What is the difference between stretching the penis for new cellular growth and stretching the suspensory ligaments?

John Matrix

New member
Hey brothers, as for as lengthening the penis - what is the difference between stretching the penis for new cellular growth and stretching suspensory ligaments? Which can achieve an actual increase in bpel, and which one can only achieve actual bpfl? Which is best to focus on for permanent bpel gains? Can you parse the information into short, medium, and long-term gains? Is penile stretching a myth, whereas stretching suspensory ligaments the only way to go? Please excuse my ignorance in the subject. My aim is to hear what the sources of recent truth are before I dive back into reading the plethora of literature. I love to learn, and please supply the information in laymen terms. Thanks!
Hey brothers, as for as lengthening the penis - what is the difference between stretching the penis for new cellular growth and stretching suspensory ligaments? Which can achieve an actual increase in bpel, and which one can only achieve actual bpfl? Which is best to focus on for permanent bpel gains? Can you parse the information into short, medium, and long-term gains? Is penile stretching a myth, whereas stretching suspensory ligaments the only way to go? Please excuse my ignorance in the subject. My aim is to hear what the sources of recent truth are before I dive back into reading the plethora of literature. I love to learn, and please supply the information in laymen terms. Thanks!
You're thinking too restrictive. The key is to stretch your entire penis in every single stretch (shaft, ligaments and inner penis).
To do this you need to use reverse kegels when you are stretching. Behind The Cheeks-Bundled Stretches are the best exercise to gain and stretch your entire penis simultaneously

I suggest you look at the pinned threads in the penis enlargement forum. Watch the FAQ videos as well.