Flaccid vs. Erect


Feb 11, 2021
Ok, so what is then point of using the ace bandage all day wrap? I have been using the SiliStretcher - All Day Penis Vacuum Stretcher and Weight Hanger and stealth head with sleeves on overnight for the same effect.
Before I read a long thread about this just now, which I tried to but didnt figure out how to post in directly. In the thread all In could glean was that this is just for increasing flaccid size. Increasing flaccid size is useless to me. All I want is increase in erect size.It could be 1” flaccid size but as long as it gets up to 7-8” erect size then I would feel like I accomplished something.
HG wrote to me “ For me flaccid length was about 1/2” ahead of erect growth“.This isnt happening for me.From 6” erect 5.9” flaccid (I had long ago figured out you just yank on it for hours whille being whacked out and flaccid would get to the same as erect-(nice when you go to a nude beach-useless when you dont anymore) Now, after doing this steadily at 3 hours with size dr.extended out to 8” way beyond max I have gotten flaccid up to 71/4 but erect has not even moved a mm. Lately, I have started this all night sleeve, which is the same as long term wrap, except you dont have to remove it every 15 mins.
So, the main question here is 1-Is this wrapping, long term or ads thing only going to bring flaccid growth? Please give me a strait answer- I would stop this asap if it is only for keeping your flaccid from turtling. I dont care how long flaccid is I just want erect length
2-Is there anything specifically length growth?
The exercises of DLds in the video. I have been doing for years and they have not gotten me any length.
Are there Anyspecific devices for length of erection growth? Would Using a device in a different way work? For example Do I need to get it erect slap on the size Dr. and make sure it is pointing up, rather than down?
Have there been people who can only get flaccid growth but not erect growth?
How long should I wait? should i go to 8” flaccid and then see if erect has gotten even a mm longer. I am sure the size dr. would make me get to a foot on flaccid but what difference would that make-It would actually be a joke. Imagine you whip out a giant flaccid then shrink down to a 6” boner.
My thinking was that keeping it stretched was how those people stretched out there ears… But that removes the idea of the tension that the tunica causes to create an erection. None of those other body modifications involve this body movement like an erection where a part specificaly tenses up to create the erection.
Do you have to get erect and then tear it apart with the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging?
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This question only can be answered by sokmeone who has actually done it. I am pretty sure that the frenulum is slowing things down. I notice that afterv a while of any exercise a massive bubble forms around the frenulum area and then anything I do after that continues to make this bigger. Like a gigantic bulbous turkey neck. It is obviously caused by the extreme tension of that thick string of skin is verses the regular skin around it.
So, has anyone here Tied off there Frenulum? Where you put a thread in it and tie it and eventually the thread falls off and the frenulum has been removed and the regular skin attaches to the head without that super thick string of skin?
If youi have can you write to me exactly how and also how is Pe work after, does it make it not possible anymore?
I know some of will say “that is crazy” “ dont do it”-You dont need to, I will choose to do it or not without your comments or even without anyone here saying anything. This is just a bquestion for anyone who has done it?
Get yourself a LengthMaster and use it for a minimum of 40 mins daily. Also wear your SiliStretcher for 4 hours. And do erect stretches for 10 mins every day. Kegel throughout the day as much as possible. Do this and measure after 90 days, you will see erect gains.
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HG-Are you saying dont do the size dr. because you prefer the silstretcher or do you know something that I dont.
Your program sounds good but I can onlt do the lengthmaster every other day, that sucker shreds me, I have been hanging weights in between-any problems with that and doing 4 hour n the size dr. I do that full Kegel program every day that Dld wrote. 100/1 min/50 at 5.
The erect stretches that i saw where you push it to the side and down loosen me up at the root(you must take into account factors that you guys do not have with me). At 58 you will not be able to go strait up even with Viagra or the knew stuff you shoot directly into your penis. It is not possible because of Gravity and the decades. That is why that pushing down or to the far sides seems to loosen it up at the root so I cant do that.
