Max Out

Awesome ark let us know what you come up with and how it works out ! I also love max out but the price is a bit heavy but if all fails I’ll end up buying it
Partially related to the subject, I ordered Butea Superba Extract Powder 10:1 and I'm likely to buy few essential oil and of course a carrier oil. Likely I'll create "can you smell what The Ark is cooking?!" thread later on. (cwl)
I take inspiration from Eroset's vein oil

Lol, I can almost smell it from here.
Awesome ark let us know what you come up with and how it works out ! I also love max out but the price is a bit heavy but if all fails I’ll end up buying it

Or if this turns out to be something very beneficial we can have our chemists put something together where you could buy this here for a very low price. So keep me updated on progress and results and if there’s interest I will look into creating our own version
That’ll be awesome dld but yes as long as it’s wanted by many I know I’ll buy it for sure ?? I’d want you or someone close to you to give max out a try just so you can see how great it is so if you did decide to make your own version you’ll know what qualities/positives to look for. in their video they made showing how to use it they even say you can leave the serum on your dick when you’re done no need for cleanup the ingredients also act as a moisturizer and beneficial to the penis!
Well, my situation is so far this;

- Ordered Butae Superba powder
- Also ordered Strong Nigella Sativa (black seed) oil

I already have few essential oils and beeswax, I have few recipe ideas but it'll get more clear when I get the stuff.
The oil I'll get is 100 ml and I'm considering adding 10 - 25 grams of the powder to 100 ml. Don't know if that's enough, I'll make few searches if I'm able to find any guideline on the amount. So far, as said, my inspiration is from the Evo Oil. And I did find a site selling oil that has Butae Superbra, Nigella Sativa and something else, but of course amounts are not disclosed.
And just now I quickly did a search and it's available as Butae Superba oil. :-D
But that doesn't really state is just from Butae Superba or is the plant extracted to a certain oil.
I'll keep looking.
Damn, you are on another level! ??
If you can create a cheaper alternative to the max out that will be a game changer ark! Keep us posted appreciate your time researching this stuff ??
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So cool we have Brothers like Ark who have been here through much of the history of the Brotherhood. At MOS you will always get great advice from people with deep experience. Some years of experience! We have been here since 2002.

I love that you are recognizing this in ARKAILIJA!
Trust me I understand how important time is for all of us with work, family busy schedules so to find time to not only research but research for the benefit of the brotherhood I soak all this free information every vet gives us ????
Guys guys! :) It's "nothing", just a little experimentation.

Don't know if it'll be any cheaper compared to Max Out, so far the oil was about 18 USD or so and the extract was 11 USD. (Both with shipping included.) So 29 USD so far, it's more of the curiosity making something by yourself.

One could substitute the Black Seed Oil with Hemp Seed oil for example, that should be a bit more cost effective.
The comedogenic index rating is what I'm thinking mostly. Black Seed is 1-2 from what I recall, shouldn't cause issues. Hemp Seed oil is at 0 to my recall.
Almond oil is one substitute as well, jojoba could work as well.
It is about a personal preference quite much.

One could also use Shea Nut oil. So many possibilities!
The one thing with to remember is the spoilage with home-made products. There's Vitamin E oil that could be added to minimize the possibility of the product going harsh prematurely. (It's in quite many products out there actually.)

Still waiting for my packages, I'll make a new thread when I get down to business. ;)
Hey how much jojoba oil do you use? And how many jelqs does it last before you usually need to use more? Thanks again .
Wow that’s perfect! I’m going to buy some today and maybe add a little peppermint oil bc I love that feeling it gave from the max out, made the session much more enjoyable
Trust me I understand how important time is for all of us with work, family busy schedules so to find time to not only research but research for the benefit of the brotherhood I soak all this free information every vet gives us ????

When the Brotherhood is running like a finally tuned machine you will have brothers kicking so much knowledge to help other people. I forget how many pages of data we have here but I know it’s over 500 TB over the past 16 years. And now that things are really busy we’ll see new people come in with new information for a new generation of men Coming for help.
figuring out a good oil combination woul.d be great. That Max Out is great stuff. Ark is right, you might be out more $$ by making your own. He is also right about the curiosity. I have been using grapeseed oil lately and it is pretty easy on my skin but that might not be the case for everyone. I may try some jojoba and order some if that Butae Superba and see how it works out.
Yeah I hear you I just used my last sample pack of the max out had another great session last night I guess I’m going to try jojoba oil with a little peppermint & if that don’t work It’s saving for a bottle of max out
There are so many oils out there! I advice Brothers to have a look at Comedogenic rating index:
Some ratings on comedogenic index
That is just one site, it's best to Google. One can always input a the name of the oil and comedogenic rating, the search result should be valid.

I don't recall using grapeseed oil. But jojoba is pretty nice, almond oil is pretty fine as well. Those two at least have a very mild odor / pleasant smell, hemp seed oil might be great but it does have a very distinct smell. Not foul, but not overtly pleasant to my nose.

Be sure to add just a bit of the peppermint oil! Certain essential oils are very effective even when diluted to a 100 ml (~3 oz) of oil and in small quantity.
Peppermint, mint, wintergreen, these surely are such.

One more update; I received the extract and I actually have an unopened fresh bottle in the cupboard of Black Seed oil. I'll make a thread later on when I have a good timeslot for making the stuff.
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