Doing SRT *alongside* a weight training / weight loss routine?


Jan 30, 2008
Hello brotherhood! Been out of the game for a few months due to, eh, a lot of things. I started doing PE full time back in November 2019 because I had just put together my booth for voiceover, which doubles as a bedroom computer station for PE exercises. I'm not hiding it from my wife, but even though we're very sexually open with each other it's still weird using a bunch of medical devices in front of her. And also I was unemployed because I'd left my last job to pad out my savings since June 2019 to fully dedicate time to building a voiceover business, and had hoped to find a job in November but got no calls back, so ended up going back to my last job and even though it's been awkward, I'm staying at part-time and taking more time to build my business.

But I'm also taking some of that time to do more intense, dedicated training!

Without a doctor, I can only really listen to my body as far as what's too intense and what's not. I don't mind coping with pain, but of course the whole point of pain is for your body to warn when you might be causing permanent damage. So I've had to find a good balance between the intensity and overdoing it. Thing is, I've got weight I have to lose, muscle I have to gain, and of course a dick I gotta enlarge. So I'm trying to find a way to integrate all three of my maintenance routines and have just one big training session; cardio, weightlifting, and SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory. So here's what I've been doing so far, and I've been varying it up as my routine allows because, admittedly, my life is chaotic enough that too many things eat into my training time. Olivier Richters "The Dutch Giant" said "If you spend more than an hour training, you haven't trained". But he's not the one with weight to lose and less muscle to lose it with. I'm sure his hour of training is all just maintaining what he has rather than trying to gain more. I say why not go over an hour if the exercises have a purpose?
- That being said fitness advice is SO goddamn hard to get reliable information on. Even the most reliable info, coming from good upstanding community members like yourselves and on �other PE site�, will simplify it, but ultimately tell you that only you can know what your body can handle.

I've been in the habit of exercising for a couple years, off and on. When we started in 2018, we had a gym membership. We went for about 30 minutes a day. I'd have wanted to be there for an hour but my wife wanted to leave a little earlier. So while my routine was shaky, I did notice a strength increase and I did lose a bit of weight. I started at 275lbs, got down to 245. When I left The upstore in June 2019, I relegated myself to light walks on Monday and Friday because my wife cancelled our gym membership to pay for escrima classes instead. (And BTW, Escrima is fun and a VERY useful self-defense skill and the one I would recommend for anything other than guns, knives, or unarmed martial arts.) But I didn't have a real fitness routine, especially because I didn't have any workout gear, clothes or otherwise. So in February we bought a folding exercise bike so I can bike at home and we can still go to escrima. So I restarted my fitness routine. The damage since quitting in June? Muscles atrophied back to their starting position, and I'm up to 255 pounds. Well, could be worse.

(1) Cardio
I've been using the bike 6 days a week for one hour. It's a lot better than trying to walk in the park where the ducks shit all over the path and the geriatrics walking their dogs give me mean looks. On the bike I can do it in front of the television. Even on the worst day I don't feel like I wasted my time cuz I was gonna watch that show anyway. Plus I can have a fan on me. I can also exercise naked, or at least just in my underwear, which does wonders for ventilation.