Is there an alternative lengthening stretch. HG-You chose to try and help me again, after giving up because I had to much shit going on or you just were not aware that this was that person? Thanks-That program I set above is what I will do, unless you have a good reason to not use the size dr. vs the sili-stretcher? Like I said the LengthMaster everyday will shred me and I do weights every other day.
But I dont know how to specifically do the weights- 20 minutes at 7lbs is what I do. Is there a better way.
Are you saying that if I dont do those 10 mins of erect stretches where you tillt force your penis to the sides and down that I wont have any erect gains? That would suck!
Also, so that wrapping all do or leaving the sili-stretcher on overnight is useless for erection and only enhances flaccid-is that what you are also saying. That would be good because that is a major hassle?
Ok, so I got another thing. I notice when I use the pump after the lengthening exercises that it seems to pull off some length and when I use the pump before I do length then the length exercise remove the width. Is this a short term thing that will go away over time?
Thanks for answering back. I did make it clear that what you and Dld and SI are dealing with is not the same deal that I am. Sorry about that, its just a fact. Also, the tunica between my age and I am assuming you are in your 20s or 30s is 3x as dense 300iu tension vs 900iu tension. That is a massive difference. I am wondering if that means I need 3x the force or 3x the amount of x per day or 3x the amount of time in months.
Oh, and what amount of erect am I looking at in 90 days if I am as close to your program as I can. 1”? I strated the program figuring once i could handle 6 hours a a day in any of the devices, without any of the other stuff, it would take 6 months to gain 2” in length. That is what I have seen in the research studies that have been done on it. But I dont know how old they were
Another issue that is perplexing me now. After further research on this frenulum I found out that even uncircumscribed people have frenulums also. I thought it was just a tight string of skin you ended up with after you got circumscribed. So, now I am wondering if I am even doing this correctly.
I have been tryin to stretch the frenulum towards the body. 1 finger on 1 hand pushing the top part of it that is up in the head away from the body and the finger on the end in towrds the body towards the body. But if you have a foreskin how would you stretch it forward ? With all the devices they are stretching the frenulum in 1 direction towards the body(in circumcised people.
I have notice this massive bubble in that area below the head that could be likened to a turkey neck. Isnt the reason for this that the frenulum is so much thicker than the regular skin, that it is holding back the whole area that should be stretching along with everything else.
So, am I supposed to be stretching the frenulum forward. Which would push all this skin over the head. This is what stops me from doing the jelqs i go up and all the skin goes over my head and I then pull it back with the opposite hand which causes that hand to be taken up doing that instead of strating all over right after. In that back and forth 1 hand after the other motion. I side is always pulling back all the skin so it cant start the 2nd jelq. This also makes it much harder on my thumbs.
Are you supposed to just have all the skin jutting out forward over the head and not pull it back and just start the 2nd jelq without pulling te skin back.
like you were trying to create a foreskin?
If this is so, then that would seem to be pushing the frenulum forward rather than backwards towards the body?
This is a complicated issue and I cant get any specific answers from anywhere. It was web md that told me that uncircumscribed people also have tight frenulums and the way to loosen it without surgery or tying off is to stretch it forward not back?
Bro, your situation is too complicated and the way you write makes is even harder to read it all. I'm sorry I can't be of help
What are your questions in the simplest forms?
Why did you even comment in the 1st place Hg-Check the name next time and dont waste my time with your comments I dont need to hear your “your situation is to complicated I cant help you“ over and over- again. If you didnt make a comment at all you wouldnt have to write the same words for no reason. Check out who the person you are commenting to or trying to give advice to. Annoying!
Why did you even comment in the 1st place Hg-Check the name next time and dont waste my time with your comments I dont need to hear your “your situation is to complicated I cant help you“ over and over- again. If you didnt make a comment at all you wouldnt have to write the same words for no reason. Check out who the person you are commenting to or trying to give advice to. Annoying!

