Pumping with water comparison to air (water vs air)


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Feb 8, 2024
Okay, wife is not letting me to go sleep with her crazy social media madness. So, I might as well put something together for pumping using water comparison to air. This is just a discussion and not to put air down, or hyping water pumping method. Each brother has his own preferences as some can see more effective gains through air than water. However, we'll focus on water at the moment based on the findings so far. Let's do a collective of info what had been discussed so far.

There are always benefits for using water and air. Air is clean, easy to deal with, and can be done any time, anywhere, any pumping unit. Water, well, it's messy until you can do it well, but don't just write it off yet. It's actually much more effective than air in many ways. Let's dive into it. This is not a comprehensive discussion, but enough to give you an eagle's eyes point of view. We'll dive into much greater perspectives of subtopics when needed. The discussion is in layman's level. We can go into complex terminologies if you want, but we have to take account for all brothers around the world that read the discussion.

Uniformity of pressure:
First thing we have to understand, air can be compressed further under higher pressure. Water cannot. What does this mean? When we switch from air to water, don't think that 3 inhg (~76 mmHg) is the same for air as in water. 3 inHg to 3.5 inHg is commonly the clinical measured pressure for young healthy internal pressure for a 100% erection. Some goes up to 4.5 inHg (114 mmHg). You'll be surprised as you approach 5 inHg (127 mmHg) where the expansion magic begins as the internal expansion reach about 50% greater than the normal erection pressure, which is between 5 inHg and 5.5 inHg. We're basing on the spread average of erections at 3.5 inHg.

Controlling of Hot Spots:
What is a hot spot? It's an area where expansion can occur. This happens quite frequent when using air. Air can further be compressed, that means the penile body can have bulges anywhere and everywhere where the tissues are soft and easily influence by the vacuum pressure. Since water cannot compress any further, the pressure of water pushes against the penile body and reduces the chances of the bulges from expanding on their own. This doesn't mean its stop the bulges from happening. It reduces overall. The best thing to compare this phenomenon to is a tire inner tube and the outer tire. If you pump up the inner tube by itself, there are thinning spots along the inner tube that can suddenly expand without any control. But if the inner tube sits inside the tire, the tire acts as a barrier to reduce the likely chance the thinning spots from bulging out. Water acts just like the tire, and your penis is the inner tube.

Internal Expansion Influences:
Air has a more relaxed vacuum pressure than water. That results in less internal pressure influences. Since air can pull hard on the outer epidermal layer of the penis (the top layer of the skin), fluid tends to accumulate faster as the fluid being pulled towards the surface skin of the penis. The fluid comes from the blood (combination of normal fluid in the blood and small amount of plasma) and the local fluid already existing in and between the cell spaces.

When using water, since water medium is pushing against the penis on the outside on the epidermal (outer layer of the skin), while the blood volume forces against the dermal (low layer of the skin), the blood volume that causes the penis to expand forces the internal corpa cavernosa and spongiosum (the blood chambers) is more efficient and effective with minimal amount of fluid build up in the epidermal layer of the penis. This is comparing minute-to-minute pumping for water vs air. You pump too long under high vacuum pressure for water, you'll get the fluid build-up in your penis because your erection is not fully form and too much pressure influence on the soften epidermal layer. In other words, your skin is being soften too much under water and your cells are taking in water (hyper osmotic). This is where. This is where Slow Squash Jelq (SSJ) helps with the removal of hyperosmotic cells.

Temperature influences for hyper expansion:
When pumping, we advised to warm up your tissues either through heating media (warm rice sock or heating blower/pad) or pre-exercises such as Slow Squash Jelq to make your tissues malleable to optimal expansion. However, using warm water, you can simply skip that pre-warm up and go straight into pumping. Warm water can be be 95F (35C) to hot water at 105F (40.5C). Going up to and past 110F (43.3C) can cause the sensitive penile skin to be thermally scolded. Not a good thing for a first degree burn.

When the tissues are nice and malleable, the faster and more effective the expansion. The body doesn't have to work harder to provide warmth to the penis, and the transport of blood can be more efficient in delivering oxygenated blood and the repairing materials to the penis during the expansion routine.

Some brothers like to use cold water shock method to improve blood circulation after a warm water expansion, or and alternating method. This is a great way to promote great blood flow which has been proven all around the world where spa users go from hot to cold water and back to hot to promote blood flow. You can read up on this from any search engine. Look up for "Contrast bath therapy". This has been in practices for over 3 millennia. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

For those who want to go one step further, look up on ionic energy exchange from warm and hot water for cellular enthalpy processes, which promotes more effective and efficient use of cellular activity energy to enhance repairs and duplication processes. The warmer the environment close to the body temperature core, the less cost on energy overall to provide for higher cellular activities. This ease the body's the burden of diverting important energy from other valuable places, such as the brain, heart, lungs, etc. Think about your phone uses the battery more effectively with optimizing software in a warmer environment, instead of the cold environment where the energy is need to warm up the device's components and keeping the battery from draining because of thermal degradation. Your body is one larger thermalized battery and complex organic system.

