Keeping consistent


Aug 20, 2020
Hello all. Just introducing myself. I’ve been doing PE on and off for about 10 years but have never be able to stay consistent and have never really seen any big gains(maybe .25-.5 of an inch in length) that weren’t concrete. That all changes now! I joined this forum about 2 months ago and started the DLD newbie routine. I took the last two weeks off just to get a good base line measurement. I am 6.25 inches erect length and 5.25 inches in erect girth. My overall goals are to reach 9inches in erect length and 6 inches in erect girth (might be unrealistic) but I would even be happy with just reaching 7” x 6”.
My plan is to continue doing the DLD newbie routine with an added 10-15 min(close to max vacuum) session in the bathmate for the next two months and see if any gains are made. I’ve also just received the silisleeve v5 and plan to wear it for at least 6 hours a day after each session. (This is the first day wearing it so I will see how it goes, but the first hour in has been good so far)
Any thoughts or direction is always welcome. Lets get these gains!
I have written extensively on motivation and there are a few studies and threads I have done. Here is one that may help you, excuse the broken links

Your Ultimate Goal of 9 x 6 is reachable, believe in yourself. Break down the Ultimate Goal into smaller sub-goals. It takes the same amount of energy to think big as it does to think small. Don't settle for 7 x 6; finish out the journey and go the extra 2-inches...

Starting Point : 6.25 x 5.25
First Goal : 6.50 x 5.35
Next Goal : 6.75 x 5.45​
Next Goal : 7.00 x 5.50​
Next Goal : 7.25 x 5.55​
Next Goal : 7.50 x 5.60​
Next Goal : 7.75 x 5.65​
Next Goal : 8.00 x 5.75​
Next Goal : 8.25 x 5.80​
Next Goal : 8.50 x 5.85​
Next Goal : 8.75 x 5.95​
Ultimate Goal : 9.00 x 6.00
Thank you. Im hopefull to reach the first sub goal by the end of the year. I will come back here with an update in 2021!
I have written extensively on motivation and there are a few studies and threads I have done. Here is one that may help you, excuse the broken links

Thank you DLD. I will take a look at these.
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Thank you DLD. I will take a look at these.

It should be in the mental penis enlargement section. Just do a search for my name with the word motivation and you’ll find plenty of articles
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