LengthMaster pinching issue

Everyone has pinching issues and they all get through it through practice and proper wrapping. Get yourself some of our sleeves, and ace wrap and you’re good to go.
Everyone has pinching issues and they all get through it through practice and proper wrapping. Get yourself some of our sleeves, and ace wrap and you’re good to go.
Simple as that,at first pinching is normal true learning a right technique takes time
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Simple as that,at first pinching is normal true learning a right technique takes time

It takes time, patience and a lot of self respect. Becoming frustrated with yourself is not respecting yourself. Take your time and learn what wrap works best for you. With the SiliSleeves and the SiliCap there should be no pinching at all.
ok cool guys, fyi i ordered both the duro sleeve and the regular silisleeve...the duro is really rigid and i was having circulation issues i just received the silicap and regular sleeve today wish me luck...its been a journey...phew but i love the learning exp.
Durosleev is a BEAST!! That material is ridiculously STRONG!

yeah i finaly got it to securely hold my head by folding the top, but a few mins later my head was getting cold lol...hopefully the regular will be just right ill find out tonight
Yep Same here
i just ordered the theraband from the site ...question is it self adhering?
Not self adhering, but grips well against skin and itself. You will need to wrap over it to keep it securely in place.
but how do you get it to hold?...the minute u release bit it unwraps itself i just need it hold on long enough to put the ace wrap on...what a struggle (fail)

Well yeah,I wrap it n spend 16 mins stretching n take it off for 5, mins n rewrap again
Maybe some tape? I am not familiar with wrapping theraband. I have some that I purchased 6 years ago, but never used it, hehe.
Theraban will stick to itself there’s no need to tape it.
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