why PE can save your life?


Active member
Think about your problems, think serious, think deeply about them

ok, now is the worst moment of your life, everything is fucking difficult,

your head hurts, you can't think, you can't breathe without fell pain

at the past, you made serious mistakes, you trust someone you shouldn't trust,

you made a mistake investing in something, your wife cheated on you,

now you are in hell.

what can you do to save your sanity?

look to the myth, what a PE legend do?

They focus on only one thing. they self.

it seems selfish but is not.

As humans, we are to grow, especially our source of manhood.

The PE legend, when difficult times come to then, they made more

exercise, they do more to grow their dicks. the standard of legend.

when difficult times come to you and you do this.

You are the PE legend because of most guys at the earth don't do this

most people engage in activities that destroy their lives, but not you.

You are the legend. You are the dude. Just grow :)

Ps: If you are a lazy dude, you can be a legend too, just buy equipment

on MOS and become a legend, just grow ;)
I love this and I want to relate to it also as I wrote a study along these lines this yesterday. I would also like to inject my own spiritual believes in Jesus Christ. First here is the article that I wrote that I think would really apply to this.

Everything in my life is going fine,why do I feel anxiety and depression? Why would I start remembering past sadness and failures now?”

These are questions that I’ve had to deal with for most of my life. There are times when I feel so anxious or depressed and there’s absolutely no reason for it! This is a very frustrating thing to deal with because if I can’t identify what’s causing this I can’t fix it.

I stumbled onto an article that got into this a little bit and I wanted to share my own thoughts on what they said because I think it’s true and I think you can help everyone of us.

The reason negative past experiences and failures come into play even when everything is perfect is because you are now ready and in the proper position to tackle these issues.

“You’re in a safe position in life, so unresolved feelings start to bubble up. It’s like our bodies know we can now handle facing them. But we feel attacked, anxious, or in danger, even though we are actually safe and sound.”

I suggest something our Brother Threak is doing and create an appreciation list. Pull out a notebook and write down a list of those things you are appreciated for. Now make a list of past experiences you have harbored. Also include anything that you fear in the future. You need to be very honest with yourself to make this list but it’s very worth it. From there we can get our heads around the issue with a better perspective knowing that negative feelings, when we’re in a positive place, means there’s an underlying issue that has not been addressed.

Once identifying the underlying issue you will see anxiety and depression fade. When we live our lives in the future we are in a state of anxiety and when we live our lives in the past we are in a state of depression. The best place to be is in the moment where you have the power to choose your own trajectory. When we give all of our energy to the past and future there’s nothing left for the present.

Don’t dig up your past or your partners past if you don’t want to get dirty. And don’t worry about tomorrow because you have enough worries for today. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. Stay in the moment where you can attain momentum to make momentous victories.

I also understand it in my own spirituality that I have been saved by Jesus Christ and that every day he renews my mind and I grow stronger. Past things will come up where I feel guilty and I’m able to put them in the bed by conversing with my Lord and my God. So if people believe in Jesus Christ he is my go to for everything.
Male enhancement is a great way to get started on the right path, but the goal should be to transcend the "need" for a larger penis, better sexual performance, etc. This is obtained via self mastery.
Think about your problems, think serious, think deeply about them

ok, now is the worst moment of your life, everything is fucking difficult,

your head hurts, you can't think, you can't breathe without fell pain

at the past, you made serious mistakes, you trust someone you shouldn't trust,

you made a mistake investing in something, your wife cheated on you,

now you are in hell.

what can you do to save your sanity?

look to the myth, what a PE legend do?

They focus on only one thing. they self.

it seems selfish but is not.

As humans, we are to grow, especially our source of manhood.

The PE legend, when difficult times come to then, they made more

exercise, they do more to grow their dicks. the standard of legend.

when difficult times come to you and you do this.

You are the PE legend because of most guys at the earth don't do this

most people engage in activities that destroy their lives, but not you.

You are the legend. You are the dude. Just grow :)

Ps: If you are a lazy dude, you can be a legend too, just buy equipment

on MOS and become a legend, just grow ;)

lets keep this s thread active, excellent line of thought and a great way to help brothers who are in need.
Male enhancement is a great way to get started on the right path, but the goal should be to transcend the "need" for a larger penis, better sexual performance, etc. This is obtained via self mastery.
Did you read The 48 Laws of Power?
human egoism is the key to individual salvation.
Thanks for the link I will go through it tonight.