Try sticking to ONE method for length, and ONE method for girth. Can you do that? Please, try to keep things as simple as possible.

It is not about how many different methods or devices you use. The only thing that matters is CONSISTENCY. If you choose to use an ADS for length gains, then do it for four hours per day, every single day, AND DO NOTHING ELSE. If you choose to use a pump for girth gains, then pump for 30 minutes or so per day, AND DO NOTHING ELSE. Once you complete this routine, do not even think about PE until the next day. Then, the next day, you do EXACTLY the same routine, and you repeat this EVERY SINGLE DAY until you measure some gains. That is it! There's nothing more you should do. Just be consistent, stick to a good SIMPLE routine, and you will reap the rewards.

I have done my research on how much you can expect to gain. In the case of using an ADS for 4 hours per day, you can expect to gain 1/16th of an inch per month, or 3/4 of an inch per year, ON AVERAGE.

Questions in simplest forms. How much erect growth will I have in 90 days if I use the LengthMaster for 30 mins., size dr for 4 hours and what on earth are erect stretches. Just bending it over to the side?
Can I do these erect stretches in a mitty vac.

*Now this part is seperate, it is not questions-it is comments.You dont have to read it
For growth You would have to take into account 1-Circumscribed vs uncircumscribed, Especiallywhen you write something like
If anyone grows than anyone at all should be able to grow
Except there are 1,000 factors to take into account and another thousand truths that are not told
EXAMPLE-this takes way more than the hours that you have to put in for the exercises=AM I RIGHT-Massive set-up, clean up-How long does it take you to get bandaged up, clean the oils off of your devices…

Let me take a guess that 3/4 of the people who stART this quit? Why? BECAUSE there are 1,000 factors and if you- DLD AND HG AND SI(MAYBE not you?)going to be the authorities you should be able to answer them
For example I tried to explain to you the difference between the tunica at 58 and 25, it is 3x as dense-now to give you a picture of what that means
The tunica is the part that tenses up to cause an erection-At 25 your erection angle may be 140-160 degrees, but at 58 your erection should be about 90 degrees-that is because the tunica is 3x as dense.
Logic dictates that this kind of thing has to be taken into account when you talk about someone growing vs. someone who doesnt-Am I right?
there are a ton of factors and if I am asking questions then I would like an answer from someone who really knows what they are talking about.

Ireally dont want anyone telling me your issues are to complex for me. I cant help. Dont answer at all, if you dont know. This is extremely hard work and any negative commenyts go and reinforce any negative ideas about the whole thing.

To give you an example of how confused some of the stuff on Mos is-I followed a thread that led me to a you tube video- On this you tube video-A supposed penis expert came on and actually said these words “You can not grow your penis after y

Try sticking to ONE method for length, and ONE method for girth. Can you do that? Please, try to keep things as simple as possible.

It is not about how many different methods or devices you use. The only thing that matters is CONSISTENCY. If you choose to use an ADS for length gains, then do it for four hours per day, every single day, AND DO NOTHING ELSE. If you choose to use a pump for girth gains, then pump for 30 minutes or so per day, AND DO NOTHING ELSE. Once you complete this routine, do not even think about PE until the next day. Then, the next day, you do EXACTLY the same routine, and you repeat this EVERY SINGLE DAY until you measure some gains. That is it! There's nothing more you should do. Just be consistent, stick to a good SIMPLE routine, and you will reap the rewards.

I have done my research on how much you can expect to gain. In the case of using an ADS for 4 hours per day, you can expect to gain 1/16th of an inch per month, or 3/4 of an inch per year, ON AVERAGE.

