "stuck" to the skin, and the skin is perhaps (for lack of a better word) a little wet, once the Theraband peels off. I have not noticed any tears yet, so many thanks Squirt, things do look more sustanainable from here.
A tip is to put a thin layer of Magnesium Carbonate on your penis (under the Theraband), in this way you will protect the skin even more. It will also be easier to remove the Theraband after a session, and it will not be "stuck" to your skin.

Hope this helps. I'm here from time to time to respond to questions. I do not know everything, but when it comes to LengthMaster 3 I know a lot.
Also check out MOSGRIP as well. I have not tried it, but brothers that have say its's really good. Maybe this can be used under the Theraband as well.
A tip is to put a thin layer of Magnesium Carbonate, Also check out MOSGRIP
-Another great tip! Will do squirt.
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