Think about your problems, think serious, think deeply about them
ok, now is the worst moment of your life, everything is fucking difficult,
your head hurts, you can't think, you can't breathe without fell pain
at the past, you made serious mistakes, you trust someone you shouldn't trust,
you made a mistake investing in something, your wife cheated on you,
now you are in hell.
what can you do to save your sanity?
look to the myth, what a PE legend do?
They focus on only one thing. they self.
it seems selfish but is not.
As humans, we are to grow, especially our source of manhood.
The PE legend, when difficult times come to then, they made more
exercise, they do more to grow their dicks. the standard of legend.
when difficult times come to you and you do this.
You are the PE legend because of most guys at the earth don't do this
most people engage in activities that destroy their lives, but not you.
You are the legend. You are the dude. Just grow
Ps: If you are a lazy dude, you can be a legend too, just buy equipment
on MOS and become a legend, just grow
ok, now is the worst moment of your life, everything is fucking difficult,
your head hurts, you can't think, you can't breathe without fell pain
at the past, you made serious mistakes, you trust someone you shouldn't trust,
you made a mistake investing in something, your wife cheated on you,
now you are in hell.
what can you do to save your sanity?
look to the myth, what a PE legend do?
They focus on only one thing. they self.
it seems selfish but is not.
As humans, we are to grow, especially our source of manhood.
The PE legend, when difficult times come to then, they made more
exercise, they do more to grow their dicks. the standard of legend.
when difficult times come to you and you do this.
You are the PE legend because of most guys at the earth don't do this
most people engage in activities that destroy their lives, but not you.
You are the legend. You are the dude. Just grow
Ps: If you are a lazy dude, you can be a legend too, just buy equipment
on MOS and become a legend, just grow