BATHMATE ROUTINE for the next 3 months..


Active Member
Jul 14, 2009
20 to 25 mins ssj,15 to 20 mins Bathmate hardcore stretches..
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20 to 25 mins ssj,15 to 20 mins bm hardcore stretches..

Just be sure that you’re working in your SSJ’s with your pumping. Be sure to give an equal amount of time to pumping as to the SSJ for best results.
Won't be as exact as i want tough
Just be sure that you’re working in your SSJ’s with your pumping. Be sure to give an equal amount of time to pumping as to the SSJ for best results.

Ok ,20/20 25/20 etc etc but keeping numbers almost matching
Ok ,20/20 25/20 etc etc but keeping numbers almost matching

Yes matching numbers. So if you pump for 10 minutes you want to do 10 minutes of SSJ. Are usually go five minutes pumping and five minutes SSJ and then I repeat that three times but you can do any combination that works best for you.
Yes matching numbers. So if you pump for 10 minutes you want to do 10 minutes of SSJ. Are usually go five minutes pumping and five minutes SSJ and then I repeat that three times but you can do any combination that works best for you.
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