One vs the other:
There's no one method that is better than the other. Why? Each brother will use the method and can turn the method into the best approach for optimal gains. I do not use one over the other. I use both. There are days where my glans becomes too soften due to over usages of water, or if the water contains some harsh disinfectants that cause my skin to be irritated. I switch over to air for a few days to find out what's going on with the water supply. There are days my glans skin got too much abuse, and I need my glans to be covered with ointment while I pump. Water strips off any natural oil I may have and can cause micro fissures that result in major irritation.

So, there's no one is absolutely better than the other. There is one that is more preferred than the other. Both have benefits and negatives. This is where you must select your own approach for optimal gains.
What is social media madness?
Imagine if you will, she loads up her Instagram and Facebook on her phone in a dual screen mode, going through a video binge of nonsensical subjects, while cackling like the evil empress that dominated the world at the very end of where the heroes have all fallen.

Me, doing my PE exercises, staring at her while enjoying the amusing sight and answering MOS questions. If you see some oddball words that don't make sense, it was because of her cackling and talking to the videos while I used speech to text to reply to the posts since my hands are occupied with the PE tools.
Imagine if you will, she loads up her Instagram and Facebook on her phone in a dual screen mode, going through a video binge of nonsensical subjects, while cackling like the evil empress that dominated the world at the very end of where the heroes have all fallen.

Me, doing my PE exercises, staring at her while enjoying the amusing sight and answering MOS questions. If you see some oddball words that don't make sense, it was because of her cackling and talking to the videos while I used speech to text to reply to the posts since my hands are occupied with the PE tools.
Okay. You are efficient.
Social media in dual screen mode have never heard about that before. 🤔
I’m anxious about trying to see the difference with water. I ordered a bigger trap for the MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System and it came yesterday. I will be using it tomorrow. I have been using air for 2 months now but want to see if I see a difference.

This post was perfect timing for me because I’ve read how a lot of you like the water best over air, that’s why I bought a bigger water trap.
I’m anxious about trying to see the difference with water. I ordered a bigger trap for the Mityvac and it came yesterday. I will be using it tomorrow. I have been using air for 2 months now but want to see if I see a difference.

This post was perfect timing for me because I’ve read how a lot of you like the water best over air, that’s why I bought a bigger water trap.
Personally I have never done air pumping. But I did test it.

I don't even bother with it. For me air pumping do not give me enough intensity and expansion to gain fast.

You will not regret your decision to transition to water pumping.
Okay. You are efficient.
Social media in dual screen mode have never heard about that before. 🤔
Most new phone using newer OSes allow you to do split screen, or dual screen. My wife uses her phone to send certain movies or dramas from her phone to the smart TVs, while she plays around with her social media surfing. Me, I listen to my books and publications.
Most new phone using newer OSes allow you to do split screen, or dual screen. My wife uses her phone to send certain movies or dramas from her phone to the smart TVs, while she plays around with her social media surfing. Me, I listen to my books and publications.
Okay yes I understand now. That sounds intense, multitasking on the highest level.

I once saw a assistent nurse (a female) taking blood pressure, temperature and Oxygen Saturation with a Pulse Oximetry on a patient all simultaneously. She also was able to write all the values down with no problem.

I could not do it. 😂
I have other strengths.
Okay, wife is not letting me to go sleep with her crazy social media madness. So, I might as well put something together for pumping using water comparison to air. This is just a discussion and not to put air down, or hyping water pumping method. Each brother has his own preferences as some can see more effective gains through air than water. However, we'll focus on water at the moment based on the findings so far. Let's do a collective of info what had been discussed so far.

There are always benefits for using water and air. Air is clean, easy to deal with, and can be done any time, anywhere, any pumping unit. Water, well, it's messy until you can do it well, but don't just write it off yet. It's actually much more effective than air in many ways. Let's dive into it. This is not a comprehensive discussion, but enough to give you an eagle's eyes point of view. We'll dive into much greater perspectives of subtopics when needed. The discussion is in layman's level. We can go into complex terminologies if you want, but we have to take account for all brothers around the world that read the discussion.