(2) Weight Training
On Mondays and Fridays, the two weekdays I have to myself during the day, I've been using the little equipment I have to do weight training. With only a 20lb and 10lb dumbbell I can only really sit in my chair and do the most basic exercises. That'll change as we get more equipment but I'm training both arms and legs where possible. Leg exercises, not as many dumbbell exercises, but I started doing squats. The biggest problem is I think I've got bad knees. My knees creak anytime I go up stairs or crouch. I'm overweight but not NEARLY as much as some of these poor 300/400lb guys. But I figured getting rid of the excess weight, and strengthening my leg muscles, plus the cardio, would help them out. They still tend to hurt a lot. But I don't have the money to get them looked at. They hurt if I exercise, but they hurt if I don't. If being out of shape caused them, staying inactive is definitely not going to help them, and an exercise bike is honestly the most tame way to get into shape.
- Recently, I've started using protein powder to see what effect it would have on my fitness routine. Last year when we went to the gym, I would be sore for over a week, leading me to wonder how in the hell am I supposed to get stronger if I can never train because my muscles are sore all the time? A college buddy said use protein powder, it digests faster than meat so you can exercise more frequently. I was worried on the potential dangers of protein powder so I did some research; went to the smaller Youtube channels rather than the big ones because they have less sponsors and more general goodwill to help people getting into shape. It sounds like I'm a prime candidate for it actually, because ( A ) It increases your protein intake without increasing your calories too much so it helps with losing weight while building muscle, ( B ) It feeds your muscles once you start gaining, ( C ) it helps with recovery from injuries, exercise-induced or otherwise, and ( D ) it helps with plateaus, which I definitely encountered back in June with no real way to increase the intensity of my exercises.
- Since then I have seen an increase in my muscle mass, but my ability to do more reps hasn't really increased all that much. I am willing to give my body the benefit of the doubt, that we probably just have to get used to working out again.
- The protein powder actually did noticeably recover my muscles faster and allow me to work out on more days than just 2 a week. So I upped my number of weight training days only last week. I got through three days in a row before my muscles, while not actually sore, were kinda moaning that maybe I should spread it out a bit. Well alright, we'll keep experimenting. I'm not adding anything to the protein shake; I'm just tossing a serving scoop into a Voss bottle and drinking half after cardio and half after weight training. I figured that the same principles that apply to healing regular muscles probably help with recovery doing PE. So I started thinking if I can do SRT at the same time as my actual exercising, I could just dedicate one block to full training.
- In order to make the transition to full-time weight training more bearable, I did half intense days, and half re-feed days.

(3) SRT
Does doing SRT at the same time as regular exercise affect gains at all? And on that note, does protein powder help dick gains the way it helps other muscles?
Hi I'm Dick Gains and I'm running for penis enlargement office. When you want honesty and compassion, think Dick Gains.
Anyway I'm still figuring that out. I have a MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System but not a SiliStretcher - All Day Penis Vacuum Stretcher and Weight Hanger; it seems apparent that of all the components in the SRT routine, those two tools are the most essential. And it's mainly been money affecting what I have. That might change real soon actually; we've been doing pretty well financially but also thanks to the outbreak we could be seeing a 2-month apocalypse, or it could blow over real smoothly for us, we don't know. But for now here's what I've been doing:
- (1) 3 minutes of stretch warmups. (2) MityVac Dry in the shower for 10 minutes, and by 10 minutes I mean what my brain counts as 10 minutes because why don't I throw myself into the task only to find I don't have something stupid-common like a waterproof clock. (3) 10 minutes of slow squash jelqs. As recommended by DLD.
- The conditions for this routine have been less than ideal though. Here's the problems I've encountered going straight from exercising to SRT:
( A ) For those doing this in the shower, how in the heck do you have enough hot water to clean yourself AND pump WITH full stretches? I thought if I attached the pump, detached the gun, let it hang there while I do the soap/shampoo/toothbrushing/rinsing I can kill two birds with one stone but the cylinder tends to knock on the walls if I move around too much.
( B ) The days I'm not just feeling it, it's really difficult to get erect to do the SSJs. I got a creative imagination but sometimes my dick's like Nope. I tried everything! Exes, crushes, coworkers, big anime titties, Meghan (You know Meghan)...Maybe I ought to just take a regular shower after exercising, let my penis relax for a bit, then get in the booth and use a �naked people movies� when I get out. I'll be able to count my time a bit better too.
( C ) Since I don't have a Silistretcher, is it even worth using the pump until I get one? My dick will feel nice and big after a workout but it doesn't last.
( D ) Also I know turtling is a thing while exercising. It's just the blood being shifted to the parts of the body moving around more, right? Probably all the more reason to give it some time to relax. If it adds some time to the workout so be it; it's better than wasting time on fruitless things.

As of right now my routine can take a couple hours, sometimes a little over that. So far I've been doing it for about a month and I'm down to 250lbs. It feels like it's been a lot longer, but that's probably my brain measuring from the moment we decided to start getting into shape. As far as nutrition, I'm definitely not perfect, especially cuz some nights we'll just get high and get the munchies and then eat the house, but I can at least account for that. I take responsibility for that, as we do it to manage stress. Working for minimum wage at any retail location is stressful enough to be the sole source of stress for any one person. But I don't fully give into the idea that the stress of work life should interfere with a person wanting to gain control of their body, mind, and penis. I know people who are parents that were still able to get into shape despite balancing the parental life with the stress of a minimum wage retail job. I have no kids and I dedicate a lot of time to relaxation, because I tend to mentally break down more easily than some, more than likely caused by abusiveness growing up. I acknowledge that the difficulty of switching my entire body chemistry to something different than it's been for the last 30 years is NOT going to be something my body will just fall into, but I don't want to let that stop me.