3/4 per year, thanks for writing back but that is ridiculous. i will be dead within a few years-that wont do me any good-Very discouraging my friend-Thank my lucky Stars i actually dont believe any one who writes to me or I would never do anything. I can see why nobody ever tells the truth about this stuff I will bet you 90% of the people who try this quit and if i had read 3/4” per year I could have saved $3,000 per year. Fuck-I thought you guys would have cut me off after my last diatribe. Now, I am going to be depressed. How am I supposed to erase this from my mind Fuck! FuckQ! Fuck! I am an Old motherfucker I dont have time. 6 months is to much time to sit around focusing on this. It takes me 8-10 hrs just to do the 3 hours attach and lengthmaster and pump 2x. I have made my apt. off limits to other humans. This shit is embarrassing. I have taken the last 2 years off from everyone. I dont know if my kid even knows if I am alive. I cut off my friends in case they wanted to visit.
Fuck, tell me exacvtly where you got your research from. Exactly, I have gto look this up and find a way to refute it or I will quit.
SERIOUSLY, you have broken 1 of my arms and legs You have to give me the researcg sources. I cant have this in the air without reading it for myself. If this is the truth then I have to quit before I have no-one left in my life.
Damn! The way I wrote I sounded like an asshole even to myself. I really did not expect to ever be able to comment on here again or have especially you comment back to me.
I am really shook up, if this is the truth, then the truth sucks ass and I would have preferred to not hear it. Why do I ever ask fucking questions.
My research said 1.9” in 6 months at 6 hours a day-1 device-ads, simple SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender type. It was a research study in a lab and of course, it was take home until the end of the 6 months. The conclusion said-it does not seem to be worth the effort for such a small amount of gain, and there is no evidence any more than 1.9” can be gained.
To me 1.9” is 2”-that is a ton 6-8-that actually brings you from the category of 50%-average is from 5-7 then 15% are 7” and above and the lucky 2% are 8”-To me that is massive but 3/4” barely gets me to the upper 50%. Besides that does nothing when you are having sex
Damn it Hg-you said you couldnt help me and that was it, so now you turn around and hurt me-Fuck
I have written a load of these things and said I dont have much time. Did I not sound serious. I will not be alive much longer, that is just fact. I dont want to get much older than this. I lived my life hard enough and intense enough that I expected to be dead at 40 but no life had to torture me for another 18 years and finally I have just decided all I want is some good sex before I do and this 6” by 5” half dead dick isnt cutting it and when I say the woman I am with are not small I am taking about woman who have sex for a living.
Damn you, why. I really thought you would have read that and said Fuck this asshole I cant help him.
Didnt I even say it was going to be way harder for me that the tunica at 58 is 3x as dense. So, maybe I cant even get 3/4 in the next 10 lifetimes.
Let me add something else on to my problems for you HG-Do you know what FUPA is Fat in the pubic area. Yah, again when you get past a certain age you usually put on some weight and where does it all go around your gut and some goes around your dick. that is fupa and Fupa makes your dick look even smaller and it probably even makes you have less usable penis also. I havent checked that, I wouldnt know how to anyway.

OK, I am going to ask you to HELP me 1 more x, after this NMW I write-just look at it as all a blabberemouth who cut everyone off to do this task, who is just writing down the crap that is passing thru his mind. I will try not to write or ask any more questions.
Just tell me exactly where you saw this research, I need to check all the variables so I can either refute it or quit this . I dont have time for 3/4 of an inch in a year. I dont believe it but I have to see the evidence
Did I tell you I have been at this for 2 years already and have been steady for 4 months. Fuck-
So, this is the last thing any of you should write to me Where DO I SEE THIS 3/4” per year information. I have to verify this myself
You see. The shit I write is ridiculous.
HG-I want the exact research sources that you found out this 3/4” a year.
That is all I will ask.
This is important. If I dont see this research for myself I will probably let it effect my mind and may even quit after so much work I have already done. I dont want to quit but I am to old to do this for 2 more years
There is no direct answer as per how much erect gains you will make it you use the LengthMaster for 30 mins and wear the size doctor for 4 hours. You will gain for sure but no one can tell you how much gains.

Why not apply for my coaching service let me coach you will just the LengthMaster? We don't need the size doctor. Apply for my coaching service. If you apply, you will have to use the LengthMaster daily for 1 hour (20mins X 3).

You cannot do the erect stretches with a penis pump. To perform the erect stretches, get yourself erect and grab your erect penis at the base. Pull it to the right side and hold the pull for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat it 3 times to the right, 3 times to the left and 3 times to the Center.
You see. The shit I write is ridiculous.
HG-I want the exact research sources that you found out this 3/4” a year.
That is all I will ask.
This is important. If I dont see this research for myself I will probably let it effect my mind and may even quit after so much work I have already done. I dont want to quit but I am to old to do this for 2 more years
Okay, so I will post a couple of links to back up my claims, so you can see for yourself.

In this study, they did not record erect length gains, but since the tunica is extremely tough, BPFSL gains made strictly on tunica correlate fairly well with BPEL gains, as you will see in the second link.

In the link below, it states:
  • The men’s average stretched penile length was 9.62cm (3.79 inches) at baseline and had increased by 18 per cent to 11.32 cm (4.45 inches) in month 12.
This is a difference of 0.66 inch ON AVERAGE, which means some guys gained slightly more, and some guys slightly less, within a 12-month period, extending between 4-5 hours per day.