Uniformity of pressure:
First thing we have to understand, air can be compressed further under higher pressure. Water cannot. What does this mean? When we switch from air to water, don't think that 3 inhg (~76 mmHg) is the same for air as in water. 3 inHg to 3.5 inHg is commonly the clinical measured pressure for young healthy internal pressure for a 100% erection. Some goes up to 4.5 inHg (114 mmHg). You'll be surprised as you approach 5 inHg (127 mmHg) where the expansion magic begins as the internal expansion reach about 50% greater than the normal erection pressure, which is between 5 inHg and 5.5 inHg. We're basing on the spread average of erections at 3.5 inHg.

Controlling of Hot Spots:
What is a hot spot? It's an area where expansion can occur. This happens quite frequent when using air. Air can further be compressed, that means the penile body can have bulges anywhere and everywhere where the tissues are soft and easily influence by the vacuum pressure. Since water cannot compress any further, the pressure of water pushes against the penile body and reduces the chances of the bulges from expanding on their own. This doesn't mean its stop the bulges from happening. It reduces overall. The best thing to compare this phenomenon to is a tire inner tube and the outer tire. If you pump up the inner tube by itself, there are thinning spots along the inner tube that can suddenly expand without any control. But if the inner tube sits inside the tire, the tire acts as a barrier to reduce the likely chance the thinning spots from bulging out. Water acts just like the tire, and your penis is the inner tube.

Internal Expansion Influences:
Air has a more relaxed vacuum pressure than water. That results in less internal pressure influences. Since air can pull hard on the outer epidermal layer of the penis (the top layer of the skin), fluid tends to accumulate faster as the fluid being pulled towards the surface skin of the penis. The fluid comes from the blood (combination of normal fluid in the blood and small amount of plasma) and the local fluid already existing in and between the cell spaces.

When using water, since water medium is pushing against the penis on the outside on the epidermal (outer layer of the skin), while the blood volume forces against the dermal (low layer of the skin), the blood volume that causes the penis to expand forces the internal corpa cavernosa and spongiosum (the blood chambers) is more efficient and effective with minimal amount of fluid build up in the epidermal layer of the penis. This is comparing minute-to-minute pumping for water vs air. You pump too long under high vacuum pressure for water, you'll get the fluid build-up in your penis because your erection is not fully form and too much pressure influence on the soften epidermal layer. In other words, your skin is being soften too much under water and your cells are taking in water (hyper osmotic). This is where. This is where Slow Squash Jelq (SSJ) helps with the removal of hyperosmotic cells.

Temperature influences for hyper expansion:
When pumping, we advised to warm up your tissues either through heating media (warm rice sock or heating blower/pad) or pre-exercises such as Slow Squash Jelq to make your tissues malleable to optimal expansion. However, using warm water, you can simply skip that pre-warm up and go straight into pumping. Warm water can be be 95F (35C) to hot water at 105F (40.5C). Going up to and past 110F (43.3C) can cause the sensitive penile skin to be thermally scolded. Not a good thing for a first degree burn.

When the tissues are nice and malleable, the faster and more effective the expansion. The body doesn't have to work harder to provide warmth to the penis, and the transport of blood can be more efficient in delivering oxygenated blood and the repairing materials to the penis during the expansion routine.

Some brothers like to use cold water shock method to improve blood circulation after a warm water expansion, or and alternating method. This is a great way to promote great blood flow which has been proven all around the world where spa users go from hot to cold water and back to hot to promote blood flow. You can read up on this from any search engine. Look up for "Contrast bath therapy". This has been in practices for over 3 millennia. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

For those who want to go one step further, look up on ionic energy exchange from warm and hot water for cellular enthalpy processes, which promotes more effective and efficient use of cellular activity energy to enhance repairs and duplication processes. The warmer the environment close to the body temperature core, the less cost on energy overall to provide for higher cellular activities. This ease the body's the burden of diverting important energy from other valuable places, such as the brain, heart, lungs, etc. Think about your phone uses the battery more effectively with optimizing software in a warmer environment, instead of the cold environment where the energy is need to warm up the device's components and keeping the battery from draining because of thermal degradation. Your body is one larger thermalized battery and complex organic system.

One vs the other:
There's no one method that is better than the other. Why? Each brother will use the method and can turn the method into the best approach for optimal gains. I do not use one over the other. I use both. There are days where my glans becomes too soften due to over usages of water, or if the water contains some harsh disinfectants that cause my skin to be irritated. I switch over to air for a few days to find out what's going on with the water supply. There are days my glans skin got too much abuse, and I need my glans to be covered with ointment while I pump. Water strips off any natural oil I may have and can cause micro fissures that result in major irritation.

So, there's no one is absolutely better than the other. There is one that is more preferred than the other. Both have benefits and negatives. This is where you must select your own approach for optimal gains.
Maybe a balance the both is best
did something change over last 5 years?
because from what i remember the recommended vaccum was 2.5-no more than 3.5 on average. people were saying constantly that anything above 4.5 would be counterproductive and possibly damaging.
Lots of things happened in just a few years. If you stay below 3.5inHg, that is barely and erection internal pressure. At 4.5inHg, that's barely over a very erected penis in full excitement. At 5inHg, you are between 0.5 to 1.5inHg over the normal pressure.