I know a lot of men on here are 50 or over, and me at 31 feeling like I'm running out of time probably seems laughable. But until I met my wife, I was never, ever, EVER happy, with who I am or where I was, and now I feel like I gotta play catchup after trusting the people in my life back then. Even after getting into my very enviably stable relationship, both of us were happy together, but still very unhappy in all other parts of our life. I just want to know that the latter half of my life will make up for the first 30 crappy years. And that's assuming I don't get hit by a car or something.

ANYWAY point is if anyone has also undertaken the same intensity, if you might be able to point me in the right direction for how to tweak it for optimum effectiveness, I would love to hear your thoughts. I know that losing weight will show more of the penis and lose that fatpad, which I'm looking forward to. But even at 5" my problem hasn't been cock, it's been stamina. I don't cum too early; I get winded before that happens. Definitely shouldn't have this much lack of stamina at 31.
If you are overweight losing weight is the fastest way to gain penis length length. I was weighing weighing 240 pounds and I had 3 inches of penis In my fat pad. I dropped 100 pounds and you can see all of my penis but 1/4 of an inch. So losing weight is a very fast way to gain size. Of course doing the rest of the SRT work is going to give you even more size so I like that you’re doing all these things together.??
@Shion How is it going brother?
@Shion How is it going brother?

After 2 years I hope amazing things have happened
Good evening DLD and huge-girth!
I have made a TON of progress! The downside is that it's been hard finding time to do SRT consistently enough to cement my gains, but I think that's about to change. Most of my progress has been fitness-related.

Alright so here's my progress so far:
(1) I learned to be less wordy in forum posts.
(2) I am currently 177lbs; my record is 175. I've officially lost 100lbs from the 275 I started at a few years back! I am thinner than I've EVER been. While it makes me feel like I abused my 20s like a battered puppy, I try to focus on the healthier 30s and 40s.
(2B) And yes, I am noticing dick changes from losing my fat pad alone. Now, at 5'9@175lbs I do still have a gut and fat pad but it's way better. I'm still in the dieting stages but I basically gained a whole inch. 6"BPL as opposed to the 5" I started with, and that's without any PE at all. Imagine the power to be had down the line with SRT!
(3) The weight loss through cardio has gained me a lot more stamina on average. Also for some reason I can last for hours if I'm high. (I only use green, nothing hard)
(4) Discovered David Goggins and supercharged my mindset, which...people mention him anytime I post here; like he's a great idol to have though it's kinda funny how often he pops up.
(5) Unfortunately I dieted wrong and didn't strength train, which means I lost a lot of muscle in addition to fat. So I did a bunch of research on The Fitness Wiki and also this site called Physiquonomics that teaches about macronutrients as well as how strength training needs to be done while dieting despite gains not being made.
(6) I'm currently researching a weight training routine that will help me retain muscle while I knock out this last stone of fat. But more importantly one that will not take too long, because SRT is going to require at least an hour or so and I plan on doing it alongside fitness.
(7) Also dropped this last paycheck on a Silistretcher, which I'm hoping will be the key to making real gains. My schedule is a lot more hectic now, but I'm thinking if I hone in on using my couple hours of alone time to my advantage, I can make this work.

I'll try to be more social from here on out; I've been slacking on my dick routine but at least killing it on the rest of the body. Stay strong!
This is informative. I hope I can lose my fat pad just like you. I have up to 2 inches of penis hiding behind the fat pad. I feel very sad about it. I really need to do something. If you can, get a LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging along with your Silistretcher. You only need to use the LengthMaster for 20mins and wear your Silistretcher for 4 to 6 hours daily.
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This is informative. I hope I can lose my fat pad just like you. I have up to 2 inches of penis hiding behind the fat pad. I feel very sad about it. I really need to do something. If you can, get a LengthMaster along with your Silistretcher. You only need to use the LengthMaster for 20mins and wear your Silistretcher for 4 to 6 hours daily.
Weight loss is the fastest way to add visual size
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