The next scientific article is from pubmed, which is about as reliable as you can get. As you can see in this article, because these are likely pure tunica gains, the BPFSL and BPEL gains are not far off at all, a difference of only 0.1 on average. The average erect length within a 6-month period is 1.2 cm, or 2.4 cm in a 12-month period, if you assume that gains are linear, which most evidence suggests that they are. 2.4cm, on average, converts to 0.94 inch in 12 months, wearing the device for 4-6 hours per day.

Now, what I did is I took the average of both averages, 0.66" and 0.94", which is 0.8", or roughly 3/4". I am trying to be as realistic as possible, so this is the figure I came up with, based on this evidence. Of course, some men have gained slightly more, some slightly less, but I don't care about the outliers. I only care about the averages. You can probably lean more towards the pubmed study, as it is more "reliable", but the average is still less than 1 inch per year, extending an average of 5 hours per day.

If you have made significant gained from lig stretch, and you have already exhausted your newbie gains, and gains have become slower, the REALITY is that this is what you can expect in terms of gains going forward. IT TAKES A LONG FUCKING TIME.

Most guys have a good growth spurt in the first year or so, and then the REAL work begins, where gains become very slow, and you have to be extremely determined to gain that NEXT inch. This is the reality of PE, whether you like it or not. So let go of your illusions. This is the reality that you are facing, the reality that you need to come to terms with. There are no shortcuts. This is what it is.

If it is not worth the effort, then just have fun brother. You are above average anyway. Don't let this bullshit hold you back from enjoying the rest of your life. Most women don't care anyway. This is all for male ego and nothing more. Enjoy your life.

Take it easy.
Great Info. But it is worth the effort and above average is ridiculous. Cmon I have had a lot of Sex at least for the 1st 40 years and it just never felt right. They can pop a baby out of there. Most women do care, they just know better not to say it. Imagine how flattened your ego would get.
i am only sleeping with escorts, they definitely care and have no problem joking with you about How big you are? Which I take as a joke meaning I know I am small but lets have fun anyway. However, it does have an effect and it bugs me in the back of my mind. I am not going to be out there dating, trying to pick up women and seeing if we can get passionate with each other and then maybe it vwouldnt matter. Ity is alsoneasy to give an orgasm by tongue.
However, you 2 are way above average so you dont know what I am talking about anyway. To quote this 1 guy who said it perfectly—“Size does matter-It is the same thing as saying beauty doesnt matter”. Neither of them may matter in the course of Love. They dont even really matter when you are picking someine up to get laid or hooking up with someone.
I already had my fun that way, That is over.
I am now in a different War-The Battle of Love(the Taoists talk about in some of their sex mauals) is a different typw now.
If it has to be that slow then I hope I dont die along the way. It would be ridiculous if people found all this penis growing stuff around my apt after I die.
You have to admit, this stuff is never explicitly stated, not even by MOS-that it would take so long and require so much effort and pain.
Well, obviously I cant stop, that would be ridiculous
IT TAKES A LONG FUCKING TIME-Should be written at the begginning of every sales item for this stuuf
IT TAKES A LONG FUCKING TIME-Should be written at the begginning of every sales item for this stuuf
You have to have patience. Be consistent with your routine. Do not overcomplicate things. KEEP IT SIMPLE! Choose one method for length and one method for girth, and do that every single day. See what happens in a couple of months.

I hope you take my advice, because, if you don't, then there is nothing else I can say. You will end up having so many problems and people will not be able to help you.
You have to have patience. Be consistent with your routine. Do not overcomplicate things. KEEP IT SIMPLE! Choose one method for length and one method for girth, and do that every single day. See what happens in a couple of months.

I hope you take my advice, because, if you don't, then there is nothing else I can say. You will end up having so many problems and people will not be able to help you.
Patience is a virtue and totally necessary to a successful pe journey
Grandmaster-Everyone can not have patience or patience would not be called a virtue which seperates it from other forms of behaviour.
I try to have patience but i dont seem to be able to do it for long.
Someone said there are no shortcuts-that is not true-there are short-cuts for everything. The whole modern world is built on 1 primary principle,Short cuts how to do more, faster at all times. My communication device changes every fucking year. Faster,less bugs… A shortcut-I have a library in my pocket, a connection to people around the world, maps…
I have taken shortcuts all my life and I have gotten to places faster and gotten better at things than most and even almost all in some things.
My shortcut has always been creating an obsession. Doing 5x as much work, for 5x as long as anyone else doing what I was doing. I just become relentless. It worked with guitar, lifting weights.It worked so much on stretching my limbs that I became double jointed.

