13 months in! Flaccid win out of no where


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2024
Trust the process.

Trust the process.

Trust it.

I have been doing PE for 13 months. 6 months jelq, then 7 months of 5 x 5 x 3, manual stretches, bundles, and Ads. The last 2 months I have been hanging a bit longer and adding Ads to the mix.

For 12 months my flaccid had no change but my BPEL and EG have been great, stats below. My Flaccid, is what it is I thought.

This month at 13 months when I wasn't expecting anything. The girth of my Flaccid is bigger and a little more length. It wasn't like a gradual thing it just started happening. I'm not sure if starting ADS or hanging a bit more had anything to do with it. It may or maybe I was just due for growth. What I am shocked about is how great my flaccid is looking when I go pee, lol.

I wanted to share because PE is a marathon, and you could be at mile 25 and not know it. You might be around the corner of a growth and if you over-push or give up you can ruin the moment. Trust the process.
Kind of LOL, I have been banned like 3 times for telling people not to clamp. The sacrifice I made to save many men from injury is something that will forever let me sleep well at night.
Kind of LOL, I have been banned like 3 times for telling people not to clamp. The sacrifice I made to save many men from injury is something that will forever let me sleep well at night.
You've done your parts to protect those who are doing the PE journeys. However, those who don't investigate and jump into the fire without learning how to protect themselves, we can only pray for their safety. My fears are not about their penile injuries. My fears are focused on their possible deaths. Penile injuries are the least of the worries.
Kind of LOL, I have been banned like 3 times for telling people not to clamp. The sacrifice I made to save many men from injury is something that will forever let me sleep well at night.
�other PE site� is shit
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