Damages can occur anywhere at 3.5inHg and above, depending on a person's physiological conditions.
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Lots of things happened in just a few years. If you stay below 3.5inHg, that is barely and erection internal pressure. At 4.5inHg, that's barely over a very erected penis in full excitement. At 5inHg, you are between 0.5 to 1.5inHg over the normal pressure.

Damages can occur anywhere at 3.5inHg and above, depending on a person's physiological conditions.
So much has changed. We are always studying and making changes. MOS continues to grow and become better
im confused now lol
so my penis can explode during erection?

i never got the memo with the new guidelines
what changed recently that it went from everyone saying that i shouldnt pump higher than 3.5 to normal erection being at 4.5-5

is it because everyone now has high blood pressure?
on a sidenote when i pump with water it feels like my penis gonna get ripped off (cwl)
First off, THANK YOU! great summary of air vs water.

For me, I have no idea how men air pump. With many men going from air to water and say that their EQ has improved, I can only recommend water pumping to people. Other than inconvenience, I don't see any real negatives to water. When Air has reports of many more blisters, I have not had one in 9 months of water pumping.

Well, I guess you can try both, but again I have no idea why you would go to air unless you had a drought (cwl).

***For me, even with water pumping I recommend a 10 min warm up with NIR + RED light. Just to be on the safe side!
im confused now lol
so my penis can explode during erection?
Not the explosion like a balloon from hyper-expansion. The explosion is the rupture of the inner skin layer that holds the corpus cavernosa (the blood chamber) all the way to the deep and superficial fascia (the lower skin layers), including the blood vessels. The better word is total implosion.

i never got the memo with the new guidelines
Medical guideline changes constantly as new discoveries come about. However, this is old info. No one has try to incorporate medical and scientific info into PE before, until this brotherhood gone modernization with PE routines. This is why this brotherhood separates itself from the rest.

what changed recently that it went from everyone saying that i shouldnt pump higher than 3.5 to normal erection being at 4.5-5
If you research on all the pumps, manufacturers don't label the medically recorded info for normal pump session, to the moderate and upper limits. Why? They usually don't come with gauge, such as the Bathmate or cheaper pumps, or they won't want to get themselves into trouble. We can only incorporate long term data from gainers to the routines. The average erectile internal pressure across the board for ages from 14 to 65 is around 3.5inHg. The healthy young adults with great vigors goes up to around 4.5inHg. 5inHg is considered the Goldie Lock zone for initiating the hyper expansion for the internal tissues.

If you use a Bathmate and their directions, the required manual baffles pumping count brings the vacuum pressure to around 4.5inHg, and the manual bulb pump goes past 5inHg. Again, Bathmate offers the manual hand pump for those who likes to go up higher in pressures for nominal growth. Clinics from areas of the countries that are not restricted by medical malpractices or love to venture into new medical discoveries, they also start around 4.5inHg and up to 8inHg as cap limit to protect the patients. In China and India, you got extremists that go as high as 17inHg in pressure. Some companies that make the $20K penile rental machine goes as high as 40inHg for average pressurization, and as high as 60inHg in the upper redline pressure. I was horrified and terrified of the pressure zone, even if it's only for 5 to 15 seconds bursts.

is it because everyone now has high blood pressure?
No, it's not about high blood pressure. It's depending on the body's adaptation to your lower pressure usages. As your tissues grow and become more dense, high pressure zone is needed. However, we play smart by using dynamic pressure ranges from 5inHg to 10inHg, and at times, going slightly higher to induce pressure changes. But we rather use medical tissue softening method, such as the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging to maximize tissue breakdown before pumping to prevent risks of accidental penile explosion/implosion.
on a sidenote when i pump with water it feels like my penis gonna get ripped off (cwl)
Exactly. Pressure differential between air and water is a strange beast. People don't know it, but water offers better overall expansion experience. However, coupled together with internal expansion through slow squash jelq and bundled stretches to break down the tissues first, your expansion experience is even greater. I was so scared seeing my penis went past 1.25in of post expansion form the routine without any fluid retention that I thought I had a sudden implosion that didn't manifest visually. My wife loved the expansion as I hit the perfect spots where she wanted my girth to be.
damn good explanation thanks mang.
for some reason i imagined a submarine warning in my shower.
"warning!!! penis implosion imminent!!!!"
damn good explanation thanks mang.
for some reason i imagined a submarine warning in my shower.
"warning!!! penis implosion imminent!!!!"
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