The downside of this (I dont advise this type of thing for anyone who isnt a Freak or has some serious issues. Like me!) is that at some point, you overload and cant take it anymore and have some kind of breakdown or you just quit out of the blue or worse you do long-term damage to your body. The costs have all come later in my life. However I would do the same thing if I could do it over again.
However, at this age Sex is a last times issue thing and this penis size thing is an extra thing.6” is enough they say(I dont believe that) so I dont have to do this. I also dont have to have sex anymore. I dont wake up and leave my apartment with 1 goalin mind no matter what I else I have to do, to hook up by the evening. That mad desire is gone(it sucks in my opinion, but it actually is not in control of my existence anymore, like it has been all my life). So, my thinking has been. This doesnt matter in any way. I dont need to get bigger and I could even quit sex for that matter. But, Sex is all I have left. I cant go partying anymore, drugs took that away I cant do any of that because of addiction. I cant go anywhere fun anymore. Fun people are all partiers. I had to cut all my friends off over the years because they dont seem to remember not to pass the joint to me or try to get me to just try 1 hit 1 more time for old times sake or have 1/2 a shot its New years, My birthbday…
So, even if I was to break my dick-it doesnt matter. !st of all, the fucking thing already has medical problems.
So, i was looking for shortcuts

Inassumed that the lengthmster was short-cut, weight hanging was a short-cut, jelquing is a short-cut because all yo really have to do is attach a good ads for 4-6 hrs day for 6-months to a year and you will gain 3/4-1.9” in erect gain. So, what is qll this other stuff for but shortcuts, am I right?

However, you are right I am going to expect to work for longer time period but if there are any shortcuts that really work anyone out there can tell me. But no surgery!

Your main problem is that you are trying to do too much at once. You are doing manuals, you are stretching with the lengthmaster, you are hanging with the lengthmaster, you are using the sizedoctor, you are pumping, you are jelqing, you are... you are probably doing more things. For some reason, in your mind, you seem to think that the more devices you use, the faster your gains will come. In a war, you can bring all the best weapons, the best tanks, the best heavy artillery... if you do not have the right plan, it does not matter how good your weapons are, you are going to get fucked!
When it comes to PE, you do not have a well thought-out plan. Your strategy is attack, attack, attack! And then attack some more! You attack so fucking much, that you end up hurting yourself, causing injuries, blisters, pain, etc... and then you come on the forum and write about all of the issues you are having expecting people to help you, when guys on here have REPEATEDLY told you that your routine is too complicated and that it would be a wise idea to tone it down a bit and follow a STRUCTURED routine.
If I tried to do the shit that you are doing, there is no way my unit would be able to handle all of that stress from multiple devices all at once. When I was hanging, do you know how long it took me to work my way up to 4 hours per day? It took 3 months for my tissues to adapt to the stress. Three fucking months! If I had tried to take SHORTCUTS and do all of that from the first day, there is a 100% GUARANTEE that I would have serious problems. So imagine the shit that YOU are doing. And you are wondering WHY you are having issues? Are you serious dude? That is what I mean by shortcuts. You do not have patience, you want everything to happen NOW, NOW, NOW... PE does not work that way, and if you have that mindset going forward you are doomed to fail. I PROMISE YOU THAT. You need to simplify your life and come up with a structured routine that you can do every single day, that you will not deviate from. You have to have the discipline to stick to it. There are plenty of brothers here that can help you with that. Ask for help. My concern is that you are just going to ignore everyone's advice and do all the wrong things again, and if that is the case, then nobody can help you. In the end, it is your decision, but do not complain about future issues if you refuse to listen.
I suggest you do some manuals for length, and spend 4+ hours in an ADS per day (work up to this slowly). I do not like doing length and girth at the same time because it creates too many problems such as excess fatigue, pain, discomfort, etc. But if you insist on doing girth as well, do the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3). DO NOT ADD ANYTHING ELSE!
If you do not like my advice, you can ask around. There are plenty of guys here, I am sure, who would be happy to help you.
I hope you see the error in your ways and make some changes.
All the best.
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